Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1121 I'm not going

In the Immortal Hall, the eyes of many Immortals were full of surprise, and then they were filled with fear. They knew very well how strong the Blood Moon Immortal was, but now, they were defeated by Chu Yan, and were defeated by a person who he said was in the Immortal Realm. The humble people were exiled into the time storm, and their lives were worse than death.

So what will it cost them next?

"See the King!" At this moment, an Immortal Lord suddenly prostrated himself towards the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master with a look of respect. Although he was an Immortal Lord, it was very embarrassing to kneel before an Immortal, but the Immortal in front of him could He is not an ordinary person, he even defeated the Blood Moon Immortal Lord,

When the other immortals saw this, they couldn't help but secretly scold this person for being cunning, but they immediately made the same move, kneeling down towards the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master, bowing their heads and proclaiming themselves king.

"See the King!"

"See you, Your Majesty!" In addition to the Immortal Lord, more people at the banquet also knelt down, especially the women's family members, who showed a hint of gratitude to the Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect.

The Heavenly Emperor Sect Master glanced at everyone and frowned slightly. He came here to challenge and had no intention of becoming a leader. He shook his head: "Everyone, please get up. I will not stay here any longer."

"Senior, for the past hundred years, this generation of mountains has been controlled by the Blood Moon Immortal Lord, and they have committed cruel crimes. They have used yin to cultivate and have committed heinous crimes. Now that you have defeated him, I hope that your senior can stay. We are all willing to follow ." An older man knelt down and begged.

"Old senior, get up quickly, this can't be done." The Heavenly Emperor Sect Master raised his hand and used his immortal power to hold the old man back. Then he looked around, seeing longing eyes, which made him very helpless.

"Everyone, I really have no intention of being an imperial ruler, so don't make things difficult for me." The Heavenly Emperor Sect Master sighed. Now he has too many things to do and the burden on him is heavier. Especially after knowing about Qing Yi, let him He feels a lot of pressure and needs to make himself stronger, and staying here will only limit his development.

"But even if I leave, I will leave a law in this area. From today on, no one in this mountain range is allowed to practice evil. You immortals, who are the princes here, are not allowed to oppress everyone. You I will preach and practice to benefit all sentient beings in order to repay your sins for hundreds of years. I am the adopted son of Emperor Yun, and everyone in the Desolate Immortal Realm has spies. If I know that anyone dares to violate my life, no matter where they are, I will kill them. Kill him!" the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master said majestically, making everyone in the area tremble, even those immortals who did not come to the banquet could hear it.

Is this person actually the adopted son of Emperor Yun?

That genius who has the inheritance of the Holy Mountain alone?

No wonder he is so strong.

Those immortals who were defeated by the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master were still a little resentful, but now they are relieved. After all, it is not shameful to lose to such a person.

The voice of the Heavenly Emperor Sect Leader echoed in this generation, making everyone sigh. After that, his figure flashed, and just as he said, he did not stay, but left directly.

This time I came here just for experience.

But the people below couldn't calm down for a long time. The women controlled by the blood puppets and the Blood Moon Immortal Lord also returned to normal after his death. Looking at Fei Yuan's back, his autumn eyes became slightly rosy. They knew , I can never forget that young man in black robe in this life.

"Immortal position, it turns out that you can really defeat the Immortal Lord..." Some people sighed: "He seems to be only the seventh level of the Immortal position, right?"

"Yes, at the seventh level of the Immortal Rank, he will understand the consciousness of color and defeat the Immortal Lord. Then if he really breaks through to the Immortal Lord, how strong will he be? I am afraid that he will be ahead of countless Immortal Lords and become extraordinary just after entering the Immortal Lord for the first time. existence.”

Of course, the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master did not know what was going to happen next. He came here just to confirm one thing.

In the Immortal Realm, the distinction between superior and inferior is more clear. In front of the Immortal, the Immortal will always be just an ant and can only surrender. So today he wants to know whether the Immortal can defeat the Immortal. Now, he has got the answer. .

Of course, he also understood that even the Blood Moon Immortal Lord was only an extremely weak person among the Immortal Lords, and was incomparable to someone like Zi Shengyang who was born in the Holy Palace and was a descendant of the Holy Emperor.

But he is not in a hurry, at least this time he understands that the Immortal Lord is not invincible to the Immortal Position.

Immortal Lords are equally capable of defeat and are equally afraid of death.

After leaving the mountains, the Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect drove back to the land of Emperor Yun at a very fast speed. Seeing his return, Emperor Yun nodded. He had always been very satisfied with his adopted son. He also felt that the Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect was the A treasure given to him by God.

After tens of thousands of years, almost all his temperament was wiped out in the Desolate Immortal Realm. It was not until he met the Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect that he rekindled his passion.

"Come back?" Emperor Yun set up a banquet for the leader of the Tiandi Sect. The leader of the Tiandi Sect nodded respectfully: "Father!"

"How have you gained from this trip?" Emperor Yun asked.

"The trouble in the Thirty-Six Immortal Palace has been eliminated, and I have banished the Blood Moon Immortal." The Heavenly Emperor Sect Master said truthfully. As soon as these words came out, countless people at the banquet trembled in their hearts, especially those of the Immortal Lords. Although they had heard about it, it was still too shocking to hear it said by the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master himself.

The All-Evil Immortal Lord was also there, showing a self-deprecating smile: "When the Heavenly Emperor boy joined me to select generals, he was still in the realm of saints and sages, and had not yet cast an immortal body. But in the blink of an eye, he has reached the upper-level immortal position and can fight against the Immortal Lord. Let's I feel ashamed."

"The Immortal Lord was joking. If it hadn't been for the kindness of the Immortal Lord, I wouldn't be where I am today." Chu Yan said politely. Emperor Yun nodded in approval, with a sharp light flashing in his eyes. The Immortal War Lord, even if he looks at the entire Fairyland, this should also be a legendary record, right?

"Emperor of Heaven, have you heard about the Wushuang Realm? Are you interested?" Emperor Yun said. The news about the Wushuang Realm had already spread throughout the Immortal Realm.

At the banquet, everyone's eyes condensed, even the powerful Immortal Venerables showed a solemn look.

The Wushuang Realm involves too many things, and it is even possible that it will be a chapter in the new era of the Immortal Realm.

The most important thing is that the Wushuang Realm is different from other places of cultivation.

Immortal Venerables are allowed to set foot there, and they all have opportunities. Even Immortal Venerables can encounter countless adventures there.

When the Wushuang Realm was opened last time, more than ten Immortal Emperors were born.

"Foster father, I will not go to the Wushuang Realm this time." The head of the Tiandi Sect said after a pause. When the Wushuang Realm is opened, he will definitely go there, and it is inevitable that he will meet him. The last time he went to the Holy Mountain, the head of the Tiandi Sect appeared with his head and was almost exposed, so this time he decided not to take the risk.

Besides, he had promised Lao Lazi that the leader of the Tiandi Sect would travel with him in the chaotic time and space to practice until he broke through the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Some time was wasted because he was deposed before. Now that everything is on track, it is time to leave.

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