Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1120 Exile

"Boom!" There was another huge tremor on the sky. The space-time domain seemed to be able to seal time and space, and it continued to destroy the Blood Moon Immortal Venerable. The Blood Moon Immortal Venerable was not weak either. Under that blood moon, it destroyed everything and caused the earth to corrode continuously. Below, the delicate bodies of the women who were refined into blood puppets trembled slightly, revealing a look of pain.

"I have to say, you really impressed me." The Blood Moon Immortal Venerable looked at Chu Yan and smiled grimly. The head of the Tiandi Sect looked at the blood moon with cold eyes: "An evil cultivator like you is not worthy of living in the world."

"You want to kill me?" The Blood Moon Immortal Venerable smiled sinisterly, and his body soared up and rushed into the sky. Then, he seemed to merge with the blood moon. In front of the blood moon, there were faintly majestic blood-colored ancient monsters emerging. Each of those blood monsters was extremely cruel.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart trembled. They all knew that the Blood Moon Immortal Venerable was a blood demon himself. These blood demons were his real means. He had been devouring women's Yin Qi for the purpose of raising these blood demons.

As soon as those blood demons appeared, they let out a deafening roar. They were extremely powerful and destroyed everything, as if a blood field had completely blocked the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master. Attacks came from all directions, killing everything, as if even time and space could be shattered.

Located in the center of many blood demons, the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master was killing with his palms, and constantly waving the Way of Time and Space. On the sky, countless stars seemed to fall, emitting brilliant light. Then he flashed, forming thousands of afterimages, and directly approached the Blood Moon Immortal Venerable.

"Bang!" After dragging on for so long and failing to defeat the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master, the Blood Moon Immortal Venerable gradually lost his patience. In his opinion, he should be absolutely crushed in this battle.

"You deserve to die!" For this, the Blood Moon Immortal Venerable let out a ferocious roar, and all those blood demons became violent, like fighting machines, rushing towards the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master. The ground continued to collapse and destroy, and the mountains of this generation were shaking.

However, facing those attacks, the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master was arrogant. The Immortal Venerable used to be so high and unreachable to him, but now it is no longer the case. The sword in his hand kept swinging, blooming with bright starlight, allowing the attacks to come, but all disappeared in the chaotic space and time.

Between heaven and earth, there were constant collisions, and the battle between the two became more and more violent. The Heavenly Emperor Sect Master was surrounded by blue light, making it impossible for any force to attack him. A sword light slashed out, turning into a peerless sword violence. The Blood Moon Immortal Venerable himself was also very strong. He looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, turning into a real blood demon, like a moving hill, rumbling and rolling towards Chu Yan.

"Go to hell!" The Blood Moon Immortal roared, opened his bloody mouth, and gathered his immortal power, turning into a blood-colored cannonball to bombard the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master. The blood light was extremely terrifying, tearing everything apart, like a flash of lightning, directly devouring the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master. That attack was too terrible, destroying everything. Everyone's eyes were fixed. Such an attack would be difficult to resist even for the second level of the Immortal Lord, right? This time, the mysterious man was probably dead.


As expected, the blood light directly bombarded the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master's body, and then everyone saw with their own eyes that the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master's body became ethereal, until the end, as if it was torn apart, and completely disappeared from the world.


"Is it over?" People's hearts trembled slightly. In the end, did the mysterious man still lose?

Some people showed disappointment. Just now, they had a thought. They hoped that the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master could win, kill this demon, and bring peace to the world, but in the end, it was just empty, everything was just delusion.

But it is true, how can an immortal defeat the Immortal Venerable.

"Buzz!" At this moment, a cold wind suddenly came from the Immortal Venerable Hall.

"Hmm?" Everyone's eyes focused, and saw that in the void, countless azure lights suddenly condensed, gradually showing a person, with a black robe fluttering in the wind, looking so handsome.

"He's not dead?" Someone screamed, this... is simply too unbelievable.

The terrifying attack just now did not defeat the Sect Master of the Heavenly Emperor, and he still stood there intact.

Looking at the Sect Master of the Heavenly Emperor, the face of the Blood Moon Immortal Venerable was extremely livid, and the bloody mouth opened again, and a ray of destructive light burst out, swallowing the Sect Master of the Heavenly Emperor, trying to tear him apart.

"Boom!" There was a roaring explosion, and the destructive light exploded, but unfortunately, it still could not shake the Sect Master of the Heavenly Emperor, and he was still standing there.

"I don't believe it!" The Blood Moon Immortal roared, and the terrible blood light blasted out crazily, like a falling star, bombarding Chu Yan, and the world was distorted.

However, at this moment, the Tiandi Sect Master seemed to have an immortal body. No matter how many attacks you make, I will remain motionless. The blood light passed through his body, but could not really hurt him.

"It seems that you are just so-so. In this case, it's my turn next." A cold voice came out in the explosion. The Tiandi Sect Master looked at it and saw an endless space-time storm between heaven and earth, confusing everything. The Blood Moon Immortal was shocked. He struggled desperately, but the space-time storm was like a hand of divine punishment, destroying everything and constantly dragging him into the abyss.

At this moment, the Blood Moon Immortal was really terrified. He could not break free from the shackles of time and space.

In this space and time, everything is useless. Countless ancient blood demons were all exiled in the vortex of time and space, and their lives were worse than death.

"I've said before that a sinner like you doesn't deserve to live. Today, I will enforce justice on the behalf of heaven and exile you into eternal time to atone for your sins!" The leader of the Tiandi Sect said coldly. The divine punishment of time continued to descend, like chains, trying to drag the Blood Moon Immortal into the storm.

"You can't kill me!" Blood Moon Immortal struggled desperately and roared: "This is the Wild Immortal Realm, which is the gathering place of evil. Besides, this is cultivation. Who hasn't stained his hands with blood and killed his way out? Isn't it the same for you? What's your reason?"

The head of the Tiandi Sect looked indifferent: "I have killed countless people, but the people I killed are all people I think should be killed, like you."

"You are too hypocritical!"

"How can I live up to people's expectations? I just want to be true to my heart and exile!" The head of the Tiandi Sect said coldly. His hands finally clenched and closed. The terrible time storm raged and enveloped Blood Moon Immortal. He struggled desperately, but it was useless. The chains of time trapped his limbs.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the body of Blood Moon Immortal was dragged into the blue storm and completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Until the moment before exile, Blood Moon Immortal Venerable couldn't figure out why he, the peerless Immortal Venerable, would lose to an Immortal, but this is the fact.

The Immortal Venerable Hall was quiet, and everyone's eyes were dazed.

He won, the mysterious man defeated Blood Moon Immortal Venerable and exiled the big devil into time.

He said, how can it be satisfactory, but I just want to be true to my heart.

For a while, sobbing suddenly sounded in the Immortal Venerable Hall, and some people began to kneel on the ground, thanking God, and when they raised their heads, they were already in tears.

A nightmare that lasted for hundreds of years.

Is it finally over today?

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