Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1112 Moon City Banquet

After the banquet was over, Chu Yan and Qing Yi set off for Yue City. Unlike Tianjue Ancient City, Yue City and the Yue Clan had absolute say. Naturally, the development of the Qingyan Chamber of Commerce could not reach its peak, but it still had a place.

On this day, at the headquarters of Qingyan Chamber of Commerce in Yuecheng, Chu Yan and Qing Yi arrived on a roc. Tian'er and others were there. Seeing Chu Yan, Tian'er smiled brightly: "My benefactor!"

After saying this, Tian'er's beautiful eyes turned and looked at Qing Yi: "What a beautiful sister... You must be Princess Qing Yi. My benefactor has always missed you, so Qing Yan is named after you."

"Qing Yi, she is Tian'er, I told you." Chu Yan introduced with a smile. Qing Yi was not good at words, but when he looked at Tian'er, he still smiled slightly. Chu Yan also knew that it was difficult for her.

"Sir, someone from the Yue Clan wants to see you." At this moment, a maid came to announce.

"Moon Clan? Huh, their noses are pretty good." Tian'er snorted coldly, obviously still displeased with what happened before.

"Let them come in." Chu Yan said calmly. The maid nodded lightly, and soon a Yue Clan envoy followed. When they saw Chu Yan and Qing Yi, they also felt bitter. When the young man entered the Yue Clan, It was just an ordinary identity, but now it is different.

"Mr. Chu, Princess Qingyi."

"Is Fairy Yuehu okay?" Chu Yan asked.

"Thanks to the young master, the young lady is very good. The clan leader learned that you are returning to the Yue Clan today, and has set up a banquet in the city lord's palace to welcome you and Princess Qingyi." The envoy said respectfully, how could the second head of the Yue Clan come that day? Qingyan Chamber of Commerce was so arrogant and domineering, this is the difference in status.

"Okay, you go back first, I will come over later." Chu Yan nodded, and the envoy's eyes were filled with joy, and he immediately said: "We are waiting for the arrival of Mr. Chu and Princess Qingyi."

After saying that, the envoy retreated. Looking at him, Tian'er was a little unhappy and said coldly: "My dear friend, when the Qingyan Chamber of Commerce entered Yue City, the Yue Clan not only did not support it, but also suffered a lot of suppression. Now you insist on Qingfeng Order, they know that you are a good person and can't be offended, so they hold a banquet to entertain you. How false is it to go?"

"Some things have to be solved." Chu Yan smiled faintly. He didn't have a good impression of the Yue Clan, but after all, with Yuehu's relationship, he couldn't go too far. It was obviously convenient for the other party to host a banquet. It was to ease the relationship, so he was naturally willing to give the other party a chance.

"Hmph, no matter how you look at them, they feel unhappy." Tian'er said bluntly, Chu Yan smiled and shook his head. He didn't say much, waited for Tian'er to explain, and then headed to the main palace of Yue City together.

In Yuecheng Mansion, Yue Changming hosted a banquet. In addition to the Yue clan, other ancient clans in Yuecheng also knew that Chu Yan had returned and visited him one after another.

When the Qingyan Chamber of Commerce first entered the Moon City, they had good relations with many of them. However, at that time, the relationship was only based on interests, and some people were afraid of the Moon Clan and did not dare to get too close.

But now, it's different.

Chu Yan, a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, became famous in the Battle of Immortal Banquet, and the holder of the Qingfeng Order. He had multiple identities, and each one of them was an existence beyond their reach. How could they not be friends with such a person.

Yue Changming personally greeted them at Yuecheng Mansion. When he saw Chu Yan and Qing Yi, he was filled with emotions and stepped forward: "Mr. Chu, Your Royal Highness the Princess."

"Yue Lao." Chu Yan smiled calmly. At this moment, Fairy Yuehu walked out, wearing a moon-colored dress with a faint starlight. When she saw Chu Yan, she smiled: "Mr. Chu!"

"Yuehu." Seeing Yuehu, Chu Yan also smiled happily and introduced to Qingyi: "Qingyi, this is Miss Yuehu, the fiancée of His Highness the Seventh Prince."

Qing Yi nodded lightly: "Hello."

"After all, Princess Qingyi is still my sister, please come in." Yuehu said with a smile, Qingyi is the emperor's youngest daughter, and the seventh prince is Qingyi's elder brother.

"Yes, please come quickly." Yue Changming interjected from the side: "Come, please arrange for Mr. Chu and the princess to sit down."

At the banquet, Chu Yan and Qing Yi sat at the head table. He was not polite and sat there with a smile, but Tian'er, on the other hand, had a bit of displeasure on his jade face.

"Haha, I have long said that little friend Chu must be a hero among people, and I am indeed right." At this moment, there was another hearty laugh. Yue Changming looked up and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Li Old man!"

The Li family, one of the major ancient clans in Yuecheng, came here, the head of the Li family. The Li family had cooperated with the Qingyan Chamber of Commerce in the beginning, but it became even worse after the Immortal Banquet Battle.

"The Mo family is here!" Then, someone else came, also from the ancient Yuecheng clan, the Mo family.

After that, the Long Family, the Yun Family, the Dongfang Clan, and it is no exaggeration to say that all the clans in Yue City are here today. Of course, they are not here for the Yue Clan, they are all here for Chu Yan and Qing Yi.

Yue Changming naturally understands this, but he has no choice. As the leader of the Yue Clan, even if he refuses, they can hold a banquet alone another day. He was just making wedding clothes, which made him snort in displeasure.

Chu Yan also felt the same in his heart, but he didn't say much and sat with Qing Yi, drinking alone.

"Bring Yue Lang up." At this moment, Yue Changming suddenly spoke, and he saw someone bringing Yue Lang to the banquet. At this moment, Yue Lang was quite embarrassed, with many shackles on his body. He raised his head and looked at Chu Yan At that time, he was full of fear. Since the battle of Immortal Feast, he has been imprisoned.

"Little friend Chu, I have offended you many times before. I will toast you and apologize to you. Now that I have captured this evil boy, what do you think I will do with him?" Yue Changming stood up and said, while many ancient tribesmen asked Looking at this scene with a sneer, Yue Changming was smart.

Chu Yan looked at Yue Lang calmly, without much emotion. To be precise, he had never treated Yue Lang as a character. He said indifferently: "It's just a small matter, let it go. Besides, Fairy Yuehu and I are friends."

With one sentence, Yue Changming finally let go of his worries. He turned his eyes and glared at Yue Lang again: "Hmph, Chu Xiaoyou is kind and will not bother with you, but from today on, you are expelled from the Moon Clan. You are no longer a member of the Moon Clan. Now, get out!"

With a bang, a beam of light knocked Yue Lang away. Yue Lang spit out blood and his face was as pale as paper, but he knew that from today on, all his glory would be gone.

He hated it, but what could he do?

He could only drag his body and walk down the banquet in disgrace.

The banquet continued, and the incident with Yuelang seemed to be just a small episode. Many ancient clans toasted Chu Yan and spoke well of him. At this time, the head of the Mo family took a sip of wine and looked at Chu Yan with a smile: "Mr. Chu, what do you think of the position of the Lord of Yuecheng? As long as you are willing, we are willing to support you."

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