Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1111 Missed a great opportunity

"Of course, the immortal position is just the beginning of the immortal level, but only when you reach the immortal master and completely control the power of consciousness, it is a transcendence. What is an immortal? Immortal means transcending life and death and standing above the world. Boy, now you know how far you have to go, right?" Changyun Immortal Master laughed when he saw Chu Yan's embarrassment.

Chu Yan rolled his eyes, but he had to admit that Changyun Immortal Master was right. He was still far behind. The gap in realm has always been his weakness.

Of course, this weakness is only because he has practiced for a short time, but for some things, age is always just an excuse. He wants to do what no one in the immortal realm can do, turn the doomsday disaster, and open the God Palace, so he must be ahead of everyone and walk ahead of time.

"Stinky boy, work hard. This road is arduous and long. At least when you reach the immortal master, you will not be so passive." Changyun Wanghou patted Chu Yan's shoulder again, and Chu Yan also became serious. At this time, Princess Changge and Qingyi came together.

Seeing Chu Yan and Prince Changyun, Princess Changge smiled: "Dad, Chu Yan is already very strong, why put too much pressure on him."

"What's that? Qingyi is the only daughter of the emperor. If this kid wants to marry her, that's the pressure. His current realm is too low. Compared with any immortal, he is far behind. But you also know that there are immortals among the princes and descendants who pursue Qingyi in the imperial palace. The reason why they have not taken action is that they are not bullying the weak because of their status and Qingfeng Order. But if they do, he will lose." Prince Changyun smiled bitterly.

"You are a top-level immortal, and your comprehension of consciousness has reached an extreme. Chu Yan is naturally not your opponent, but among the descendants of the princes, the strongest is only a beginner immortal. With Chu Yan's talent, if he breaks through a little, he may be able to compete?"

"Beat the immortal with the position?" Prince Changyun sighed: "Since ancient times, the king, the minister, and the immortal have always been above the immortal position. It is so difficult to cross this step..."

Prince Changyun's words are not wrong. The further you practice, the more difficult it is. The gap between each small realm is bigger. There are many immortal positions and immortal realms, and there are also many who comprehend consciousness, but there are still too few of them. Killing the immortal with the immortal position is almost impossible.

Chu Yan has done it before, killing the immortal with the immortal position, but that was with the help of the power of the divine object. The eternal divine object is the existence that breaks the rules between heaven and earth, but without the support of the divine object, the immortal position is weak after all.

Although some people who have just entered the Immortal Venerable only comprehend a kind of consciousness, and compared with the Immortal Rank, it seems that there is only one realm difference. Now Chu Yan can suppress the Immortal Rank. According to the combat power, some top Immortal Ranks should be stronger than ordinary Immortal Venerables.

But the gap between the Immortal Venerable and the Immortal Rank is different from a realm. It is a leap, a qualitative change.

The Immortal Venerable is like a circle, the Immortal Rank is a line, the Extraordinary Immortal Rank, entering the Venerable, is a big circle, and the ordinary Immortal Rank is just a small circle, but no matter what, the circle is a circle after all, impeccable, even if the line of the top Immortal Rank is longer, it is still a little worse.

"I don't think so." Princess Changge chuckled. The more impossible the thing is, the more he can do it. Isn't it more proof of his extraordinaryness? The Immortal Rank killed the Venerable, which is such a thing.

"Qingyi." Chu Yan looked at Qingyi, walked over, and held her slender jade hand. During this period, the two had been staying in Changyun Marquis's mansion, and they had seen each other more often. Qingyi's cold and beautiful eyes were filled with a faint admiration.

"You two are really the envy of others." Changyun Prince smiled calmly: "Okay, you guys chat, I won't disturb you."

"Qingyi, shall we go out for a walk?" Chu Yan smiled. Although cultivation is important, it is also necessary to accompany a beauty.

"Okay!" Qingyi nodded lightly, as if she would not refuse no matter what Chu Yan said. The two held hands like this and went out of the imperial palace.

Qingfeng Fairy City is very majestic. The streets where Chu Yan and the others came here are very low-key, but just based on their temperament, no matter where they go, they will still attract everyone's attention.

"What a beautiful woman..."

"The man next to her is also very handsome, a perfect match."

"Who are they!" A smart person guessed that the two of them were too dazzling in both their clothes and expressions, making everything dim. Such people must have extraordinary identities.

"That is the Qingyi Princess of the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty! The one next to her is Chu Yan, the Dragon Alliance who won the first place in this Immortal Banquet and was given the Qingfeng Order by the Emperor." Someone also recognized the two and excitedly revealed their identities, which surprised everyone. Then many people looked at Chu Yan, showing envy.

Feeling the many gazes, Chu Yan also smiled, as if he was very proud. Qingyi turned around and looked at him coldly, showing a touch of tenderness, and stretched out his ten fingers, allowing Chu Yan to lead.

"I want to go to the places you came from." Qingyi said crisply. Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then he understood what Qingyi meant and nodded: "Okay."

From Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty to Yuecheng or Tianjue Ancient City, there is a distance of tens of millions of miles. It still takes a long time to fly with the realm of the two immortals, so the two found a Qingfeng guard and borrowed a fairy-level roc to travel, which would be faster.

This roc is a top-level fairy, and it is very fast. The two soon arrived at Tianjue Ancient City.

In Tianjue Ancient City, Qingyan Chamber of Commerce has reached an acquisition plan with Yanyu Chamber of Commerce and Tianyang Chamber of Commerce, becoming the real first chamber of commerce. When the elders of the Fu family learned that Chu Yan had returned, they were all very excited and held a banquet for Chu Yan and Qingyi early.

At the banquet, everyone looked at Chu Yan and couldn't help but sigh, especially the people of the Shang family. Shang Yun sighed in the crowd. Who could have expected that the person Shang Yuan saved in the back mountain that day was actually a disciple of the Legendary Dragon Alliance, and now he is the holder of the Qingfeng Order, the most beloved person of the daughter of the Qingfeng Emperor...

Such a person fell from the sky in the Shang family. What a great opportunity for the Shang family?

It's a pity that they missed it.

Shang Qingxue also came, mixed in the crowd, looked up at the handsome man in the center of the banquet, and felt extremely painful. The funny thing was that she thought Chu Yan was trying to curry favor with Shang Shang. Turning around, she looked at Qing Yi, who was so beautiful, like the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady, independent from the world. Perhaps, only such a woman could be worthy of him?

The Fu family, the Yan family and others were secretly glad that their choice was correct at the beginning, and they also made up their minds in their hearts that in the future, they must do well and not make the wrong choice and follow the footsteps of the Jun family.

In Tianjue Ancient City, the two did not stay. Everything in Tianjue Ancient City was stable, and Tian'er and others were in Yuecheng.

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