Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 956: Join hands

"Unfortunately, unfortunately, you should have a great future, but you are looking for death ..."

Qiu Shaoping shook his head and sighed, as if Lu Chen's life was already under his control.

Lu Chen sneered and didn't refute, but his intention to kill Qiu Shaoping had climbed to the peak.


At this moment, Qiu Shaoping stepped out, and the teleport generally appeared in front of Lu Chen. Immediately, his left hand slowly reached out, and above his slender palm, the earthy yellow energy flowed.

Indistinctly, a thick mountain-like breath emanated from Qiu Shaoping's palm.

"Profound meaning of earth?"

Lu Chen frowned, and with Qiu Shaoping's genius, it was not surprising to realize the mystery in the realm of the Venerable, even in reason.

However, at this moment, Lu Chen felt the atmosphere of earth attributes emanating from Qiu Shaoping, and was amazed in his heart, not for anything else, but because of the earth attribute meanings understood by Qiu Shaoping. It is only one step away.

Although neither half-step arcane and a trace of arcane arc are true one-step arcane arcs, the gap between them is still very large. If the bonus of a bit of arcane arc to the warrior is 30%, then the bonus of half-step arcane to the warrior is at least 50% Do n’t look at it, it ’s just a 20% difference. It ’s difficult to advance to the ninth level of the Supreme Master. Every step forward is extremely difficult. The 20% difference between the two sides can determine the outcome of the battle! ! !

"Shake Yue Palm!"

A low drink came from Qiu Shaoping's mouth, and then he saw that the earthy yellow energy on his left palm was extremely explosive and dazzling, and it seemed that there was a mountain phantom condensing in his palm.

"Kaka Kaka ..."

Qiu Shaoping hadn't really shot yet, and his body released a powerful momentum, which caused the surrounding void to break.

Feeling Qiu Shaoping's increasingly terrifying breath, Lu Chen is also gradually dignified. Qiu Shaoping really deserves to be the last Hualong Ranking strongman, his strength is so horrible, the ordinary Venerable Ninefold Peak Strongman may even have ten moves in his hands Perseverance.


Seeming to feel the shock in Lu Chen's heart, Qiu Shaoping sneered and immediately shot the palm of his hand.


In an instant, the mighty Yuan force mixed with the thick earth's mystery swept out, looming, actually formed a mountain, and suppressed the landing dust severely.

Looking at the suppressed mountain shadow, Lu Chen did not dare to despise it at all, Lei Zejian appeared in his hand, and then the unchanging meaning of the fire turned unreservedly, a sword stabbed, and the sword gas swept across. Chi Yan, shaken with the suppressed mountain shadow.


The terrible aftermath went away, and at the intersection, the void finally collapsed, and the dark space cracked like a gluttonous beast, devouring and tearing everything.

"Uh! Uh!"

Lu Chen and Qiu Shaoping flashed at the same time, away from this place, the two confronted again tens of meters away.

"The Profound Truth?"

Qiu Shaoping exclaimed, looking at Lu Chen's eyes full of unbelievable looks.

"What you understand is the mystery of fire, and it is the mystery of fire?" Qiu Shaoping asked.

Lu Chen smiled irresponsibly, but was a little surprised in his heart. Unexpectedly, Qiu Shaoping felt such a keen sense, but it was only a confrontation that made him see that he had realized the meaning of a fire.

When fighting with people, Lu Chen seems to unreservedly display the mystery of the fire, but most of the time, he will deliberately cover up, so that his opponent can't really see that he understands the mystery of the fire.

Seeing Lu Chen's acquiescence, Qiu Shaoping's expression changed slightly, and then, a murderous intention that was better than before, emanated from him.

"No wonder, with the seven-level repair of the Venerable Lord, it has the strength to fight against the peak of the Venerable King Nine. It turns out that it relies on the mystery of the fire ..."

Prior to this, Qiu Shaoping only thought that Lu Chen had concealed his real cultivation practices, and only then did he understand the main reason for the latter's powerful combat power.

"You must not be left today, die for me!"

After learning that Lu Chen had realized the mystery of a turn of fire, Qiu Shaoping was already holding a murderous heart towards the former. The Venerable Realm realized that a trace of the mystery was already a genius out of a million. Qiu Shaoping himself realized the half-step Profound Truth, but any one who realized the Profound Truth in the Realm of Venerable Realm was the evil among the evil spirits!

In the last Hualong Ranking, Qiu Shaoping once encountered a genius who had realized the transformation of the profound meaning. When the cultivation base was similar, he did not even take one move in the opponent's hands.


Qiu Shaoping glanced across the face with a killing intent, and at the next moment, his body appeared in front of Lu Chen in a ghostly manner, and then a sword with a rolling elemental force was straight out.


Lu Chen swung his sword to fight the enemy, the two swords collided, the sparks were scattered, the symphony of gold and iron came out, and a visible aftermath swept away.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka Kaka ..."

The space here is extremely unstable. Under the aftermath of the aftermath, the space is broken, the void collapses, and the space storm filled with the atmosphere of destruction covers an area of ​​10,000 meters.

The moment before the space broke, Lu Chen and Qiu Shaoping flashed away again, and the two retreated while playing. Wherever they passed, the emptiness trembled, the storm ran ...

The combat power of Lu Chen and Qiu Shaoping is a very strong column in the ninth peak of His Holiness. The two fight without reservation, and the aftermath caused by them can be seen.

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

The two struggled to fight, entangled together, and no one retreated. In a short period of time, there were no fewer than a hundred moves in the battle. The destruction caused was unimaginable. The deepest part of the bookstore is a large space. In addition, the collapsed space not only shows no signs of healing, but has a tendency to intensify.

at the same time.

Numerous warriors' faces changed in shock throughout the library, because they felt that the space they were in was trembling violently, and there was a risk of collapse at any moment.

"Go, leave quickly!"

The internal space of the bookstore is already extremely unstable. If it completely collapses, few of the thousands of warriors can survive. So, some warriors who are cautious, after seeing this, slammed their teeth and decisively gave up the idea of ​​continuing to search for treasure. , Began to turn around and flew towards the entrance of the library.

But more martial artists, with a fluke, continued to search for martial arts ...


In the deepest part of the library, a dull collision came again. At the same time, Lu Chen and Qiu Shaoping stepped back several steps. When the soles of the feet fell and left, the space was silently broken.

The two of them frowned, and now both Lu Chen and Qiu Shaoping knew that they could not continue fighting, otherwise, the space inside the bookstore would collapse completely sooner or later.

Although he knew that he could not continue fighting, it was not realistic to let Lu Chen or Qiu Shaoping take the initiative to truce.


Qiu Shaoping just stabilized his body, his feet were surging with force, and his body flickered, directly deceiving himself in front of Lu Chen. At the same time, a khaki energy training was hit by him, and he whistled at the landing dust.

Lu Chen Yuguang swept his eyes at the deepest part of the bookstore, where it had turned into nothingness, and the wind continued to wreak havoc, which was terrifying!

This battle can no longer be consumed!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's gaze towards Qiu Shaoping suddenly became sharper. He held the sword on his right, facing the latter's offensive, he did not retreat and went back, the long sword shook his sword, the sixth sword of the real fire sword method. He showed up.

Stimulated by the mystery of the fire, this sword is extremely powerful, not only tearing the void into a fierce crack, but also cutting through the energy training.


After cutting the energy and training, this sword's power was slightly reduced by three points, but the power was still amazing. Under Qiu Shaoping's frightened eyes, Jian Qi easily tore his body Qi, leaving a shocking sword on his chest. mark……

"This is impossible!"

Qiu Shaoping screamed in exasperation, but flew away without control.


Steady his body, Qiu Shaoping spit out another blood.

Regardless of the bleeding from the sword wound on his chest, he looked up and looked at Lu Chen with an embarrassed face. At the next moment, his expression was abruptly unbearable, and he shouted: "Mu Ye, Wang Ze, Ye Fubo, I know you are watching in the dark and want to see When?!"

The voice fell, but no one showed up.

Seeing this, Qiu Shaoping looked embarrassed, "Well, since you can't hide, then I won't accompany you."

With that said, Qiu Shaoping tried to withdraw.

Lu Chen sighed lightly, with his current fighting power, it was not difficult to defeat Qiu Shaoping. He wanted to leave it completely without even grasping it, and even if he could leave the latter, he would surely suffer from Qiu Shaoping ’s death. Fight back ...

However, compared with Qiu Shaoping's departure, he is most worried about ...

"Qiu Shaoping, I think you're going back more and more alive. I don't say anything to the same shot, but I was injured by the other side."

A slightly ridiculous voice came out, and I saw a figure coming out of the air. The figure was still 10,000 meters away from the last moment, and it appeared near the next moment.

When Lu Chen saw the coming person, a dignified look appeared in his eyes, and at the same time, he did not move back. He already had the thought of retreating, because the fighting power of the coming person was stronger than Qiu Shaoping.

Come on, Makino! ! !

"Huh, Makino, even if you are, you may not be able to win him!"

Qiu Shaoping snorted coldly, with a hint of provocation in his voice.

Makino froze a little, Qiu Shaoping was right, he might be able to defeat Lu Chen, but if he wanted to keep the latter, he was less than 30% sure.

"Oh, uh ..."

At this moment, the sound of breaking the sky reappeared, and three figures appeared in front, three people headed by Ye Fubo.

Ye Fubo and the three people were quite embarrassed at the moment. After they appeared, they looked at Makino with a dreadful eye and then sneered at Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, did not expect it, you will have today!"

Since entering the Zongmen ruins, Ye Fubo and Lu Chen have formed an irreconcilable hatred. For the latter, Ye Fubo is also holding the heart of death.

As soon as the three appeared, they stopped Lu Chen and sealed all the escape routes.

Lu Chen sighed again. He knew that today's battle was inevitable. Even if he surrendered the jade jade voluntarily, most of the people present would not let him go. Nothing else, only because of the talent he showed, Has threatened those present.


Lu Chen exhaled a turbid breath and looked up into the distance, where a figure appeared, Wang Ze of Dan Jianzong.

Wang Ze stopped at three kilometers away. His eyes first swept through Makino, Ye Fubo and Qiu Shaoping. His eyes stayed at the sword mark on Qiu Shaoping's chest for a moment. If he thought about it, he finally looked at Lu Chen and said beyond In anticipation of everyone, "Wang Mou is unwilling to participate in this battle, so leave now!"

With that, in the surprised eyes of Makino and others, he turned around decisively and left.

Makino and Qiu Shaoping saw Wang Ze's reluctance to compete for jade jade, and looked at the latter's leaving back, and no one kept it. Against Lu Chen, they were enough, and let Wang Ze stay, the final result It will only add an enemy to the jade battle, so Qiu Shaoping was not angry and angry when Wang Ze left.

"You, the space here is constantly collapsing, and our time is running out." Qiu Shaoping reminded.

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