Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 955: Qiu Shaoping

With Lu Chen's current combat power, he can't underestimate even the Venerable Nine-Nine Peak Powerful with his full blow. Under the foot of his full strength, the power can be imagined.

"Click ..."

The already fragile space, under the might of Yuanli's big feet, like a mirror directly collapsed, the beam that was about to escape away was slightly stagnate, and the originally dazzling light suddenly dimmed.

"Come here!"

Lu Chen reached out his big hand and held it in his hands, no matter how the light beam struggled, it didn't help.

"Click ..."

Another broken sound came out.

I saw Lu Chen's five fingers force, the light beam collapsed and collapsed suddenly, a little fluorescence flowed out from the gap of the five fingers, and then dissipated invisible.

Spread his palms, a crystal clear jade jade lies quietly in the palm of his hand.

Staring at the jade jade in the palm, Lu Chen's eyes flashed slightly.

Unlike his previous two acquisitions of the Four-Neural White Tiger and Suzaku, this time he obtained a jade jade instead of gold leaf ...

A ray of divine insight penetrated into the jade jade, and a large amount of information poured into the brain from the jade jade.

A moment later, Lu Chen withdrew his consciousness from the jade jade, and there was a smile on his face. The jade jade did indeed imprint the entire practice of the four nerves, which made Lu Chen let go of his last worry.

Put away the jade jade, Lu Chen was about to leave, but at this moment, a fierce sword gas came out of the air, the sword gas was extremely sharp, and there was a distance of 100 meters from Lu Chen, and Lu Chen had a creepy feeling, The whole body was subconsciously tense.

Lu Chen was vigilant in his heart, but turned around unhurriedly. His five fingers clenched into a fist. The void in front was slightly shaken, followed by a bleak sound of the air, and the fist wrapped in Yuanli was like a bamboo. Above Jian Qi.



There was a loud noise, although the sword gas was fierce, but under Lu Chen's full blow, it still fell into a disintegrating end.

Lu Chen looked up and saw the coming.

"Qiu Shaoping, are you ?!"

Lu Chen's eyes were cold, he never expected that the person who shot him was actually Qiu Shaoping who came with him. From the sharpness of the sword gas just now, the other party obviously moved. Put him to death.

Qiu Shaoping was the strongest player in the last Hualong Ranking, and the Venerable Jiuzhong Peak Powerhouse. Any sword would have the power to reinvent the Venerable Jiuzhong. If his strength is far above the cultivation base, only a sword can make him Died on the spot.

Faced with Lu Chen's cold eyes, Qiu Shaopian expressed no expression, saying: "Lu Chen, you and I are both disciples of Tianshen Academy, I don't embarrass you, hand over the jade jade, I let you go."

"Hand over the jade jade? Let me leave?" Lu Chen smiled angrily, looking at Qiu Shaoping's eyes more and more radiant.

Qiu Shaoping had no grievances with him. The two parties even had their first contact, but for the sake of jade jade, the other party not only disregarded the feelings of the same door, but even sent a killer directly to him when he appeared. At the moment, he ordered him with a high attitude ...

All in all, Lu Chen was extremely angry.

Hearing the obvious anger and rejection in Lu Chen's words, Qiu Shaoping looked cold.

For Lu Chen, he also knows one or two. The new disciples, who entered the Tenjin Academy and trained rapidly, have stood out from countless freshmen in less than a year. The strength of the fighting force is palpable. In the forefront, when it comes to potential and talent, compared to the first word of the sky list, it is far beyond.

Although Lu Chen's talent is strong, he is still not in his eyes, but the previous sword energy failed to hurt the other party, but he was quite surprised.

"Don't be obsessed, I will warn you one last time, hand over the jade jade, and I will let you leave!"

Qiu Shaoping silently urged Yuan Li, his strength kept accumulating in the body, and he was ready to speak. As long as Lu Chen refused again, he would not kill the killer without hesitation.

In fact, he did n’t want to kill Lu Chen, the main reason is that the breath exuded from the jade jade is the most mysterious and majestic he has seen so far. No surprise, the jade jade is likely to be imprinted The highest peak Austrian martial arts, even the advanced Austrian martial arts ...

In front of Juli, even if he was a disciple, he would shoot without hesitation.

"Want jade jade? It's simple, kill me, take it from my body!"

Lu Chen's voice was bland, but the bland voice contained the meaning of Sen Han. With his current combat strength, he was not afraid of Qiu Shaoping. Even if he couldn't beat the other party, self-preservation was more than enough.

"Since you don't hand over jade jade, don't blame me for being cruel."

Qiu Shaoping held the sword in his right hand and stepped forward. Every time he took a step, his breath increased by one point.

Lu Chen stood still, but looked calmly at Qiu Shaoping who was approaching.

"The Venerable Ninefold Peak Cultivation, the third place in the sky list, the last Hualong list strong, many honors have already made you blindly arrogant, today, let me beat you personally, let you know that the glory of the past is ultimately The past ... "

Lu Chen's tone was dull, looking at Qiu Shaoping who showed his murderous intent.

"Go to death, Heaven and Moon!"

Qiu Shaoping's momentum reached its peak, and a sword came out.

Under the tremor of the void, silently and silently, a very dazzling sword light burst out of the air and straightly took the door of Lu Chen.

At the same time Qiu Shaoping shot, Lu Chen also shot, the majestic Yuan Li rushed out like a tide, and wave after wave spread out, the Yuan Li diffused, making the Vast tremor.


The word spit out, the sound was like thunder, Lu Chen clenched his palm into a fist, and a fist blasted out, directly on the front of the sword force that slashed from the force, the violent power burst out suddenly, and Qiu Shaoping was punched in one punch A sword with anger resisted it, and at the same time, his left hand was pointed like a sword, and the sword was lingering with his fingertips. With one finger, the sharp finger was not weaker than Qiu Shaoping's sword, and even won.

Fingers tear the void and take Qiu Shaoping's throat straight away.


When the finger-mand was about to hit Qiu Shaoping's throat, the latter snorted, the long sword rewound, and a sword spurted out, and the tip of the sword collided with the finger-mand, and a gold-iron bird chirp broke out. The aftermath still sent Qiu Shaoping back half a step.

After stabilizing his body, Qiu Shaoping felt a terrible shock, and his eyes on Lu Chen were extremely dignified. Duan temporarily confronted him. He was already sure that Lu Chen's combat power was not under him.

"I've underestimated you. You have such a combat capability in less than a year after breaking through the Venerable Realm. If you are allowed to continue to grow, I am afraid that it will be comparable to the devil in the top 30 of the last Hualong Ranking!"

The top 30 warriors of the last chemical dragon list are all evil-like geniuses, even more than one or two of the Venerable Realm Extreme Strong, and the top ten even have saints, saying that Lu Chen can match the previous one. The top 30 of the Dragon List is already a very high evaluation of the latter.

Lu Chen heard the words and smiled irresponsibly. He didn't care about Qiu Shaoping's evaluation. He knew where he could go, but he knew best. However, the top 30 of the Dragon List may be enough evil, but it was not His ultimate goal.

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