Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 922: misunderstanding

Mo Yu panicked and pressed Lu Chen's hand.

"Kiss me, and I will let you go for the time being."

Lu Chen was cheeky and started playing hooligans.

He is also somewhat helpless.

Now that Mo Yu is his own woman, he must break her defense in the shortest time and make her fall in love with him. If it is an oversight, let the latter run away, or fall in love with others, he will be depressed and crazy.

Moreover, as long as Mo Yu compromised this time, whether she was active or passive, willing or unwilling, as long as he kissed him, her bottom line of defense would be opened.

With this experience, Lu Chen later proposed similar conditions, or even more excessive conditions, she could not refuse at once!

Little by little, without slowing down, she broke through the defense of her heart, and finally ate her completely ...

"Come on!"

Although Mo Yu didn't know Lu Chen's plan, he also knew that he couldn't easily agree, so he refused without thinking.

"Shy? Gee, outside the city of Tianshui ... but it's vivid, you weren't like that ..."

In order to regulate the atmosphere, Lu Chen was speechless.

Mentioned outside Tianshui City, Lu Chen couldn't help floating a picture of blood in his mind. At first, because he regarded Mo Yu as an enemy, he used strong willpower to restrain the impulse.

Now just thinking about the scene of the day in my mind, Lu Chen's heart swayed slightly, and his breathing became a little bit more rapid.

Contrary to Lu Chen's reaction, Mo Yu heard Lu Chen's experience of re- mentioning Tianshui City, and the original camel's pretty face was brushed without blood, and his eyes were full of tears.

Outside of Tianshui City, she can be said to be unscrupulous in order to protect her family. This experience may be a lifelong pain for any woman.

Although she was fortunate to come together with Lu Chen for the time being, it was a luck in her misfortune, and it can also be said that she was blessed by misfortune.

But at this moment, Lu Chen raised in front of her that she had a sense of humiliation and pain that her scars were exposed in person, and she didn't even realize it. She was more afraid of Lu Chen because of that incident. Treated as a 'bad' woman who did nothing to save her life.

Just when Lu Chen was immersed in the memories and could not extricate herself, Mo Yu's emotions of shame, fear, worry and so on had climbed to the peak, and then she made a bold move.

Lu Chen suddenly felt a cold lip, a soft touch, and then came, as if current was flowing all over the body ...


Lu Chen looked at Mo Yu, who was close to himself and his lips were close, and he felt a little proud.


However, his pride lasted only a moment, and he was awakened by the pain from his lips.


She bit me!

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed at first, but when he looked up, he saw Mo Yu's pale face and the pitiful appearance of tears in his eyes.

The anger that had just risen was gone.

He fell into silence, as if thinking of something, then, holding Mo Yu's hand loosened.

In the silence, Lu Chen moved his position backwards, distanced from Mo Yu, and wiped the blood on his lips at random. The tone was a little blunt. Just kidding, if you don't want to, you won't be forced to do it again next time, maybe, not next time ... "

Mo Yu looked paler.

From Lu Chen's words, she naturally heard the latter's sense of alienation from her.

She stared blankly at the dust, not understanding why the latter suddenly alienated her.

Is it just because he broke his lips?

She feels wronged!

Emotions finally couldn't be contained.

She covered her mouth with one hand and wept silently. The tears were raining and her round shoulders were shaking.

Lu Chen was dumbfounded again.

Suddenly he felt that he seemed to be in trouble!

He recalled the previous scene frame by frame in his mind.

When he said nothing, he mentioned outside Tianshui City ... Mo Yu's expression became pale, but he didn't care at that time ...

Realizing that it was Mo Yu's sudden abnormality that caused him to choose his own words, Lu Chen suddenly felt guilty and looked at the beautiful woman in tears, he wished to slap himself.

"Sorry, it's my fault, I misunderstood you, it's my speech ..."

Lu Chen stepped forward, taking advantage of Mo Yu's soft and powerful waistline, and kept apologizing in his mouth.

"I don't speak, I misunderstand you, I thought ..."

Mo Yu, who was held back by Lu Chen, was crying more sadly. If he were not afraid to attract other people's onlookers, he might have burst into tears.

Seeing that Mo Yu was crying even more, Lu Chen couldn't do it. Under the confusion, he twitched his head and leaned over to kiss Mo Yu's red lips.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Mo Yu's body froze violently, and his crying stopped, his mouth and nose made an ambiguous sound, and his hands were unable to beat the landing dust.

Three minutes.

Lu Chen was reluctant to part his lips.

He looked at Mo Yu, who had stopped crying, and dodged his eyes. Without saying a word, he gently embraced her into his arms. The latter did not struggle and leaned on Lu Chen's arms.

Smelling the faint fragrance on Mo Yu's body, Lu Chen was very calm in her heart, and wanted to lie like that until she was old and wild.

Reality is often counterproductive.

Just when Lu Chen's palm was about to touch Mo Yu's buttocks, the crowd at the lake suddenly became restless, and then everyone's eyes converged in one direction almost at the same time.

The mist around the small island in the lake began to violently swell, and then quickly became thinner at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. It didn't take long for the scene on the island enveloped by the mist to gradually enter the eyes of everyone.

On the island, the vegetation is lush, lush, the vitality is like rain, and the elixir is everywhere, just like a fairyland.

Seeing this scene, the crowd suddenly became restless, excited one by one, hoping to rush to the island immediately, and then ransacked the treasures of heaven and earth.

Lu Chen also straightened slightly, and the small island in the lake is obviously the most valuable place of this main peak. The island is like rain, and there are countless treasures!

Mo Yu was also shocked by the small island in the lake, but she was more concerned that Lu Chen ’s palm was unconsciously or unintentionally, it was placed on her hips, and she even kneaded twice, and the electric shock flowed through it. The whole body, this kind of crunchy feeling, she has never experienced before.

She blushed and patted Lu Chen's unreliable palm, then adjusted her entire shirt and left Lu Chen's arms.

Lu Chen smiled and smiled, it seemed that he only reacted at this moment, some enviously glanced at his left hand, and then stepped forward to hold Mo Yu's little hand, but the latter avoided it in advance.

"Don't make trouble, it's too dangerous to fight together later, I won't be relieved without holding you."

After being evaded by Mo Yu, Lu Chen was not embarrassed, but instead looked right and said righteously.

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