Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 921: Kiss me

Jieli Suo solved the two men in black robes. Lu Chen and Mo Yu did not stop at the same place. The two rushed towards the place where the vitality was the strongest, depending on their perception of Yuan Li.

Where the vitality is stronger, the more treasures and treasures are, the more precious it is. This is the unchanging truth!

Encountered several waves of people on the way, but because these people were afraid of Lu Chen's strength, they did not shoot Lu Chen, and Lu Chen did not bother to kill people and win treasures. Therefore, there was no danger along the way.

When Lu Chen and Mo Yu passed through the jungle area, the two realized that they had unknowingly crossed the mountainside and appeared on the top of the mountain.

Unpredictable by Lu Chen, the top of the mountain is flat, as if flattened by the sword of the supreme power ...

Here, the grass is green, the spirit is like fog, the center of the mountain top is a lake, and the center of the lake is an island surrounded by mist.

At this moment.

Thousands of martial artists have gathered around the lake.

The arrival of Lu Chen and Mo Yu did not attract the attention of others.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and began to look at the island. With just one glance, he discovered the anomaly. The mist that covered the trail was not a mist in the ordinary sense, but a formation ...

This also explains why the thousands of warriors who came in first did not enter the island, but gathered around the lake.

Perhaps because of the appearance of the Zongmen ruins, the formation that enveloped the island was weakening rapidly, and it would n’t take long for the fog to become so thin that it could not cover the island until it disappeared completely.

Knowing that the formation was collapsing rapidly, Lu Chen did not hurry to leave. He was prepared to wait here for half a day. If the formation still did not completely collapse after half a day, he would try to break into it. Kojima, then he can only decisively leave and go to the treasure hunt elsewhere.

You must know that there is more than one holy place in the ruins of the Zongmen. The value of each of the bookstores, arsenals, alchemy rooms ... is difficult to estimate, and you cannot waste all your time in one place.

After making a decision, Lu Chen took Mo Yu's slender white and tender little hands, preparing to find a place with few people and a quiet place to rest, adding to the feelings of the two ...

Being pulled by Lu Chen's small hand, Mo Yuqiao couldn't help but a blush appeared, and at the same time he felt nervous, but also had some unclear joy.

She did not try to break away from Lu Chen's hand, letting the latter drag her to a secluded place.

Since Lu Chen rescued her from Wu Shixun, and then did not hesitate to offend Elder Yanyuemen II, but also to kill Wu Shixun strongly, she began to accept Lu Chen gradually, not to mention, the two already had the reality of husband and wife, holding small hands , Hug, it seems that it is not an unacceptable thing.

Lu Chen's idea is even simpler, no matter what the original purpose was, whether he was passive or active at that time, since Mo Yu has given himself a clean body, he must protect her ...

Because he has regarded her as his own woman.

Lu Chen never asks for feelings, but since he already has a husband and wife, he will show the domineering and strong side, and he will never let others blame his woman ...

The two gradually moved away from the crowd and came to a place with lush and dry vegetation. Although the place was far from the crowd, they could still see the crowd and the island.

Lu Chen sat down directly, and then his arm pressed slightly, Mo Yu oops, fell into his arms, and fell into his arms, Lu Chen hugged Mo Yu, who was soft and delicate, soft with warm fragrance Yulai described it as the most suitable.

Mo Yuqiao's face was flushed, she never thought that Lu Chen was so bold, she did not ask her for advice, so she overbearingly embraced her, not to mention, not far away was the crowd, many people with eyes, and people See if you are ashamed ...

Thinking of this, Mo Yu twisted her waist and prepared to break away from Lu Chen's arms. However, she was just about to struggle, and Lu Chen's slightly dominant voice sounded in her ear.

"do not move!!!"

It is said that Mo Yu's heart suddenly grieved, and her character was more stubborn. At this moment, Lu Chen's voice was slightly overbearing, but instead had an anti-effect.

If you say nothing, don't move?


She quietly operated Yuan Li, and her struggle began to increase gradually. She did not superimpose her strength to the greatest extent at once, because, she worried that it would hurt Lu Chen ...


She was obviously worried.

Although she is the same as Lu Chen's Sixth Cultivator, but her strength is very far away. At this moment, since she falls into Lu Chen's hands, as long as the latter is unwilling, how can she escape from the devil's claw with her strength?

As Mo Yu's struggling strength gradually increased, the intensity of Lu Chen's embrace of Mo Yu also increased. The two of you attacked and defended, and the body was slightly shaken around the front and back, left and right, and people who don't know the real situation saw it, absolutely not Thinking that the two are fighting in the dark, they will only be the two of you.

After struggling hard, not only did he not get rid of Lu Chen's arms, but he was tighter by the latter while taking advantage of the situation, the two bodies were stuck to each other, and the temperature of the other side and the body of the other body could be felt across the clothes. soft.

After realizing this, Mo Yu's face was even more red and frustrated, and then he stretched out his hand and twisted violently around Lu Chen's waist.


Lu Chen sucked in a cool breath, holding Mo Yu's hands. Instead of letting go, he pressed harder, as if to squeeze the latter's body into his body.

"You, you let go of me, too much strength, I can't breathe ..."

"Not loose!"


"Want me to let you go unless you tell me to confess ..."

Lu Chen rubbed Mo Yu's smooth and white cheeks with his cheeks and smiled.

Mo Yu fell silent, but his heart was thumping violently, and his fat-like skin was also stained with a camel, which was very charming.

However, Lu Chen had never noticed this. Seeing Mo Yu was speechless, he thought that the latter was unhappy and sighed in his heart. Even if the two of them had that relationship, the time they spent together was too Less, if it is said that only because of the compatibility of fish and water outside Tianshui City, Mo Yu fell in love with him completely, which is obviously unlikely.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to be called Xianggong now. I have time. It will definitely make you willing to call me Xianggong!"

Lu Chen's relaxed and confident tone.

Mo Yu opened his mouth, but he never made a sound.

"It's okay not to call Xianggong, kiss me, I will let you go, otherwise ..."

With that in mind, Lu Chen put his hand on Mo Yu's waist and began to move upward unreliably.

A touch of panic flashed through Mo Yu's eyes. Even if she was stupid, even if she was not familiar with personnel, she knew where Lu Chen's hand was going to move ...

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