Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 901: Subdued

"The quasi-eighth-order monster beast, it's a pity to kill, not to submit to me. I promised to shoot for me three times. I will not only let you go, but also take you out of this space.

Lu Chen paled and gasped.

The earth rock giant crocodile froze for a moment, and the scarlet giant eyes flashed the color of intentional movement, but Xu did not immediately agree, but kept a short silence for doubt or distrust of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not directly refuse to see the giant rock giant crocodile, nor did he immediately agree, knowing that the latter had moved, as long as it was given time, maybe the giant rock giant crocodile would agree.


At this moment, Lu Chen, after repeated battles, was extremely weak and could not persist for a long time. Therefore, he could not give the earth rock giant crocodile time to think.

In a word.

Promise, or die!

"The giant rock crocodile, don't waste my time, do you agree to my conditions?"

At the same time as the sound came out, Lu Chen's eyes slightly chilled, his thoughts moved slightly, manipulating the Linglong pagoda to continue the attack.

The Linglong Pagoda is a hundred feet high, suspended in the air, and the magnificent violent pressure is rippling from it. It is like a **** mountain from outside, carrying unparalleled strength, and it is fiercely suppressed to the ground rock. Giant crocodile.


The majestic force swept down like a gust of wind, ferocious, violent, majestic, and unpredictable. This is the most intuitive feeling of the giant rock crocodile with this force.

Facing the mighty pagoda, the giant rock crocodile was like a quagmire, rumbling, and the ground under its feet was overwhelmed and collapsed.

It is also sinking, like a huge body cast by gold and iron, under the pressure of this seemingly Tianwei, one inch and one inch fell deeply.

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff ..."

The hard scale armor covering the body of the giant rock crocodile shattered continuously, and the hot red blood spewed out.

"Roar roar ..."

The earth rock giant crocodile was frightened and roared continuously, and the huge body struggled hard to get rid of the oppression of the exquisite pagoda, but no matter how it struggled, it was useless.

Lu Chen's expression was blank, and he stared at the Earth Rock Giant Crocodile coldly. If the latter still had a fluke mentality and hesitated, then he would rather miss the Earth Rock Giant Crocodile and kill it on the spot at all costs. .

"Boom Boom Boom ..."

The earth is constantly cracking and collapsing.

With the continuous collapse of the earth, the giant rock crocodile sinks rapidly.

Moment time.

There is a deep pit deep in the mountain depression. The giant rock crocodile crawls at the bottom of the deep pit. The hot magma is seeping out of the cracks in the rock.

Due to the strength of the giant rock alligator, under normal circumstances, the underground magma cannot naturally cause substantial damage to it.


At this moment, the earth rock giant crocodile, the scale armor shattered, and his body was wounded, and he was fighting the Linglong pagoda with all his might.

Therefore, the magma that has infiltrated through the cracks in the underground rock easily corrodes its defense and burns its flesh ...

Although the magma cannot cause fatal damage to the giant rock crocodile, the flesh is burned by the magma, but it will inevitably cause extreme pain.

The Diyan giant crocodile eats pain and growls, and his scarlet eyes become more crazy and violent.

"Give you the last chance, promise, or die!"

Lu Chen spoke, her voice indifferent.

Linglong World.


With a loud noise, Linglong Mountain trembles slightly, and then, the majestic force of the sea gathers into a river and whizzes out ...

In just a short time, Lu Chen consumed Wang Pinyuan, an inestimable stone, and it was difficult to breathe in pain.

Seven Stars and Six Stars are a watershed. Six Star Divine Soldiers, Celestial Phenomenon and Venerable Realm can be manipulated as they wish, and at least the saints can control the Seven Star Divine Soldiers to kill the enemy.

Because, to control the Seven Star Divine Soldier, it requires a large amount of elemental strength. Venerable and half-sacred are not competent, only saints.

Sages, human saints, when they reach the realm of sages, they absorb the energy of refining heaven and earth more than ten times and 100 times more than that of the Venerable. The internal force is almost endless. When fighting against a strong enemy, they can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth while fighting Endless battles are not limited ...

With an endless source of power, the combat power remains at its peak at all times, and it is not afraid of the tactics of the low-level warriors. Therefore, only the ants under the saint are said.

The giant rock crocodile is seriously dying. Although his eyes are still fierce and crazy, his consciousness is already muddled.

This is a sign that it is on the verge of collapse and will soon be unable to support it.

As long as the breath in the chest of the Diyan giant crocodile is vented, the strength of its hard support will also pass as soon as the floodgate is unloaded.

At that time, there was only one end of the giant rock crocodile, which was killed by the Linglong Pagoda mercilessly.

"Give you the last chance, promise, or, die!

Just when the earth rock giant crocodile thought that he would die today, Lu Chen's indifferent voice passed into his ears and gave him a spirit.

Under the threat of death, it chose to promise without hesitation, "This King promises you!"

"Okay, I hope you can fulfill your promise."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, with a stroke of his hand, the Linglong Pagoda was able to converge, and with a bang, it turned into a streamer and appeared in his palm.

"My conditions are simple. In a sense, you don't suffer."

Speaking of which, Lu Chen's voice changed, with a cold tone, "If you let me know that you promised on the surface, but you have a counterattack in your heart, Hugh will blame me for being cruel.


The Diyan giant crocodile snorted coldly, dissatisfied and said: "Is this king the kind of repetitive and unpaid villain? Ben Wang Yinuoqianjin, since he agreed, will give you three shots, and will never say anything.

Diyan Jusha crocodile sneered and said with a sneer: "However, I have the conditions first, three shots, only under my circumstances, if you let me die, I will not agree!"

Lu Chen said that he was not annoyed and displeased. As long as the Diyan Jusha agreed, he would not make the act of letting the Diyan Jusha die.

"Relax, although Lu Chen is not a good person, he will not let you die in vain if he knows he will die!"

Lu Chen assured loudly.

"I remember this sentence."

The Diyan giant crocodile changed its shape, and its huge body quickly shrank, becoming a five-foot-tall, fat child. Xu seemed to be somewhat depressed because of serious injuries.

Seeing this, Lu Chen suddenly froze in place, his eyes wide, staring at the little fat boy who could only stand on his shoulders, and he could not help but tolerate.

"Little bug, do you dare to laugh at the king ?!" Realizing the expression of Lu Chen's unbearable Jun, the giant rock crocodile made a fierce appearance. However, at this moment, he is not in the form of a gigantic beast, just a fat boy, and The voice is childish and lacks majesty ...

Lu Chen waved his hand, resisting the urge to laugh, and finally reached a condition with the giant rock crocodile, he didn't want to anger it because of a small thing.

"Don't get me wrong, I haven't laughed at you ... that, your injuries are not serious, it is important to care for them, enter the inner space of the Linglong Pagoda ..."

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