Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 900: Three shots for me

It was not surprising that Lu Chen was unable to kill the Diyan giant crocodile in one blow. After all, the Diyan giant crocodile is a quasi-eighth-level monster, comparable to the human half-holy strong.

Moreover, although the Linglong Pagoda is a Seven Star Divine Soldier, it is ultimately biased towards auxiliary Divine Soldiers, not attacking Divine Soldiers.

Therefore, the power is relatively weaker than that of the Seven Star Divine Soldiers of the attacking type. It is reasonable to fail to kill the Diyan Giant Crocodile with one blow.

Lu Chen held the Divine Soldier, raised his head, and looked deeply at the terrifying beast that was swept by the majestic wind, and his lips were pursed, his eyes suddenly became lingering.

Linglong World!

In the depths of Linglong Mountain, Wang Pinyuan stone with a piece of one meter square collapsed suddenly, and the rich elemental force turned into a torrent of energy ...


The Linglong Pagoda became brighter and brighter, releasing a terrible breath.


The radiant energy is blasted out.

The target pointed directly at the giant rock crocodile coming from the sky.

The giant rock crocodile has a body of 100 feet, the volume is too huge, the goal is large, and because the energy training speed is too fast, the giant rock crocodile wants to avoid it, it is too difficult, too big ... …

Although it is impossible to completely avoid it, the giant rock crocodile avoids the deadly parts and can do so easily.


The sound of torn flesh sounded.

The attack that should have hit the head of the Diyan giant crocodile ended up just hitting the left front paw.

Still piercing directly ...

The left paw was pierced by energy, and suddenly blood spattered. The giant rock crocodile could not help but utter a painful roar. Because the left paw was injured, the figure from the storm rushed slightly before he gritted his teeth to the land. Dust continued to kill.

Upon seeing this, Lu Chen frowned slightly, and his heart was also twitching violently, which was distressed. The Linglong pagoda was urged twice in a row. The Wang Pinyuan stone consumed was countless, and the loss was incalculable ...

At this moment.

Lu Chen couldn't take care of that much anymore. The giant rock crocodile was close to his kilometer. Such a distance was already within the attack range of the giant rock crocodile.

Looking at the fast approaching Geo Rock Giant Crocodile, Lu Chen's tiptoe, his body jumped backwards, and suddenly turned into a residual image, quickly retreating like lightning, pulling away from the Geo Rock Giant Crocodile as far as possible. .

"Little bug, hurt the king, how can you let you run away ?!"

The speed of the ground rock giant crocodile suddenly increased, and in a flash, the distance from Lu Chen was shortened. The thick tail swept through the majestic force and slammed the landing dust.

Continuously injured by Lu Chen, the giant rock crocodile is already in a rage, the offensive is violent and fierce, and no hand is left!


Lu Chen's body flickered, and his speed was maximized, and he dodged the attack of the giant rock crocodile.

at the same time.

Lu Chen's heart moved, and then the sound of the breaking wind suddenly resounded. I saw Linglong Pagoda's bang burst out.

The palm-sized Linglong Pagoda became larger in the wind, but in a blink of an eye, it became a hundred feet in size, the momentum was not reduced, and with terrible power, it slammed into the ground rock giant.

Seeing this, the giant rock crocodile was shocked, and subconsciously wanted to dodge away, but, avoiding it, helplessly, the thick tail flicked violently, and the Linglong pagoda that crashed into it was hard Together.


The loud noise resounded, and the violent winds swept away uncontrollably, causing the void to oscillate and collapse.


The earth rock giant crocodile vomited blood, and its hill-like body seemed to be defeated in the wind. It flew out fiercely, and its tail suffered a hard collision from the front of the exquisite pagoda.

At the same time that the giant rock crocodile flew backwards, Lu Chen's body also shook slightly, his face pale and scary.

He first played several tricks with the earth rock giant crocodile, and then continuously urged the Linglong pagoda. Even if the Linglong pagoda was consuming the energy of Wang Pinyuanshi, his body could not bear it anymore!


The giant rock crocodile flew over thousands of kilometers, and the huge impact force directly smashed the earth into a huge deep hole.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and continued to urge the Linglong Pagoda to bombard the giant rock crocodile, and saw that the hundred-foot-long Linglong Pagoda exuded a mighty coercion, so that the void collapsed.


The loud sound resounded, and the Linglong Pagoda's sound appeared directly above the earth rock giant crocodile. Then, sweeping the endless power of destruction, it suppressed the latter.

Vigorous and violent, the crushing ground is constantly cracking and collapsing.

The Diyan giant crocodile was continuously attacked by the Linglong pagoda, and the injury was not fatal, but it was already a serious injury, especially the previous powerful impact, which directly shocked its tail.

At this moment, the overbearing offensive is coming again. The giant rock crocodile is incapable of resisting, like a huge body cast by gold iron. Under the oppression of the Linglong pagoda, the hard scales on the body surface began to crack, and the red was hot. Blood drenched the whole body.

"Roar roar ..."

The earth rock giant crocodile roared with internal force, resisted with all its strength, and an angry roar in the big mouth of the blood basin, but this was the end, its struggle to resist, it was no use ...

The Linglong Pagoda swept through the rolling force, and slowly suppressed it.


The earth rock giant crocodile opened his mouth, and a beam of energy glowing with a foul smell roared out, carrying majestic power, and bombarded the Linglong pagoda.


The beam of energy bombarded the Linglong Pagoda fiercely, and the loud sound resounded, but the Linglong Pagoda just shuddered slightly, and then continued to suppress the power ...

Upon seeing this, the giant rock crocodile was shocked and angry. It knew that as long as the Linglong pagoda continued to suppress, it would definitely die.

Under fright, it was also a desperate means. The huge mouth opened wide, and the beam of energy with the smelly gas quickly condensed. Then, one after another, it roared out one after another, and slammed toward the Linglong Pagoda.

"Boom dong dong dong dong ..."

The dull collision sounds endlessly, the energy is wanton, and the aftermath of the waves, the void in this area collapses and recovers, recovers and collapses again and again ...

Lu Chen was also uncomfortable. Every time he collided, his body shook slightly, and his face was pale ...

"Earth rock giant crocodile, you are still a beast of a beast. You are doomed today, but I can give you a chance to live, surrender to me, or die!" Lu Chen said with a deep voice.

"Little bug, let Ben Wang submit to you and dream!" Diyan Jusha sneered.

Lu Chen resisted the killing intentions in his heart and continued: "Subject to me, I will not only kill you, but will also take you out of this space, to the outside world, with your talent and blood, you can enter the eighth order in a short time ... "

It is said that the earth rock giant crocodile blinks, it hesitates, and it cares more about getting out of the cage where it was born than it died, but letting it bow down to a human, it ca n’t do it. To.

The expression of Diyan Jusha was completely glimpsed by Lu Chen. He sighed lightly, knowing that Diyan Jusha was all arrogant and arrogant and could not submit to him. I won't let you submit to me, you only have to promise to shoot me three times ... "

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