Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 895: Underground

A grey torrent crossed the sky.

Almost immediately, the grey torrent rushed out of the mountain depression, and then, slammed into the crowd that escaped.

"Booming ..."

A deep explosion sounded.

Between the energy, the earth cracked and kept shaking.

The gravel was spattered with flesh and blood.

The energy subsided and the smoke and dust dissipated. There were several huge deep pits on the ground outside the mountain depression, full of blood and minced meat.

Hundreds of warriors, in a blink of an eye, suffered heavy casualties. There were only a few people. Fortunately, they saved their lives from the previous wave of attacks. Although they were not dead, they were also scared. The faces of these people were full of panic and their heads were also covered. The panic escaped without returning.

At this moment, near the Col, only Lu Chen, the main gate of the Qingyun Gate, the Lord of Sanxu, and the giant rock crocodile! ! !

The main gate of Qingyun Gate and the master of loose repair Wang Zhu were locked by the Diyan giant crocodile gas machine, and the front was ashes, which was a dilemma.

As for Lu Chen, Xu was because before the giant rock giant beast rushed out of his body, he had condensed his breath, and because the cultivation base was too low, it was directly ignored by the giant rock giant beast.

Venerable Sixfold Cultivation is that among the warriors around the Col, it is absolutely mediocre, and there is no place to stand out. It is justifiable to be ignored by the giant rock beast.

With Lu Chen's strength, as long as he wants to leave, he can take advantage of the chaos before and urge the evil spirit boots to leave without knowing it.

However, instead of doing so, he chose to stay here and watch the changes ...

He didn't have the idea of ​​a fisherman's profit, nor was he ready to hunt the Diyan giant crocodile. The reason he chose to stay here was mainly because he found that there seemed to be an extremely pure atmosphere of the underground moss ...

The grief under the ground is more dense and pure than in the mountain, which has an irresistible appeal to him ...


The earth suddenly trembled, and I saw that the giant rock crocodile took the step of shaking the earth and killed Wang Zhu and Qingyunmen.

The huge body of a hundred feet long ran like a moving hill. Every step of falling, it stepped on a deep pit above the earth and made a rumbling noise.

During the run, the giant tail of the giant rock crocodile slammed fiercely, and the power of terror broke out, directly smashing a small hill.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zhu and his wife beat their skins violently, and they could not help but feel a sense of powerlessness unmatched.

They are the Venerable Nine Heavy Cultivators, and the two joined forces to face the eighth-order monster Beast Giant Rock Crocodile, but they feel that the odds are slim, and they have little confidence in escaping from the mouth of the Beast Rock Monster.

"Being stared at by this animal, you and I are inevitable. Let's fight hard!"

Wang Zhu said in a deep voice.

Despite the fear in the heart of Qingyunmen, he looked at the giant monster that was approaching and finally nodded indifferently.

"Do it!"

Only a low voice was heard from Wang Zhu's mouth. At the next moment, the two looted out in unison, taking the initiative to meet the ground rock giant crocodile, a powerful force burst, and two energy trains sweeping through the low broken There was no sound, and he walked towards the rock giant.

The earth rock giant crocodile who came to the mountain and stepped on the ground. Seeing this scene, there was no fear in the scarlet giant eyes, but a cruel and fierce killing intention came up.


The roaring sound is full of cold killing intentions, and it comes from the mouth of the giant rock crocodile. The sound is dull, powerful, and has a strong impact ...

While roaring through the audience, I saw the speed of the rock giant crocodile suddenly increased. In one breath, it was close to the distance between Wang Zhu and the two. Then, the thick tail with a rumbling loud noise, facing The two energetic energies that came from above shook them fiercely.

Containing the energy training of Wang Zhu's two full blows, the power is extremely strong, and Venerable Eight can kill on the spot, but in front of the giant rock crocodile, it is unbearable.



Two dull clashes came almost at the same time, and then Wang Zhu and his two eyes widened, and they saw a scene that would make them unforgettable for life.

I saw that the energy of the two of them exerted their strength and exerted their strength. Under the offensive of the giant rock crocodile, they were unable to withstand a single blow and collapsed at the touch!

At the same time when the energy training collapsed, an amazing energy storm swept away instantly. The strong wind was extremely violent, which directly caused Wang Zhu and the two people to stun and blew their blood, and took ten steps back.

A simple single attack not only defeated the attack of Wang Zhu and the two, but also shocked them to retreat again and again. The powerful combat strength of the giant rock crocodile of the earth was displayed at this moment!

"What should I do? The strength of the two of you is not this opponent, even if you fight desperately."

Qingyunmen master stabilized his body and asked worriedly.

It is said that the face of Wang Xiu, who is loosely repairing, is gradually dignified, and the gatekeeper of Qingyun Gate said something good. The quasi-eighth-order monster Beast Giant Rock Crocodile is too powerful, and they are not able to deal with them.

Suddenly moved in his heart, he thought of Lu Chen, Lu Chen's strength is comparable to Venerable Ninefold Peak Powerhouse, the two of them joined forces are defeated by the latter, as long as Lu Chen joined, the three joined forces, although still not a rock Jusha's opponent, but the chance to escape from his mouth is undoubtedly much larger.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhu couldn't wait to look at Lu Chen, but at this glance, Wang Zhu's complexion fell again, because Lu Chen had no trace of it ...

"That little animal must have sneaked away while we were fighting with the giant rock crocodile!"


The ferocious roar came at the moment from the mouth of the giant rock crocodile, and the majestic and violent energy also poured out from its body.

In the end, only listening to the loud noise of "Boom" echoed between heaven and earth. The earth beneath the giant rock crocodile burst and broke apart. Its huge beast moved again, killing it at a speed that ordinary warriors could not match. Wang Zhu two people.

"Boom Boom Boom ..."

A huge collision sounded, and the two men and one beast were fighting together. Although the two of Wang Zhu joined hands, they fell into the wind instantly, and they retreated continuously under the offensive of the giant rock crocodile.

at the same time.

A figure took advantage of the gap between the two and one beast to emerge from the back of a ruin, and then looked at the "burrow" not far from him. That was when the giant rock crocodile rushed out of the ground and broke through. Channel.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, Lu Chen knew that there was not much time left for him. With the fighting power of Wang Zhu and the two, he could not last for long under the hands of the giant rock crocodile, so he must seize all the time.


As soon as the mind moved, Lu Chen's figure disappeared from the original place, turned into a residual image, and quietly plunged into the `` pit ''.

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