Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 894: The terrible destructive power of the quasi-eighth monster

"The adult rock giant crocodile should be an eighth-order monster, but perhaps because of this space limitation, the ground rock giant crocodile below is still a bit worse than the real eighth-order, but look at its breath , Although it is not an eighth order, at least it is a quasi eighth order ... "

Lu Chen is like a great enemy, and the force is surging around his body. He looks dignified and stares at the earth rock giant crocodile below. If the giant rock earth crocodile goes crazy, it is enough to sweep all the warriors present!

The masters of Wang Zhu and Qingyunmen, including the hundreds of martial arts around the col. At this moment, the expressions on the faces of these people are different, with fear, anxiety, and curiosity.

"God, oh my god, how could there be a quasi-eighth monster here?"

"How to do?"

"Let's evacuate as soon as possible. This is the site of the giant rock crocodile. We stayed and won't get any advantage at all. It may even take our lives."


When people recognized the giant rock crocodile, an atmosphere of panic spread rapidly among the crowd.

Around the mountain, some warriors knew that they were not opponents of the giant rock crocodile, gave up the idea of ​​staying here, and began to retreat in twos and threes ...


However, just as some people began to retreat one after another, Nadiyan giant crocodile opened its mouth and made a deep roar.

The hearts of everyone were awe-inspiring, staring at the giant rock crocodile.

"Boom ..."

Under the watchful eye of everyone, the earth rock giant crocodile, a pair of scarlet giant eyes, looked at the group of people guarded by the formation on the training platform.

This pedestrian was the strong man of Qingyun Gate and Jujian Gate, because he avoided the aftermath of the battle between Lu Chen and Wang Zhu, and he had to board the cultivation platform.

Seeing the scarlet giant eyes of the Diyan giant crocodile looked over at them, the pedestrian's heart shrank and took a step back instinctively, but when he saw the guardian formation around the cultivation station, he was a little relieved.

However, just when the pedestrian was relieved, the humanized mockery flashed in the scarlet eyes of the giant rock crocodile of the earth, and immediately, the big mouth opened wide, and the surrounding gas was like a stream flowing into the sea, pouring into the ground like crazy The rock giant crocodile has a big mouth.

After seeing the behavior of the giant rock crocodile, the soldiers on the training platform suddenly changed their looks, and they all exclaimed.


"What does it want to do?"

"It was actually preparing to attack the martial artists on the training platform, and it was insane."

"Don't panic, everyone, the cultivation base guards the formation, how strong it is, we should be most aware of this. Although the giant rock crocodile is strong, with its own strength, it is impossible to break the formation ..."

The last sentence was spoken by the elder Qingyunmen. He is the Eighth Peak of His Holiness. His prestige and status are only under the master of the Qingyunmen. Those who gradually calm down.

As for the Jujianmen, because the gatekeeper has fallen, the remaining strongmen of Jujianmen, the dragons have no head, and they start to look at the horse head of Qingyunmen.

At this moment, after hearing the words of Elder Qingyunmen, although a little uneasy, they also calmed down one after another.

at the same time.

The attack of the earth rock giant crocodile is ready to go. I saw a black energy ball exuding a violent breath, which was quickly condensed in its huge mouth.

Then, under everyone's horrified eyes, the black energy ball burst out, and then turned into a huge black torrent, bombarding toward the cultivation station with lightning-fast speed.

This huge black torrent is not as powerful as the one that hit Lu Chen not long ago, and the void is directly broken by the violent shock.

"Hurry away !!!"

The main face of the Qingyunmen Gate has changed dramatically. Although his consciousness cannot be compared with Lu Chen, it is also quite weak. He is very close to the earth rock giant crocodile. The consciousness is only a slight sweep, it is clear Feel the power of terror contained in the black torrent.

As soon as the main story of Qingyunmen Gate was exited, it was drowned by a huge roar.


I saw that the black torrent swept through the air of tyranny, bombarded fiercely on the formation, the energy was wanton, and the amazing elemental force waves swept crazy, and the ruined earth was ravaged again.

Lu Chen propped up the body strength, blocking the wave of Yuanli energy swept from the outside.

The ground is chapped.

Smoke billowing.

Sandy sky.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes, his eyes sharp, staring at the place where the gray torrent collided with the formation ...


After stalemate for less than three breaths, the formation was shaken violently, a crack appeared, and then, the entire formation was broken like a mirror ...

The gray torrent smashed the array, and the violent energy instantly submerged the training station ...

"Boom ..."

A low blast sounded through the area, and the training station was torn apart on the spot under the grey torrent. At the same time, all the soldiers on the training station were spared and turned into blood mist under the violent energy!

Seeing this scene, the main gate of Qingyun Gate shook his body violently, his eyes faintly black, and almost fell from the sky.

This time, the Qingyun Gate almost came out of the nest, and the elders and the gate owner were all dispatched.

However, at this moment, all the elders fell, leaving him alone. After today, Qingyunmen, regardless of status or prestige, will fall sharply and live up to its peak.

Qingyun Gate has a history of thousands of years. Since the millennium, it has been prosperous and has many masters under the door. It is one of the strongest forces under the nine forces.

Today, Qingyunmen has been hit hard, and he will also become the sinner of Qingyunmen forever!

The eyes of the main gate of the Qingyun Gate were reddened, and he looked at the earth rock crocodile with a vicious look.

The earth rock giant crocodile, quasi-eighth-level monster, feels how keenly, the scarlet giant eye follows the bitter gaze, looking at the main gate of the Qingyun Gate, and the king of the casual repair standing next to the latter.

San Xiu Wang Zhu was shocked by the attack of the giant rock crocodile. At this moment, when he saw the latter looking at him, his body shook violently and almost scared his urine!

Although he is the ninth-level cultivation practice of the Venerable, in front of the quasi-eighth-level monster beast of the earth rock giant crocodile, it is not worth mentioning. If the latter gives him an energy ball, even if he is not lucky, he will be a good one. Seriously wounded.

Locked by the fierce eyes of the earth rock giant crocodile, the Qingyunmen master only felt cold all over the body, as if pouring a pot of cold water on his head, his body shuddered involuntarily, and the anger in his chest was instantly extinguished.

Around the mountain, everyone saw that the giant rock crocodile attacked and killed more than ten warriors in one blow. They were shocked by the brutality of the giant rock crocodile, and they were even more frightened. They no longer hesitated, turned Yuanli and turned away .


Seeing the people around the mountain as birds and beasts scattered, the earth rock giant crocodile roared up in the sky, and there was a killing intention in the giant eye. It was not going to let go of these ants who arbitrarily broke into the territory and woke it from sleep. .

next moment.

I saw him with a huge mouth wide open, the energy in the world converged away, and then, several gray torrents burst out.

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