Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 889: Divide


At a ghostly speed, Lu Chen rushed out of the practice platform, crossed the sky, and appeared in front of the elder Qingyunmen.

"as you wish!"

The icy voice passed into the ears of the elder Qingyunmen like morning bells and drums, and then a fist as heavy as a mountain broke out into the air, slamming, and fell on the latter's chest.

Boxing broke out.


The elder Qingyunmen's chest exploded directly, and his internal organs turned into blood foam.

Falling on the spot, the dead can no longer die.

Lu Chen violently killed, too suddenly, too much than everyone expected, until Lu Chen punched Elder Qingyunmen with a punch, it suddenly reacted.

However, several warriors nearby were one step late.

A blazing sword light formed a circular arc and shot out to the surroundings.

"Puff puff……"

The sound of the sharp blade cutting the flesh sounded one after another.

In a moment, two Venerable Sevenfolds, one Venerable Eightfolds were cut off by the waist, blood spattered, and flowed to the ground.

Since Lu Chen suddenly shot to the sword to cut several people, less than one breath before and after the four people fell into Lu Chen's hands.

Instantly killing the four people, Lu Chen's body is surrounded by the murderous intention, Lei Zejian in his hand under the blessing of Yuanli, exudes a wave of extremely violent fluctuations.

Everyone around was awe-inspiring, and there was a lot of fear on the face.

For a moment, he was afraid.

The response of Wang Xiu, a casual repairer, was just the opposite. He released the burning greed in his eyes, staring at Lei Zejian in the hands of Land Chen without blinking!

Sixth Grade Soldier!

And it is a lightning-attack soldier!

Relative to the major forces, loose training is undoubtedly a disadvantaged group, and its resources, contacts, and background are far from being comparable to those of the major forces.

Wang Zhu walked along the way. Although he has become a Venerable Nine Heavy Warrior, his net worth is still shabby compared to other Venerable Nine Heavy Warriors, and he doesn't even have a handy Divine Soldier!

At this moment, when seeing Lei Zejian in the hands of Lu Chen, Wang Zhu was greedy for Dasheng in his heart, trying to kill Lu Chen to capture the Divine Soldier.

"I'm lacking a handy soldier, this sword, I'm fancy, two, Wang Wang owes you a favor, how can this sword give me?"

Wang Zhu reluctantly withdrew his gaze, looked at the master of Qingyunmen and Jujianmen, and said.

Qingyunmen and Jujianmen, the two hesitated, nodded and agreed. They are at the helm of the Sixth Grade Peak Force, and there is no shortage of Six Star Divine Soldiers.

Moreover, the strength of Wang Zhu's self-reliance is very strong, and both of them are very embarrassed. It is not worth it to offend Wang Zhu for a magical soldier!

Seeing the two nodded and agreed, Wang Zhu laughed and laughed, saying: "After the two brothers gave in, after beheading the small animal, the soldiers belonged to me, and the rest belonged to the two brothers."

Wang Zhu and the master of Qingyunmen and Jujianmen are commensurate with brothers, which shows how happy Wangzhu is at this moment.

Although Wang Zhu ’s strength is better than the Qingyunmen Gate Master and the Jujianmen Gate Master, he is only in the middle reaches of the Venerable Ninefold. Once he gets the six-star Divine Lei Zejian, his strength will undoubtedly increase dramatically. , May be among the upper reaches.

"This little beast masters a low-level Austrian martial arts, this mysterious martial arts belongs to me, how?"

Master Qingyunmen looked at Master Jujianmen and said.

The master of Jujianmen heard the words, frowned slightly, and talked about the value. The lower-order Austrian martial arts did not give up more than the Six Star Divine Soldier. Before he was afraid of Wang Zhu and intending to pay the latter, he only promised to let Leize Sword, and now, the master of the Qingyunmen booked a low-order Austrian martial arts, but he hesitated ...

Upon seeing this, the host of the Qingyun Gate smiled and said: "Brother Liu, you have to think about it. This little beast is born with evil spirits and has the gift of a sage. It must be a lucky ride. There must be a lot of treasures in his storage ring and value. It may be far above the low-level Austrian martial arts. "

Upon hearing this, the master of the Jianjianmen suddenly moved his heart. What the master of the Qingyunmen said was true. At first glance, Lu Chen was a person transported by the atmosphere. The storage ring might indeed have a great chance.

When the three of them touched Dust's face, they unscrupulously divided his wealth. It can be said that from the beginning to the end, the three of them regarded Lu Chen as a mortal person.

Because, Lu Chen violently killed and rushed out of the training station. Moreover, he was firmly locked by the three men, and he wanted to return to the training station. The chance is very slim!

Lu Chen violently killed and appeared to deter some people, but he also put himself in danger.

At the moment, when listening to Wang Zhu's three men blatantly 'dividing' the treasures in his hands, Lu Chen's heart was funny, and a anger also quietly rose.

"Hey, hello, the idea of ​​hitting the magical soldiers and martial arts on me, you don't seem to have asked me if I agree?"

Lu Chen suddenly sneered and interrupted the conversation.

"Shut up! The dying person, where is your share of talking." The main face of Qingyun Gate froze and shouted.

"The two brothers will be changed later, so let's slaughter this little animal first, and then it's not too late to talk about how to divide up!" Wang Zhu licked his mouth, and his greedy gaze withdrew from Lei Zejian, suggesting.

"Good!" Qingyunmen master readily agreed.

Master Jujianmen looked at the other warriors, waved his hand, and said, "You back away."

Before Lu Chen instantly killed four people, his strength was already displayed in front of everyone's eyes. It is undoubtedly comparable to Venerable Jiuzhong. Surrounding a warrior comparable to Venerable Jiuzhong is not the more people the better ...

The rest stepped back slowly, leaving the battlefield to Wang Zhu and Lu Chen.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

The three looked at each other quietly, and at the next moment, they moved at the same time. Instead of shooting immediately, they blocked Lu Chen's retreat.


With a stern drink, the three finally shot out, and the first shot was a killing move. Majestic Yuanli was urged to the extreme without reservation. The three obviously had the idea of ​​instant killing Lu Chen.

Faced with the joint blow of the three great Venerable Jiu Zhong, Lu Chen smiled, and then, under the eyes of many surprise eyes, stepped forward!

Do not retreat and advance?

This kid is ready to shake the three together for a blow. Does he want to die?

Seeing Lu Chen's move, everyone inside and outside the mountain depression, including Wang Zhu and three people, had a thought in his heart at the same time.

Knowing to die, is this ready to give up?

"Boy, have you given up struggling to be ready to die? It's okay if you know it yourself, without unnecessary torture!" The main face of Qingyun Gate said with joy.

Wang Zhu is a casual repairman who walks on the verge of life and death all year round. He has a keen sense of danger far beyond ordinary people. At this moment, looking at Lu Chen who does not retreat and advances, somehow, there is a slight uneasiness in his heart.

"Small animals are cunning and stubborn, and they can't take care of them.

Wang Zhu roared with a scream, the palm of his eagle claw stroked in the void, and the Yuanli force swept out, turning into a sharp claw mark ...

Was reminded by Wang Zhu that the master of Qingyunmen and the master of Jujianmen immediately converged their intentions, and the offensive in hand was increasing instead of increasing, and the internal force was screaming out, carrying a violent breath, and suppressing the landing dust fiercely. In the past.

The three performed an overbearing offensive, interwoven into a net in midair, and then suppressed it.

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