Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 888: You come out for me

"Oh, such a strong killing intention. I didn't expect that I, a venerable quintet warrior, caused you to be restless and wished to kill me and then quickly. No, I just broke through by accident, and now I am a venerable prince. "

Lu Chen's eyes were cold, and he passed through the silver-white mask and glanced lightly at the main gate of Qingyunmen.


He looked at the master of Jujianmen, with a chuckle, his tone was plain, and said, "If Lu Chen remembers correctly, this is the first time you and I met each other. Before that, I have no hatred with you. "

The master of Jujianmen sneered: "Boy, the world of martial arts, weak flesh and strong food, today, I want to kill you, why not excuse me? See you are unhappy, just kill it, what do you need to say?"

The cold and indifferent voice gives people a ruthless view of life as a mustard.

Lu Chen said that his expression did not change, and he was not afraid or angry because of the words of the master of Jujianmen. He smiled at the latter, and then looked away, looking at Sanzhu Wangzhu!

"Boy, the old man is named Wang Zhu. He has no grievances in the past and no hatred in recent days. He killed you just because of his itchy hands."

Not waiting for Lu Chen to speak, then the casual repair Wang Zhu was the first to speak.

Lu Chen gave Wang Zhu a deep look and nodded. He spit out four words in a concise way, "I know."

"Small animals, you don't have to have any illusions. Today, this mountain is your burial place."

The main eyes of Qingyunmen Gate were fierce, and he stared at the dust, saying one word at a time.

Jujianmen and Sanxu Wangzhu, the biggest reason for killing Lu Chen is to envy Lu Chen's wicked talent.

Jealousy became hatred, and then gave birth to killing intentions, trying to strangle Lu Chen in the cradle.

Qingyun Gate and Lu Chen formed a real hatred. The three elders of Qingyun Gate died in the hands of Lu Chen, and the latter occupied the cultivation platform one step ahead of Qingyun Gate.

Because of the above two factors, Qingyunmen could not immediately kill Lu Chen.

"Do it!"

The owner of Qingyun Gate was worried that the change would be delayed, and he was not prepared to give Lu Chen any chance to breathe.


The loud sound resounded, and the earth was stepped on by the main door of Qingyunmen.

At the same time, his figure resembled a cheetah prey, rushed out with lightning.

"Boom Boom Boom ..."

When the strong man of Qingyun Gate saw his master's shot, he did not hesitate and moved at the same time, sweeping the majestic Yuanli force, and went to Lu Chen.

"Hey, boy, you can let three Venerable Jiu Zhong and more than ten Venerable Qiu and Eight Heavy Warriors take action together, even if you die!"

The words fell, and the casual repair of Wang Zhu was violently rushed out. The majestic elemental force rushed out of the body, and the power was amazing.

The master of Jujianmen waved his hand violently and shouted: "Kill, don't need to keep your hands, fight quickly!"

The last word fell, and a violent wave of elemental force rumbled across the world. I saw the master of the giant sword gate holding the sword, stepping on the void, and killing Lu Chen.

The giant sword gate strongman followed.

at the same time.

There was a burst of uproar around the mountain. Obviously, these people did not expect the three forces to be so shameless. When they attacked together, they only dealt with a warrior who had just broken through the sixfold of the Venerable.

At the same time as the outcry came out, the crowd around the mountain also shook his head secretly, looking at Lu Chen with pity and regret.

In the eyes of these people, today, Lu Chen will die.

When the three forces join forces, there are three people in the Jiuzhong alone, and there are more than 10 people in the 7th, 8th, and 8th.

"Oh, uh, uh ..."

The sound of breaking the sky sounded one after another.

Dozens of figures flashed across the sky like lightning, and appeared in front of Lu Chen one after another. A powerful force surged from these people. Under the fluctuation of dozens of elements, around the cultivation station The strong Qi of Qi is dissipated by the earthquake, forming a short 'vacuum' area.


Ten strong men shot at the same time, violent and fierce attacks, sweeping through the heart-pounding fluctuations, overwhelming the landing dust.

In the eyes of everyone's pity, Lu Chen looked up at the violent attack that swept across, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth could not be checked with a playful smile.


This subtle change on Lu Chen's face happened to fall in the eyes of the main gate of Qingyun Gate.

He frowned subconsciously, and his heart was also uncertain, but immediately, he was sneering again and again, secretly: At this time, you are still pretending, I want to see what you use to resist this wave of attacks!

More than ten people from the three parties joined forces in a single blow, which is extremely powerful. The Venerable Nine Heavy Soldiers are hard-wired, and they must end up dead. Even the Venerable Nine Heavy Peaks do not dare to face it.

The main idea of ​​Qingyunmen Gate is good, and it is indeed the case. The strength of the three parties joined forces and no one can take over the people present. As for Lu Chen, it is impossible!

But who said Lu Chen was ready to compete head-on?

next moment.

Lu Chen's behavior made everyone stunned, and then stunned. The three parties, led by Qingyunmen, Jujianmen, and Wang Zhu, all had embarrassed faces, as if they had eaten the dead flies.

Dozens of attacking eyes watched falling down, seeing Lu Chen's toes a little, and took a step back lightly, just retreating into the cultivation platform.

When Lu Chen fell into the training station, a silver-white mask emerged, and the defensive formation was instantly opened.

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

Dozens of attacks slammed into the formation, and the violent energy was dumped into the formation, but it failed to shake the minute.

Seeing this scene, the gatekeeper of Qingyun Gate looked extremely embarrassed, and the Yuanli flowing around him became more and more violent.

San Xiu Wang Zhu stared at Lu Chen on the cultivation platform, his gaze circulated with killing intent, bloodthirsty and anger.

Ju Jianmen's face is not good-looking.

Lu Chen's actions seem shameless, but in fact they put all of their three forces together. It's hard to hear. Lu Chen played them like a dog in front of everyone.

Finally, Lu Chen took the initiative to walk out of the training station, and Lu Chen clearly put on a dauntless posture of ‘meeting the enemy’.

However, they made a move, Lu Chen shamelessly re-entered the formation.

Is this teasing them?

"Little animal, you come out to me, I promise to kill you alive!"

Seven Venerable Elders of Qingyunmen, who was full of anger, scolded at the landing dust.

"But what did you say?"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes to the speaker, and when he spoke, there was a dangerous breath in his eyes.

"Little animals, less nonsense, as I said, get out of me a little bit and watch me beat you to life!"

The Elder Qingyunmen did not threaten Lu Chen at all, because he was sure that Lu Chen would not dare to come out.

"Take a shot, blast off the formation, break into the training station, and then let the boy live better than die ..."

Scattered Wang Zhuo Road.


At this moment, Lu Chen's figure suddenly shook on the training platform, and a ghost appeared from the spot, but his figure rushed out like a ghost.

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