Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 882: Fight the Venerable Ninefold

"Boy, you may wish to worship me as a teacher, as long as you nod and agree, the next master of Qingyun Gate is yours."

The subject of Qingyunmen was amazing.

Not only was Lu Chen stunned on the spot, but even the five strong men who were seriously injured in Qingyunmen also showed a stunned look.

After the five people responded, they looked at each other, and no one stood up to stop, because they knew Lu Chen's talent, as the master said, give Lu Chen sufficient time and resources, ten years, the sage is expected.

As long as Lu Chen successfully became a saint and became the master of Qingyunmen, Qingyunmen would then rank among Qipinzongmen in one fell swoop and become a level of power with the nine forces of Donghuang.

Compared with being able to make Qingyunmen rank among the ranks of the Seven Ranks, Lu Chen killed the three elders, and a little bit of grudge against them, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Several eyes stared at the dust eagerly, expecting the latter to nod and agree.


What made the strongmen of Qingyunmen angry was that Lu Chen sneered directly, and looked at the master of the Qingyunmen, with a disdainful tone, "Do you deserve me if you accept me?"

Qingyunmen's master heard the words, his face suddenly gloomy, the eagerness in his eyes suddenly turned cold, he took a deep breath, his voice was cold, and slowly said: "Boy, do you know the consequences of rejecting me?"

"The consequences? Hey ..."

Lu Chen licked his mouth, and there was a strong war in his eyes, "Sovereign Ninefold, I would like to personally teach one or two, let's go, fight with me, if you can overcome me, here belongs to you ... … "

Before Lu Chen finished talking, the main face of the Qingyunmen Gate was covered with a layer of frost, and his eyes were completely flooded with killing intentions.

His figure moved, and the majestic and pure Yuanli suddenly rushed out of him like a storm. His figure swept through the Yuanli, and he rushed straight to the landing dust at a fast speed. .

"I don't know what the boy is doing."

At the same time, a cold binge came from the main entrance of Qingyunmen Gate.

By Lu Chen's refusal without hesitation, the Master of the Qingyun Gate had already killed Lu Chen. His Holiness Jiu Zhongxiu was released for the unreserved release at this moment.

Feeling the powerful oppressive force that swept over the earth, Lu Chen's eyes condensed, the space around his body rippled layer by layer, and the majestic element force swept out without delay. Then, he poured into the Lei Ze sword like crazy.

Under the majestic blessing, the silver-white thunder snake flashed on the Lei Ze sword, Lu Chen's body was also enveloped by a layer of thunder, and his right arm was shocked, Lei Ze sword whispered, a bright sword spirit Without hesitation, he leaned forward to the main gate of Qingyunmen.

The master of the Qingyun Gate, who was fighting, looked coldly at the brilliant sword gas from the diagonal cut. With a palm of his hand, only a long red sword appeared in his hand.

The blood-red sword is a special weapon of the gatekeepers of the Qingyun Gate. Six-star magic soldiers, under the killing of the gatekeepers of the past, the sword is covered with a very terrifying blood.

The coexistence of sword gas and gas of blood evil makes the power of this **** long knife soaring, which is also a stable high level among the six-star **** soldiers.


With the long knife in his hand, the breath of the main body of the Qingyun Gate suddenly rose, and then the long knife severely chopped on the brilliant sword with a whistling noise.


The long knife and the sword gas hit hard, and two extremely violent fluctuations broke out at the same time. The blood on the long knife was soaring, and only a click was heard. The bright sword gas was invincible, and the response collapsed and collapsed. With the monstrous blood of Qi, he continued to fall forward.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ..."

The blood-colored knife blew out, wherever it passed, the space was directly broken open in response to the sound.

Lu Chen's complexion changed slightly, his body flashed and disappeared.

Almost at the moment when Lu Chen's body disappeared from the original place, the blood-colored sword awn arrived, and then, the power burst, and Lu Chen stood on the ground for a moment, under the blood-colored sword awn, the broken and torn apart, Desperate.

The master of Qingyunmen showed the true amazing power of His Holiness Jiuzhong with his first shot, so failed, it is not comparable to Historian Yaejo, even Wei Qiye, who used Tencel Xuanjia, was the master of Qingyunmen In front of me, I'm afraid it won't last long.

Thousands of kilometers away, Lu Chen appeared in shape, looking at the earth that was turned into ruins under the **** sword, and the look on his face gradually became dignified.

"Boy, the gap between you and me should now be clearly felt. I will finally give you a chance to worship me as a teacher, otherwise, die."

Missed by a hit, the main gatekeeper of Qingyun Gate did not continue to attack. He stood up with his knife, staring at the dust indifferently, and said lightly.

Regarding Lu Chen, Qingyunmen ’s master finally held a glimmer of hope, and he did n’t want to miss it easily. As long as he could take the latter as his apprentice, Qingyunmen would be sure to become one of the dominant powers of the Eastern Wilderness after ten years.

Lu Chen didn't open his mouth, but showed his choice to the Qingyunmen master by action. He was expressionless and silently urged the mystery of fire, and immediately, he exhibited the sword of true fire.

The second form of true fire swordsmanship: Jianyang turned into the sky!

Along with the landing dust slashing out, I saw a thick red-red sword gas burst out, the violent and hot sword gas shattered the void, and the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly increased.

The crimson sword gas traversed the sky, just like the sky, and went straight to the main gate of the Qingyun Gate.

The sword energy is coming, the ultimate heat has already come, and the violent and sharp sword energy easily tears the void.

The master of the Qingyun Gate, who was facing the sword energy, was shocked by the power of this sword, but even if the reaction came, he screamed angrily, "Boy, I ’m missing you for a gift I ca n’t bear to kill you and give you a few chances, but you have repeatedly refused. Since that is the case, then let you know that not everyone can contend with Nine Heavy. ”

The main face of Qingyun Gate was ruthless and ruthless. He stood up in the sky, and the **** long knife suddenly burst out, and the body of the body suddenly rushed out. Above the body of the knife, there was a huge blade of mansion. Faintly, there is an extremely overbearing destructive power emanating from it.

"Hey, this little miscellaneous, really shameless face, repeatedly and repeatedly refused to accept the doorkeeper's disciples, just kill it directly, can be regarded as revenge for the three elders."

"That's right, this child relied on a bit of cultivation talent, so he didn't know that the sky was thick ..."

"The dead genius is not worth mentioning."

The five strong men of Qingyun Gate looked at the huge sword and couldn't help but say.

In the eyes of these five people, Lu Chen's talent is high, but under the attack of the master of Qingyun Gate, he will definitely die.

And when the five people sneered, the crimson sword qi and the huge sword awn were shaken hard in the air.

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