Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 881: Next master

The palm of the mystery of fire was gently pressed against the chest of the three elders of the Qingyunmen. Then, with the touch of the dust on the ground, the majestic Yuanli swept out of the mystery of fire.


The dull sound came out, and the elders of the Qingyunmen were assaulted, their chests collapsed directly, and between the blood and spurs, they flew out fiercely, and finally slammed, hitting the ground, huge The impact force directly cracked the earth into deep cracks.

This accident happened too suddenly.

The owner of Qingyunmen and several other strongmen of Qingyunmen heard the prestige, and the smile on his face was suddenly stiff. The road was originally filled with ridicule and ridicule, which was now replaced by shock and incredible.


Very shocked!

They widened their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw.


It's so weird!

The boy below is obviously just a boy with five respectable peaks.

It stands to reason that the three elders shot and the backhand could be destroyed.


The scene in front of him was the opposite.

The defeated party is the three elders, and, in one defeat, the defeat is so thorough!

Three elders care? Or, suspected of releasing water?

But when he saw the weak elders in the ruins, the three elders who were dying, the strongmen of Qingyun Gate instantly dispelled the doubts in their hearts.

The master of Qingyunmen took a deep breath and pressed down the shock in his heart.

He stepped into the void and looked down at the landing dust. In his eyes, there was an endless icy and rapid convergence. At the same time, a heavy and violent coercion swept out of his body like a gust of wind. Oppressed.

Qingyun Gate, the sixth-rank peak power, compared with the Wei family of the sixth-rank peak family, is also unwilling. In this chaotic sea and his party, the Qingyunmen gate master and elders came out together, which can be said to exert the power of the entire sect.

The Qingyunmen Gate Master can sit firmly on the throne of the gatekeeper, and his strength is naturally not to be underestimated. It is the authentic Venerable Jiuzhongxiu. From the strong momentum exuded from his body, Binadan Jianzong Qingshan men cast After the secret method, you must be a bit stronger ...

Thick and violent coercion loomed down, and the air around Lu Chen became solidified under this powerful coercion, and the ground underneath began to gradually crack.

With the strength of the ninth heavy master of Qingyunmen Gate, let alone the five-fold peak of the great Venerable, even the Sixth Great Venerable, or even the Seventh Great Warrior, I am afraid that they will be embarrassed by their coercion.

But Lu Chen, obviously different from others, is not in this column.

Lu Chen's internal force screamed out, easily resisting the oppressive breath from the main gate of Qingyunmen.

Seeing the appearance of the main gate of Qingyunmen, his complexion gradually dimmed, and a strong murderous intention also appeared in his eyes.

Taking the five-level cultivation of the Venerable Lord, not only one of the three elders who killed the Seventh Lord of the Venerable in one face, but also not afraid of his coercion, the talent displayed by Lu Chen was too anti-celestial. , Also raised the fear and fear of death.


Not only the master of Qingyun Gate, but also the other strong players of Qingyun Gate, also moved slightly, his face gradually dignified, and his gaze towards Lu Chen contained undisguised killing intent.

"Shoot, kill him!"

The main gate of Qingyunmen made a cold voice, and there was an urgent murder in his voice.


The few people beside Qingyunmen Gate Master also know that Lu Chen ’s talents are against the sky and cannot be kept, otherwise Qingyunmen Gate will be in trouble in the future, so when he heard the cold voice of Qingyunmen Gate Master, since he did not hesitate, Directly run Yuanli crazy.

Several violent elemental forces erupted and opened at the same time, causing a burst of space storms.

"Oh, uh ..."

Several figures rushed out at the same time, and the magnificent Yuanli force turned into a fierce attack, directly overwhelming the landing dust.

The Qingyunmen Gate was mainly blocked by its identity, and it didn't shoot immediately. However, Lu Chen looked at the violent attack that shone down and still frowned.

This time, the strong players of the Qingyun Gate are all out. In addition to the nine-fold of the Venerable Qingyunmen, the strength of the other few people is that the two are eight, the seven are three ...

Two Venerables are eightfold, three Venerables are sevenfold, and five of them join in one blow. Although the power cannot be compared with Venerable Ninefolds, it is also quite tricky!

Lu Chen took a step forward, and the internal force suddenly burst out. A blazing heat centered on him and spreading around. Under this blazing heat, the space around the body began to distort, and the ground underfoot showed signs of blackness.

Feeling the blazing heat spreading from Lu Chen's body, the strongmen of Qingyun Gate, including the master of Qingyun Gate, seemed to have thought of something, and the look on his face changed dramatically.

"The fire ... the mystery ..."

At this moment, Lu Chen held his backhand, and Six Star Divine Soldier Lei Zejian appeared in his hand. During the surge of elemental force, a sword was swung out.


The moment Lei Zejian swayed, a blazing sword gas with the mystery of fire screamed out at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye. The sword gas passed, the space thundered, and a circle of dark ripples swelled. Broken, forming space cracks.

"Low-level arcane martial arts, true fire swordsmanship, the second type of sword-yang!"

When Lu Chen's cold and ruthless voice came into the ears of the Qingyunmen Powerhouse, the blazing sword energy was already swept through the violent force, directly with the several attacks that shrouded down from the landing dust, Together.


The loud noise resounded, several attacks collided, erupted in a horrible wave, and the violent wave of elementary forces swept away, making the space in this area rippling.

Then, under the appalling eyes of the powerful men of the Qingyun Gate, the sword gas containing the mystery of fire erupted into a violent breath, which directly destroyed the several attacks that shattered the envelope.

"Puff puff puff puff puff ..."

at the same time.

The faces of the five strong men of Qingyun Gate, with a swipe, became bloodless, and there was blood constantly spitting out of the mouth between the body's shocks.

The main face of the Qingyunmen gate looked at the five people who were spitting blood, and then looked at the dust. For a long time, it slowly said: "Who are you?"

"Is this important?"

"If I am not mistaken, you have realized the half-step fire mystery, no, no, although the half-step mystery is strong, but it is definitely not as strong, you ... you understand the turning fire?"

Speaking of the last, the main gate of Qingyun Gate was already wide-eyed, and there was a raging wave in his heart.

"Guess." Lu Chen said lightly.

"It's not wrong, it must be the mystery of a turn of fire, and His Holiness will understand the mystery of a turn ..."

The master of the Qingyun Gate seemed to be lost, muttering to himself, and immediately, he swiftly raised his head and stared straight at the landing dust, "The Venerable Fivefold, the Profound Truth, boy, you are the most and most evil demon I have ever seen. People, give you enough time, and within ten years, the sage is expected. Boy, you may be willing to be my disciple, as long as you nod and agree, the next master of Qingyun Gate is yours. "

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