Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 844: One against three


Seeing that Landing Dust is about to explode with Zhang Tao, a sudden loud noise erupts in the depths of Mo Fu.

Then, a violent collision sound came.

The sudden change suddenly attracted everyone and looked at the depths of Mofu.

The violent collision sounds come and go faster. The two warring parties seem to be not at all a level, and they win and lose in the blink of an eye.

The head of the Mo family, Zhang Tao and they, hearing the violent collision sound, seemed to think of something, and their complexion changed.

On the other hand, Lu Chen raised his mouth slightly.

Did it work? !

Just as Lu Chen thought like this, a deep burst of arrogant breath suddenly broke out in the depths of Na Mo Fu.


The deafening roar followed, and the house deep inside the Mo family collapsed in pieces.

next moment.

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and four figures rose into the sky. The breath exuded from these four people, none of them are weak, at least all of them are cultivators of the realm ...

See this scene.

A group of warriors headed by the head of the Mo family, the look on their faces gradually darkened.

The four people who appeared suddenly were the people who had recently entered the Mo family. At that time, because of the scruples of the status of several dragon soldiers, and Yuan Mo escaped, he did not directly kill the three dragon soldiers, but only imprisoned them.

But I didn't expect that the three dragon soldiers were rescued at this time, and the rescuer was Yuan Mo who had just escaped shortly before.

Lu Chen glanced at the four dragon soldiers, and after seeing that they were not in danger of life, their tight strings could not help but loosen.

Since the Dragon Soldiers have been rescued, then ...

He raised his head and his eyes fell on Zhang Tao and the dark and deep pupils, with a ray of cold light shining.


Feeling the murderous intent on Lu Chen, the three of Zhang Tao frowned slightly, and immediately slammed, and the three shot again.

The three venerable and the six heavy martial arts shot at the same time, almost in the blink of an eye, they deceived Lu Chen in front of them, and then did not keep their hands at all, they directly performed their respective moves.

The three offensive united, the momentum was extremely arrogant, and the three were obviously ready to kill Lu Chen in a strong way, so the first shot was to exert their strength, and the internal force has been urged to the extreme by the three.

"This guy doesn't hide, is he ready to fight against the strongest of the three great respecters and six heavy ones?"

"I really don't know the life and death. The venerable lords have four levels of cultivation. Whatever the strength of the fighting, can they really compete with the three lords and six tiers?"

"It's a good thing, but it's a pity. This person regards His Holiness the Fourfold Cultivation as the first. First, he slashed the six elders of the Mo family, and then made a heavy attack on the Mo family head. The means is against the sky, and the ending is doomed. "

In the distance, when a group of spectators attracted by the momentum of the fighting saw Lu Chen's evasion and whisper of whispering when he saw that Lu Chen was not hiding or trying to shake off with Zhang Tao.

At the same time, the three Zhang Tao who shot Lu Chen saw that Lu Chen was about to shake their joint offensive.

If Lu Chen rounds off the enemy, he can still hold a few breaths in the hands of the three of them, but now, Lu Chen is ready to shake heads with them. This move makes it clear that he is looking for death.

Lu Chen looked at the powerful offensive coming from the roar, with joyless and angry face, extremely calm.

next moment.


The powerful Yuanli suddenly spewed out of Lu Chen's body, and that fluctuation of Yuanli was far from the fourfold comparison of ordinary Venerable.

"What a powerful breath!"

Under the unreserved outburst, a horrifying sound suddenly erupted around the Mo family. The three Zhang Tao were closest to Lu Chen and felt the deepest nature. At this moment, the pupils could not help shrinking. There is a deep horror.

They couldn't imagine how it was only the four-fold Lu Chen of Venerable Lord, how could such a terrifying atmosphere erupt.

"Don't panic, hey, no matter how powerful this kid is, the cultivation base is only the fourfold of Venerable Master, and it is impossible to be the opponent of my three."

Zhang Tao glanced at Su Zhe and Yang Xiao after being shocked. After seeing their faces full of incredible expressions, he hurriedly shouted.

However, Zhang Tao's speech sounded down, but Lu Chen spoke, and his voice was full of playfulness.

"Not your three opponents? Haha, don't say that the Sixth Venerable Master is the Seventh Venerable Master, and I'm not the one I killed ..."


Upon hearing this, Zhang Tao and his heart beat fiercely and exclaimed in a loss of voice.

Lu Chen ignored the exclamation of the three people, sneered, and next moment, the right palm was held in the empty space, the Black Abyssal sword was in his hand, and the internal force suddenly shouted out. It is directly transformed into a dazzling sword spirit.

Almost in an instant, the dazzling sword qi has been formed, and a trembling breath diffuses from the sword qi.


Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, sweeping through the terrible fluctuations and tearing the void easily. Under those terrifying eyes, lightning attacked Zhang Tao and the three of them.


When Jian Qi collided with the offensive that swept across, a cold, bone-sounding voice came out from Lu Chen's mouth.


A huge collision sounded through the world, and then, the violent energy swept wildly towards the surroundings. Under the aftermath of energy, the air exploded, and the Mojia mansion below collapsed into pieces and turned into ruins ...

At the same time, the faces of Zhang Tao and three people all appeared in horror. Then, the body trembles, and the pedals back ten steps.

"how is this possible?!"

"This is not true."


As soon as he stabilized his body, the exclamation came from Zhang Tao's three populations.

The three teamed up for a blow, and it was easily broken by Lu Chen's sword. At this moment, the three people's backs were cold, and they finally understood the meaning of Lu Chen's words before. Musha.

There was a silence near the Mo Family Mansion. All people's hearts were filled with shock waves, shocked by the scene in front of him, the four-layer Lu Chen of the Venerable, even attacked Zhang Tao with a sword and attacked three people. During the collision, it clearly took the upper hand ...


Just when the audience was silent, Lu Chen moved. I saw his figure flashed, violently rushed out, and during the surge of Yuanli, he mercilessly killed Zhang Tao.

Now that he is ready to kill the opponent, Lu Chen will not have any kindness.

"This is tricky, you can't keep your hands anymore, use the hole cards together and kill them!"

Knowing that Lu Chen's true combat power should not be underestimated, the three of Zhang Tao immediately converged and despised their hearts, and waited for them. With a roar, the three silhouettes were mixed with rolling forces, like a fierce tiger who ate people. Afterwards, a violent attack drove over the land like a mountain of dust.

Seeing that the landing dust was about to be overwhelmed by the attacks of the three Zhang Tao, his figure flashed slightly, and an afterimage had emerged, almost at the same time, the attacks of the three Zhang Tao roared, directly to that The residual image of the road was torn into pieces.

Unable to hit, Zhang Tao and his face changed drastically.


At the same time, Lu Chen's figure appeared as a ghost and ghost silently behind him. Five fingers clenched into a fist, and the force of the element surged. Then, a punch came straight out.


In this punch, Lu Chen had no reservation. At the moment of punching, the air in front exploded directly under the pressure of the punching wind.

The air exploded, and the fist wrapped in Yuan Li took the deadly part of Su Zhe's back heart like a thunder.

Su Zhe felt the strong wind behind Ling Xian, and his face instantly became bloodless, because Lu Chen's attack speed was too fast, and he could not make effective defense at all.

Zhang Tao and Yang Xiao also noticed that Su Zhe was in a deep crisis, but he had more than enough energy and could not see it, so he could only watch ...


Thick, mountain-like fists slammed into Su Zhe ’s heart, and his power was poured down. Su Zhe heard a crackling bone cracking in his body. The entire back was also deeply sunken, and his body was like a broken line. The paper kite flew out ...

At last.

Under countless shocks and unbelievable glances, he smashed into the ruins below.

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