Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 843: Yanyuemen disciples

The only female disciple among the Yanyuemen disciples saw the Mo family's headless defeat and suffered a heavy blow. His body flashed and appeared directly beside the Mo family's head. His delicate white face was full of worries.

Mo Yu, daughter of the Mo family head.

"Father, are you okay!"

When speaking, Mo Yuqiao's face was cold and frost, and the six elders of the family had fallen. At this moment, even his father was seriously injured by the thieves. This hatred has been settled and is difficult to resolve.

She raised her head, her eyes cold, staring at the dust.

His eyes are full of indifference, indifference, resentment and condescending ...

Obviously, Lu Chen was already a dead man in her eyes.

"No ... nothing ... cough cough cough ..."

The Mo family's face was pale and he waved his hands again and again, but he could not help coughing violently as soon as he opened his mouth, wow, and a spit of blood came out of his mouth again.

"This friend, in the next Zhang Tao, the core disciple of Yanyue Gate, Tianshui City Mojia is Mo Shimei's family. You are so bold that you dare to come alone in the middle of the night, and it is really a crime of death to kill here."

The voice came, and I saw that the person speaking was a young man dressed in gray. This person was named Zhang Tao, the core disciple of Yanyuemen.

Zhang Tao took a step forward, his hands naturally fell behind him, and a rather powerful fluctuation of the Yuan force emanated from him.

"Dog-like things, I'm too lazy to shoot you, or you can save yourself a whole body." He smiled at the landing dust, said.

The two Yanyuemen disciples Yang Xiao and Su Zhe said that their faces remained the same, but instead they gazed at the dust jokingly. Obviously, in their eyes, Lu Chen was like fish on the chopping board.

Lu Chen did not say a word, staring straight at Zhang Tao, a dark glance between his dark and deep pupils.

Although he and Yanyuemen had formed an endless feud, but when they were away, they met Yanyuemen's disciples by accident. As long as the other party did not actively provoke him, he could not kill either.

However, several people in front of him have been included in the list of must-have.

After a long silence, Lu Chen suddenly shook his head.

"A bunch of idiots who don't know life or death, let's go together, otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you the opportunity to join forces."

The voice is indifferent, the sound line is not fluctuating, as if to state the facts.

This remark came out.

The people present, including all the martial arts soldiers of the Mo family, and even those spectators who were attracted by the battle, all showed stunned faces, and then gradually replaced by ridicule.

"Hahaha ..."

Everywhere, the laughter became a film, and everyone laughed.

Zhang Tao and others also looked at the dust with a playful look.

Let the four of you join forces?

Ha ha!


From these people's point of view, Lu Chen was either crazy or conscious of dying today. Want to provoke them to take action together to make him die more gloriously?

after all.

The death of the four of them joined forces. For ordinary warriors, it is not an exaggeration to say that although death is still glorious ...

"Boy, what kind of thing are you, the venerable esteem is four-fold, and dog-like things, dare to slap in front of me?" Zhang Tao sneered, his voice full of ridicule.

"Clown Jumping Beam."

Mo Yuwang landed the dust and spoke coldly.

"Sister Mo, don't be sad. Brother Brother takes this person's head for you."

When Mo Shimei was angry, Su Zhe immediately stood up, and the force on her palms surged, preparing to kill Lu Chen with a shot, and won a smile from the beauty.

"The venerable Lord is fourfold, why did Brother Su Zhe take the shot?"

When seeing Su Zhe stand up to kill Lu Chen, Yang Xiao couldn't sit down immediately, his eyes rolled, and he laughed.

next moment.

The sound of breaking the sky sounded.

Yang Xiao stormed out.

Yang Xiao, Venerable Liu Xiuxiu, saw him sweeping over Yuan Li and flew towards Lu Chen. The Yuan Yuan whizzed out and shook down the landing dust.

To smile for the Bomei, he wanted to rob Lu Chen before Su Zhe and Zhang Tao.

Yang Xiao, Su Zhe, Zhang Tao, accompanied Mo Yu home to visit relatives not far away, the purpose is very simple, in order to win the hearts of beautiful people.

Therefore, the three are both brothers and rivals in the same discipline, and secretly fight continuously.

When Su Zhe and Zhang Tao saw that Yang Xiao had already shot, he sighed and said that it was a pity. He didn't expect that he was just a little hesitant, so Yang Xiao took the lead.

The two men withdrew the pace they were preparing to go out. Since Yang Xiao had already made a move in advance, the ending was already determined. Furthermore, if the two of them really went out of their way, would n’t it be three to one in the eyes of outsiders?

Lu Chen raised his head, and his pupils reflected the rolling Yuan Li that was quickly looming down. There was no meaning of evasion. With the palm of his hand, the majestic Yuan Li swelled and then turned into a Yuan Li palm. Slammed on the rolling Yuanli that shrouded down.


The deep voice suddenly exploded in mid-air, and the next thing that shocked everyone was that Yang Xiao's offensive, under the palm of Yuan Li, collapsed with a touch.

"how is this possible?!"

"I, am I right? Well, that man shattered the attack of Yanyuemen Gaotu!"

Everyone was dumbfounded and murmured.

Upon seeing this, Yang Xiao was slightly stunned. Even the impulse slowed down. Although he didn't use all his strength in the offensive just now, he also used 80%.

It stands to reason that with his six revivals of His Holiness, 80% of the strength can easily kill any one of the four martial arts.

However, the fact is that his offensive was easily defeated by the person in front of him!

this moment.

Yang Xiao couldn't help but watch Lu Chen's gaze.


And when Yang Xiao was alert to Lu Chen, the latter sneered and rushed out of the body, leaving a trace in the air.

Lu Chen's fists clenched slowly, and then a punch came out.


The invisible air, under this fist, was shattered relentlessly, the void was twisted, and a circle of water ripples rippled.

Faced with the offensive of Yang Xiao, his pupils shrank sharply, and he faintly felt that this punch was extremely powerful, and the ordinary Venerable Sixth Martial Arts resisted hard, fearing that at least he would be seriously injured and died.

Although he is a disciple of Yanyuemen, his strength is far from that of ordinary warriors of the same level, but he dare not take this punch directly.

So, ignoring other people's surprised eyes, he stepped a little under his feet and resolutely withdrew.


With a loud noise, Yang Xiao stood on the ground for a moment and was directly crushed by a punch.

Yang Xiao, who avoided the attack in time, still groaned under the aftermath, his face was pale, and he stumbled back a few steps.

This scene made everyone look at each other again, Yang Xiao actually fell into the downwind, and, looking at his face, it seemed injured.

At the same time, Su Zhe and Zhang Tao were also taken aback. Although they and Yang Xiao were in a rival relationship and secretly continued to compete, they had to admit that the latter's strength was not bad. Grasp.

Because of this, Yang Xiao fell into the disadvantage and the two talents would be so shocked.

Lu Chen closed his fist and did not continue to attack. His eyes fell on Su Zhe and Zhang Tao who were in shock.

"You join forces, otherwise, you are not qualified to fight me, of course, even if you join forces, you are not qualified."

At this time.

No one dared to refute.

Yang Xiao was silent and had a preliminary confrontation with Lu Chen. He already knew that he was not his opponent.

Zhang Tao and Su Zhe looked at each other and then looked at Yang Xiao in silence.

Zhang Tao took a step forward with a ruthless face and said, "Since you are in a hurry to die, I will do everything for you."

Su Zhe sneered, and also swept away to Lu Chen under everyone's startled eyes.

Su Zhe and Zhang Tao are also the sixfold cultivation practices of the Venerable.

The three venerables and the six-strongs join forces. They are so powerful that it is impossible to imagine. The general seven-level venerables cannot guarantee that they can beat the three.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

The three of them flew towards Lu Chen, and a wave of powerful force fluctuations emanated from them. The three momentums gathered, and even the void was distorted by the shock. Back off.

The three of Zhang Tao raised their momentum to the extreme. Obviously, they were preparing to kill Lu Chen with thunder.

Facing the oppression of the three people, Lu Chen smiled, and he could not see any fear on his face. Under the eyes of many eyes, he stepped forward and walked forward slowly with Zhang Taosan People are getting closer.

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