Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1223: Aoki Spring will be handed over to you

The president of the Desert Wolf Association said hoarsely, "Let's do what you want me to do before you let them go."

"Go on."

Lu Chen snapped his fingers, he did not report much hope at first, because in his opinion, a strong man like President Mo Wolf would not care about the life and death of his wife and children, but the result made him quite Surprise.

"If you want your wife and children to live, throw your storage ring first."

He has the confidence to be able to kill the president of the current Desert Wolf Association, but he is not half confident. He can kill the latter while retaining the storage ring on the other party.

In the war of warriors, unless the strength of the two sides is very different, one side can crush the other side, and when the other side is too late to destroy the storage ring, it can be killed by the enemy.

And if you can't kill the enemy cleanly, even if you kill the opponent, you will probably get nothing.

After all, when dying, no one will leave his life savings to his opponent.

The reason why Lu Chen was able to obtain the Seven Star Divine Soldier Ebon Sword was because he possessed the power to instantly kill the Cang family master, and after that, the Cang family master was seriously injured after the battle with the war, and his combat strength was incomparable. 1. Naturally, in the hands of Lu Chen, the storage ring cannot be destroyed in advance.

At this moment, it is different. The President of the Desert Wolf Association is not comparable to the head of the Cang family. Even if Lu Chen killed the President of the Desert Wolf Association in the end, he did n’t have to think about the final result. He would get nothing over 90%.

After hearing this, the president of the Molang Association hesitated, and then looked at Lu Chen. When he saw the impatient color on the latter's face, he sighed, took off the storage ring, and threw it directly to Lu Chen.

In order to prevent fraud, Lu Chen did not pick it up with his hands, but operated Yuanli, turned it into a big force of Yuanli, grabbed it from the air, and grabbed the storage that flew from it, and it was not dangerous to detect it. Only then was it caught in the hands.

It was not that he was too timid, but that the president of the Desert Wolf Society was too cunning, and he did not want to be turned over by the latter at the last minute.

Be careful, there is no harm.

Divine consciousness poured into the storage ring. After a few breaths, Lu Chen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. The president of the Mo Wolf Club is worthy of being a half-step king, and he has mastered the Mo Wolf Club for hundreds of years. Compared with the Infantry, there are as many as thirteen strains of the king-level elixir alone, and there are countless treasures of various materials. As for the original crystals of the Profound Truth, there are as many as hundreds of them.

"Very good, you are very kind, and want me to let your wife and children go, and speak out to deter those who are out of order. These are not enough."

"What else do you want?" Mo Lang Hui's face will sink heavily, and he will say in a deep voice.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "You have achieved a half-step king for hundreds of years, and you are in control of the Mowol Association. I believe that you must have some unknown secrets, such as the cave mansion, magic formula, News such as Tiancaidibao. "

The president of the Mowol Association sneered and said, "I know a secret, but I'm afraid you won't dare to go."

"It's my business to go or not, but it's your business to say it or not." Lu Chen reminded: "Your time is running out, don't delay it."

The body strength of the president of the Desert Wolf Society is about to burn out, so his time is running out.

"Want me to tell that secret, okay, but you have to swear first, you can't tell the truth."

Lu Chen shook his head without any hesitation, "It seems that you can't see your situation clearly. It is now that you have asked me, not me, you can not say it, but the price of not saying it, you should also know . Now, you can choose to believe in me, believe in my character, and believe that I will not go against it; or you can choose not to believe in me and bring that secret into the coffin. "

"The choice is up to you,"

It is said that Mo Wolf would almost scold the mother for a long time. If Lu Chen said this at the beginning, he would not bother to pay attention to the latter, but now he has already given up his life savings, and it is obviously too late to regret it at this moment.

Just when Mo Wolf would almost scold the mother for a long time, Lu Chen seemed to think of something, adding: "Oh, do n’t try to tell me fake news, because doing that would make you more stupid. After getting the news, , I will send someone to check in advance, and will not go in person before confirming the news is true. And if the news is wrong, you will know the consequences. "

The President of the Desert Wolf Society took a deep breath and said: "Relax on the news I give you, naturally true, but I'm afraid you dare not go."

"Don't apply that inferior radical method to me, because that is useless to me, now, you can say."

With Lu Chen's words, the angry Desert Wolf would almost have to scold his mother. If he knew that he could not kill Lu Chen in his current state, and he was worried about the safety of his wife and children after death, he would not choose Compromise.

The internal force in the body burned violently, and he had little time left. Perhaps he would die next moment, so he was too lazy to entangle with Lu Chen, his thoughts moved, and the vitality was transmitted to Lu Chen.

After a moment, Lu Chen nodded and said, "I hope what you said is true."

No one answered.

Because, the spirit in the eyes of the Mowol Association is quickly dimming, his body shaking, and then directly planted down, under the eyes of everyone, thumped and smashed into the ruins.


The president of the Mowol Association, which has been in the Megatron Cloud City for hundreds of years, fell here today.

With the death of the president of the Mowol Association, the warrior warriors were relieved for a long time, and then cheers rang out from the mountain stream.

The ancestors of the Cang family and the president of the Desert Wolf Association, both of the two half-step kings fell.

With the fall of the two, Cangjia and Molanghui have been destined to disappear on the stage of Tianyun God City. As for the killing of the **** gang, the masters have been killed and injured. Even if the master of the killing gang is not dead, it is difficult to compete with the warriors.

After today, Tianyun Shencheng is no longer the four forces standing side by side, nor is it a three-legged stand, nor is it a two-man domination, but a single big.

Heaven Cloud City will usher in the era of warlord rule.

Dominating a **** city can only be achieved by the king-level forces, and the warriors will do this, just think about it, the warrior warriors present are all excited and excited.

Excited cheering echoed in the mountain stream.

In the cheers, Lu Chen fell down, and Zhan Yi and Zhan Xiao greeted each other. Before Lu Chen spoke, Zhan Yi said first, "Lu Chen, we have to go back first, and Aoki Spring will leave you and The woman is gone. "

Lu Chen said, frowning, said: "Senior Yi Yi, the kid you said is a shame, I secretly promised Jiukao to bring him into Aoki Spring, but you don't have to leave, Aoki Spring is so rich in energy , Enough for everyone to practice together ... "

Zhan Yi knew that Lu Chen had misunderstood and waved his hand, saying: "Lu Chen, you misunderstood, not as you think, we have more important things, we have to return to Qingyun God City now."

"The ancestors of Cang Family and Mo Wolf Association fell, these two forces are destined to withdraw from the stage of Tianyun God City, and once the news of their fall comes out, the major forces will hear the wind and divide the two forces. If we want to take over the two power sites completely, we cannot do without us, so we have to go back. Although Aoki Spring is good, it is far less than the two power sites. "

Zhan Xiao smiled and continued: "Lu Chen, I will just say that this time the destruction of Cangjia and Molanghui will be your credit. If my fighter can take over the two forces, the benefits will be It ’s not comparable to Aoki Spring, so strictly speaking, it ’s my fighter who took advantage of you. ”

"Moreover, the old guy who killed the Lord went back home. I was afraid that he would jump into the wall in a hurry, which would be detrimental to my fighters, so we had to go back."

Lu Chen heard it, suddenly realized that if he wanted to retain the warrior warrior, he swallowed it back.

Want to deter the killing of the gods, want to take over the two power sites, the warrior warrior on the scene is forced to go back.

Lu Chen said: "The two seniors, I promised the president of the Mowol Association, and will leave his wife and children alive. This matter will trouble you, abolish their cultivation behavior, and send them out of the Heavenly Cloud God City."

Zhan Yi and Zhan Xiao nodded.

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