Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1222: Squeeze out the last trace of value


A voice full of endless warfare came from Lu Chen's mouth.

next moment.

He did not hesitate, his figure flashed out, and at the same time, the purple thunder snake surging on his body, and the rusty armor phantom also enveloped his whole body. Stimulated the thunder **** body and Xuanwu body protection technique!

Obviously, Lu Chen is not going to delay the time, but is going to bombard the president of the Mowol from the front. This scene falls in the eyes of the warrior warrior, and everyone can't help worrying about it.

Although the chairman of the Mowol Association was seriously injured and his strength plummeted, at this moment it was burning all the remaining elemental strength. His strength soared, and he has returned to 80% of his peak combat power.

With the 80% combat power of the President of the Mo Wolf Club, he can easily kill any saint, including Sun Tianchi in his hands, and he ca n’t stick to a few moves, not to mention the President of the Mo Wolf Club at this moment, knowing that he will die. Next, I will pull the dust and bury it with me regardless of everything!

In this case, the risk factor of land dust has undoubtedly increased several times.

The looting President of the Desert Wolf, seeing Lu Chen did not evade, but chose to fight him directly, and his grievous and painful face immediately appeared madness and resentment.

"Little beast, you make me feel bad, then I will take you on the road even if I die!"

The Desert Wolf will have a vengeful surge in his long eyes, and the big force is emptied and the powerful and violently burning Yuan Li directly condenses into a huge Yuan Li mountain in front of him.

The peak of Yuanli Mountain is extremely large, almost covering the sunlight, making the mountain stream slightly dim, a breath of amazing and violent breath, spreading from the top of Yuanli Mountain, covering an area of ​​thousands of kilometers in an instant, terrifying coercion In the area where the breath is shrouded, the air explodes, and the sound of deep air bursts.

The president of the Desert Wolf Society after burning the elemental force is an extremely amazing move. The mountain formed by the magnificent elemental force, even the distant warrior warrior, feels a straight into the soul. Palpitations.

This hand, I'm afraid that even the chairman of the desert wolf club is difficult to display at the peak period, but at this moment, the elemental energy is burned, and it is forced to display in the case of knowing that it will die.

"Tianwai Xuanshan!"

Yuanli Mountain is formed, Mo Lang will pass a hint of madness in his eyes, and his big hand slams forward fiercely, then Yuanli Mountain is swept through the sky and the fissure, and he slammed the landing dust. .

The mountain of Yuanli seems to fall down like a meteor outside the sky, carrying the destructive power that shocked the half-step king. Wherever passed, the air exploded, Yuanli was disordered, and a vacuum area appeared, and the lower one The earth that turned into ruins was also devastated again at this moment.

Looking at the roaring Yuanli Mountain, Lu Chen roared, and the Heifeng sword exploded in a magnificent Yuanli fluctuation in his hand.

next moment.

The long sword danced, a sharp sword qi that penetrated the heavens and earth was formed, and then rushed out with the terrifying momentum of tearing the heaven and earth. Under the intense gaze of the warrior warrior, it was strong and firm with the roaring Yuanli Mountain Shocked together.

At this moment, Lu Chen has almost recovered to the peak combat power. Under the superposition of various profound powers, he uttered a sword with all his strength, and the destructive power exploded, which can definitely seriously hurt Sun Tianchi's opponents of the same level.


However, such a striking sword, and the moment when the roaring Yuanli Mountain struck against it, it only lasted less than a breath, and the sharp sword gas was suddenly broken under the eyes of everyone.

Yuanli Mountain, which defeated Jianqi, continued to sweep through the might of the world, and rushed into the landing dust.

Lu Chen saw it, but his face was surprisingly calm. He was holding the Heifeng sword, but he did not retreat at this moment, his body flashed, and he rushed directly towards the peak of Yuanli Mountain.

"Break me!"

With a fearless roar screaming through the world, I saw the sword in Lu Chen's hands, and once again burst out with an unparalleled amazing sword spirit.

Jian Qi tore the air, and with a loud bang, he slashed fiercely on the top of Yuanli Mountain.

At the same time, in everyone's shocking eyes, the amazing Jian Qi actually cut the Yuanli Mountain.


The moment when the Yuanli mountain was cut open, it exploded and the amazing energy surged violently.

Lu Chen was also uncomfortable. He continuously waved two amazing sword qis, which consumed him enormously. Moreover, the destructive power generated by the explosion of Yuanli Mountain also caused him to swell blood and stagger constantly. Back off.

It has to be said that the power of President Mo Wolf ’s attack is extremely amazing. With Lu Chen ’s current combat strength, he also cut two swords in succession, before it was able to blast the Yuanli Mountain, and he was also affected by the aftermath of the explosion Shock, if it were not for him to run Thunder God Body and Xuanwu Body Protection at the same time, I am afraid that even if he exploded Yuanli Mountain, he would have suffered a serious injury.

"call out!"

During the retreat, when the figure was not yet stable, the bleak sound of the sky was resounded, and I saw that the president of the Mo Wolf Club swept the violently burning element, just like the last fireworks about to dissipate, with Crazy and terrible, storming the landing dust.

After burning the Yuanli, the chairman of the Desert Wolf Society has no hope of surviving. His only obsession now is not to escape, but to take the landing dust together with Huang Quan.

"Little animal, follow me on the road !!"

The gritty face of the desert wolf club president screamed at the landing dust.


Seeing that the president of the Desert Wolf Society was killed, Lu Chen suddenly exerted force under his feet and stepped on the air under his body, forcibly stopping the backward trend.

He looked at the president of the desert wolf who looted, sneered, and after the previous move, the breath of the latter slipped obviously.

If at the beginning of burning the elemental strength, the strength of the president of the Desert Wolf Society has climbed to 80% of its peak period, and has the ability to kill Sun Tianchi in seconds, then after exerting the peak of Yuanli Mountain, at this moment, his combat strength is falling. 60% at the peak.

Moreover, the speed at which this combat power falls has not stopped. With the passage of time and the depletion of the elemental force, the president of the desert wolf will only become weaker and weaker, until the last trace of the elemental force in the body burns out, that is, him Life comes to an end.

In the face of the former President of the Desert Wolf, Lu Chen may still be afraid of a three-pointer, but at this moment, he smiled coldly, stepped on the blue dragon magical technique, swept through the forceful force fluctuations, and as fast as lightning, and The head of the desert wolf who stormed violently blasted together in mid-air.


The whole world was shaken violently at this moment, and the two figures in the air flew out at the same time.

"Old mixed hair, how arrogant and domineering you were before, every time you cut my arm, let me die, treat me as a ants, now, what is about to die is not me, but you, not just you You have been running the Desert Wolf Society for hundreds of years, and you will also perish because of your stupidity. Even if I let them go, your family disciples will also jump out of your old enemies and put them to death. "

Lu Chen stepped back several hundred meters in a row, and after stabilizing his body, he did not rush to shoot, but watched the president of the Mo Wolf Association, and coldly hit the road.

The President of the Mo Wolf Club, who was about to shoot again, suddenly stiffened. After Lu Chen ’s kind reminder, he finally thought of his wife and children. He knew that Lu Chen said nothing. He died today, even if Lu Dust and the warrior are kind-hearted, and if they do n’t cut the grass and eradicate the roots, and leave the lives of his children ’s wives, old enemies will jump out ...

In short, as long as he dies, not only will the desert wolf be destroyed in a day, his wife and children will also be killed by him!

The president of the Desert Wolf Association embarrassed and asked: "Little beast, what do you mean by saying this?"

He did not believe that Lu Chen had no purpose in saying this.

"The purpose is natural, but I don't know if you can meet my purpose." Lu Chen said with a sneer.

At this moment, the president of the Desert Wolf Society has run out of lights and is dry. Lu Chen wants to kill him easily. However, just now, he suddenly changed his mind, and he wants to drain all the value from the former.

A half-step king like President Mo Wolf has no secret in his body, it is impossible, and the real purpose of Lu Chen ’s words is to use the relatives of President Mo Wolf to squeeze out The last trace of value in his body forced an unknown secret.

"Do n’t blame me for not giving you a chance, your wife and children, I can not kill, or speak out to deter others, but if you want me to do this, you have to see if you deserve it."

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