Chapter 60: Unstoppable Bear Apprentice! [The previous chapter can be seen! ] 】。

That evening.

Countless residents of Anhan City discussed today’s game with relish.

For this inland city, the holding of the Eagle Cup brings a lot of excitement to the calm city. In the Anhan City News Channel, it took half a minute to mention this year’s Young Eagle Cup.

On the Anhan City network platform, several hot searches quickly rushed to the front. #What is the experience of racing with weight equipment ##雏鹰杯八强名单! ## Analyze the battle performance of the bear apprentice frame by frame ##惊! The bear apprentice fought the whole time, without using a single attack skill #…

Most of the hot searches are related to Xiong Apprentice, and after the Taoist transmission of many viewers today, many people in Anhan City began to learn about Xiong Apprentice.

Lin Feng ignored the noise on the Internet, and after eating outside, he returned home early.

Tonight, the bear did not choose to train, it needs to be in good shape and win tomorrow’s game perfectly. The raven watched TV on the couch, giggling from time to time, and the bear apprentice sat cross-legged on the carpet meditating.

Lin Feng made intermediate energy cubes in the warehouse, and after several days of word-of-mouth fermentation, energy cubes with quality far beyond the same level finally made a certain reputation.

Now every day, there will be admiring trainers to buy, sales gradually increase, Lin Feng has to hurry up to make it, earn money and then feed the bear apprentice and the crow.

For one person and two pets, it is a dull day, but not extraordinary.

For the first time, they showed themselves in such a grand scene, and fortunately defeated their opponents and lived up to the hard workouts of the week. On the branches outside the yard, Bobo’s barks were heard from time to time, and occasionally mixed in with the roar of a few coyote dogs.

The moonlight fell quietly in the courtyard and the leaves fell, it was a quiet night. The next day.

Lin Feng got up early, finished breakfast, and got on the bus as usual, but he obviously underestimated the influence of the Young Eagle Cup among the residents of Anhan City.

“Are you the trainer of that bear apprentice, my granddaughter likes you, can you sign my name?”

“Boss Lin!! Can you take a photo!! ”

“Groove!! It’s a living Lin Feng! ”

Lin Feng jumped out of the bus when it stopped at the halfway stop, escaping the enthusiastic citizens of Anhan City.

“Guy Lin! It’s not here yet! ”

Someone opened the window and shouted.

“It’s okay, I’ll run and exercise!”

Lin Feng did not turn his head, leaving a dashing back.

“Gee, it’s worthy of being a genius trainer, and I don’t forget to exercise even when I go to the competition.”

The crowd behind looked at Lin Feng’s departing back, with a hint of admiration in their eyes.

Fortunately, it was already close to the gymnasium, and ten minutes later, Lin Feng arrived at the gymnasium.

Under the gaze of others, he passed through the security check, entered the gymnasium, and immediately waited for the longest time under the guidance of the staff to the waiting room of the players.

Finally, after the host introduced today’s battle process and the sponsors, the time was close to ten o’clock.

“Then next, invite the two players from the first game to enter!”

The host said passionately, then he stepped back into the background, and then the narration began by the docent.

The gymnasium was packed.

As the host’s voice landed, the atmosphere of the scene instantly became noisy, cheering, and shouting sounded.

The huge spotlight turned, the light shot out illuminated the two contestant exits, under the gaze of everyone, two figures slowly appeared from the left out is Lu Ying, her face is flat under the spotlight, no expression can be seen, but her eyes are cast on the opposite passage.

Lin Feng wore a simple white shirt today, with a pair of jeans underneath, simple wearing but with a fresh and dusty temperament, he is handsome, thin and tall, once he appeared on the big screen, it was a tsunami of applause.

Lin Feng raised his head, the white light reflected on his face, scanning the circle, his eyes were full of enthusiastic shouts, and he smiled slightly. In the live broadcast room, the popularity climbed layer by layer.

“Ahhh!! So handsome!! Husband!! ”

“I declare that no matter whether I win or lose, Lin Feng is the champion in my heart!!”

“Fengbao, mother loves you!”

“Male mother get away, female mother on!”

“I won’t really be attracted to his appearance, Ye still likes his heart!!”

Inside the gymnasium, above the guest seats.

President Li of the Elf Association, Zhang Yao, the director of the Elf Battle Center, Li Yutang of the White Rainbow Martial Arts Hall, and the bigwigs of various organizations gathered together.

“Elder Zhang, but I haven’t seen each other for a long time, how have you been in good health lately?”

Chairman Lee said with a smile.

Li Yutang, who was dressed in a Tang costume, stroked his beard and said in a loud voice: “Chairman Li is concerned, and his body is still healthy.” ”

Zhang Yao, who was sandwiched between the two, heard this, looked around and said tentatively: “You are busy people, why do you have time to come to the scene today to watch?” ”

Chairman Li’s smile remained unchanged, and he looked at Lin Feng on the screen and said: “I had a fate with this child, and today I came to see the fate!” ”

Others found an ancient fossil elf, and you ran over to chat a few words, this is fate??

Zhang Yao belly slandered, but a smile of approval appeared on his face, and he turned his head to look at Li Yutang again: “What about Old Master Li?” ”

Li Yutang smiled and explained, “Like Chairman Li, I have a good fate with this child. My incomplete disciple Xiang Rong is this child’s martial arts teacher. ”

“And as early as a month ago, my disciple saw the great potential of this child and has been paying attention to it for a long time.”

“It’s Supervisor Zhang, what about you?”

Chairman Li and Li Yutang looked at Zhang Yao at the same time, the latter’s face remained unchanged, and said seriously: “This kid is a member of my battle center, I have known him for a long time, and it is not good for me to give this child the cultivation experience of the Feather Heavenly King!” ”

Get a head start!

Chairman Li and Li Yutang looked at each other, and they both saw the bad look in their eyes.

“Watch the game, the game is on.”

Chairman Lee coughed lightly, turned his head, and cast his gaze on the field. Small sample!

Fight with me!

Zhang Yao sneered in his heart, at this time, he was extremely glad that he had a unique vision and started investing in Lin Feng early. On the field, Lin Feng met the gaze of countless spectators, walked to his place with an indifferent face, and stood with Lu Ying on the opposite side.

“You are strong, but I will not admit defeat.”

Lu Ying took a deep breath and said with a serious face.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, “Come on.” ”

For him now, the stronger the opponent, the more joyful he is, and the more Xiong Apprentice can get improved.

If he could force the bear apprentice to unload the weight and use the thunder suit, I am afraid that it would be the thing he was most happy to see. The more stressed, the faster you progress!

“Ask both players to send elves!”

The referee waved the flag in his hand. Lu Ying calmed down and took off the Spirit Ball, her eyes were determined.

“Please, Kami Turtle!”

The red light flashed, and a Kami turtle appeared on the field.

The Kami turtle is an evolved form of the Jeni turtle, with a round head with a pair of furry ears that resemble wings and a tail like two waves.

[Elf: Kami Turtle Level: LV21 Features: Torrent]

This Kami turtle was upgraded by one level compared to Lin Feng yesterday, and Xu was able to increase its strength rapidly due to a large number of battles in recent days.


When the Kami turtle heard the voice of his own trainer, he answered, and then looked at the bear apprentice who came out of the Spirit Ball, his eyes were blank.

“Lin Feng’s bear apprentice, still did not choose to unload the weight-bearing equipment, it chose to fight with the weight!”

The docent exclaimed.

“This battle is directly related to whether he can enter the top four, and at this critical moment, Lin Feng chooses to fully believe in the strength of Xiong Apprentice!”

Today’s live broadcast room barrage is extremely harmonious, and no one expresses indignation at Lin Feng’s arrogant behavior. Apprentice Xiong proved with his strength that it has this qualification and this ability!

With the referee’s order, the game officially began.

Lu Ying noticed Lin Feng in the same district as early as the qualifiers, and the record of winning all battles made her even more shocked. Last night at home, she and her parents repeatedly watched the battle video of Apprentice Xiong, and came to a conclusion together: you must not be broken through by Apprentice Xiong!

Yesterday afternoon, she fought with Jiang Fang’s wrist strength for a long time, it was a loss in close combat, if it were not for the torrent later, the outcome would be unpredictable, and at this time, facing the bear apprentice with more superb fighting skills and more explosive combat effectiveness, Lu Ying made up her mind in her heart that she would never be pulled into position.

“Water gun!”

Lu Ying took a deep breath and put her thoughts behind, her eyes full of war. Even if there is a disparity in strength, I will fight hard!

Until, no more fighting!

Cami turtle’s eyes were sharp, and when he opened his mouth, a stream of water gushed out from his mouth and struck in the direction of the bear apprentice!

“Yan Return!”

Lin Feng spoke.

The tactical choices of the two were diametrically opposite, Lu Ying desperately wanted to pull from a distance, and Lin Feng was trying to drag the Kami turtle into the battle rhythm of the bear apprentice!

The bear apprentice’s eyes were flat, and after hearing Lin Feng’s order, it took a step forward, its figure changed, and it ran towards the Kami Turtle at an extremely fast speed!

“Kami Turtle uses the water gun, and the bear apprentice uses Yan Hui to deal with it! This is the first attack skill that Apprentice Bear has used in this Seven Tournament! ”

“What a speed! The water gun can’t hit the bear apprentice at all! ”

Seeing the running bear apprentice, Kami Turtle adjusted the direction of the water gun and kept chasing the running bear apprentice!

However, the speed of the bear apprentice is too amazing, the sixty pounds of weight can no longer have any effect on it, between the electric flint, the bear apprentice avoided the water gun strafing and has already raided in front of the Kami turtle!

“Kami turtle, water fluctuations!”

Lu Ying’s face changed, she never expected that the speed of the bear apprentice under the load could be so fast!

Looking at the bear apprentice who was close at hand, Kami Turtle’s eyes were solemn, and a water ball suddenly condensed, smashing towards the attacking bear apprentice!


The bear’s apprentice’s arm bloomed with white light, aiming at the water ball and smashing it hard, and with a bang, the water ball split in two and sputtered everywhere.

“Split! Apprentice Bear uses the Tile Splitting Skill to successfully disintegrate the Water Fluctuations! ”

The docent shouted excitedly… At this time, the distance between the two elves was already very close.

If there is no way to avoid it, then fight for it!

“Kami turtle, Frozen Fist!”

Lu Ying raised her head and shouted.

“Apprentice Bear, let’s fight it back too, Frozen Fist!”

The words landed, and around the Xiong apprentice, pieces of ice crystals drifted.


The soles of the bear’s apprentices cracked and shattered, and the cracks continued to expand in ripples. Double pairs of fists, wrapped in cold frost blocks, collide with each other!

“Apprentice Bear and Kami Turtle used their Frozen Fist at the same time!”

The confrontation between the two elves took less than a second, and the Kami turtle felt a steady stream of energy from the other party, and at the same time, the coldness spread throughout the body!


In the next second, the Kami turtle’s face changed, and it took a step back, and then it felt a powerful force rolling over.

The bear apprentice stepped on the ground, holding the turtle shell, and ploughed forward for more than a few meters.

Then, the bear apprentice slammed his fist into the turtle shell, and a crack like a spider’s web suddenly appeared!

“What a furious force!”

“Kami turtle! Retract into the shell! ”

Lu Ying shouted anxiously.

The Kami turtle shrunk into its shell and faced the continuous punches of the bear apprentice.

After many days of special training, the Xiong apprentice was unable to see the speed of his punches, his movements turned into afterimages, and his fists exploded with sonic booms!

“This is an unrivaled attack from the bear apprentice! Every punch was smashed into the shell of the Kami turtle! ”

Even with the defensive move of shrinking into the shell, the Kami Turtle is still in danger in the face of the stormy attack of the bear apprentice!

“Spinning at high speed!”

Hearing this, the Kami turtle shrunk into the shell rotated at high speed, and the huge force was generated under the rotation, making the bear apprentice suffer pain, and the two-fist attack The Kami turtle took the opportunity to get out of the bear apprentice’s attack range, came out of the shell, and stood on the ground panting.

Immediately, water patterns surged on the soles of the Kami turtle’s feet, and a water column of “bang” rose up into the sky, wrapping the Kami turtle!

“It’s torrents! Kami turtle fight to the point of desperation and start the torrent! ”

“Yesterday’s Kami turtle was with the rapids, defeated the wrist force in one fell swoop, can today’s Kami turtle still replicate yesterday’s miracle!”

The docent was passionate.

Lin Feng’s face remained unchanged, he was already ready to face the torrent, after all, even the fierce fire of the fierce fire monkey could not help the bear apprentice, let alone the torrent?

“Water cannon!”

Lu Ying shouted excitedly.


The Kami turtle’s eyes were awe-inspiring, and from its mouth came a stream of water that was thicker and faster than a water gun, wrapped in a billowing momentum.

“Move at high speed!”

As soon as the words fell, Apprentice Xiong’s body became light, and he galloped out like a gust of wind.

Although the water cannon is powerful, the MISS rate is extremely high, and dark-faced trainers often selectively ignore this skill.

The Xiong apprentice’s already good speed, coupled with the high-speed movement, instantly lightened as a swallow, allowing the Kami turtle to squint his eyes and try his best to aim. But the water cannon was still easily dodged by the bear apprentice!

At this time, the bear apprentice, while dodging the thick water cannon, was already close to the Kami turtle.

“Solve it, Raiden Fist!”

Lin Feng shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder 1.4 light masterpiece on the bear apprentice, the Dao electric light surrounded the arms, and its speed was significantly increased again!

At lightning-fast speed, the two fists entangled by the current hit the body of the Kami turtle that could not be avoided, and one punch was stronger, and the head fell on the head.

Lin Feng did not choose to let the bear apprentice use the Thunder Battle Suit, and the current situation was far from the time to use that move. It’s just a bear apprentice who has undergone lightning forging his body day and night, and the rich electric energy in his body has multiplied the power of the lightning fist! On the body of the Kami turtle, the Dao crack expanded rapidly.

“This is!! Raiden Fist?? ”

The docent looked at the lightning fist whose power was obviously wrong and was surprised. In the audience, there was horror.

And above the centralized stand of the third and fifth classes of high school, all the students were overwhelmed, looking at the figure of the bear apprentice and constantly muttering: “Appeared!” Appeared! ”


Kami Turtle screamed.

Apprentice Xiong withdrew his fist and calmly looked at the slightly trembling Kami turtle. Boom!

The Kami turtle fell to the ground.

The bear apprentice’s heart was like water, and he carried his hand on his back and stood in front of the fallen Cape Kami. It’s a respectable opponent that gives me close to half of my strength.

“Kami Turtle loses its combat effectiveness, and the winner is Lin Feng!”

The referee raises the flag and blows the whistle. In the gymnasium, boundless shouts and cheers rushed to Lin Feng like a tide. Lu Ying picked up the Kami turtle, and the latter’s eyes were a little lonely: “Kami.” ”

Sorry host for disappointing you.

Lu Ying felt a pain in her heart, spread her arms and hugged the Kami turtle, and said softly: “You are great.” ”

Applause ensued.

The girl was applauded.

At the guest table, the three bigwigs looked at Lin Feng in the field, looked at each other, and they were very clear in their hearts: the struggle that belonged to them had officially begun.

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