Chapter Fifty-Nine: And Listen to the Wind!.

Anhan City Gymnasium.

The enthusiasm in the audience is as hot as the sun at the end of summer!

With Xie Ran’s order, the fierce fire monkey clenched his fists, his eyes were hot, his posture was light and flowing, and the distance between the electric stone fire instantly narrowed the distance between them.

“It’s a high-five! This is a move that can only be performed in the first turn, and hitting the opponent will cause a 100% cringe effect! ”

The docent said passionately.

The damage of a high-five surprise attack is average, but the 100% cringe effect can often catch the opponent by surprise and take the initiative. The bear apprentice stood in place, his white hair hanging behind him, dancing with the wind, standing as loose, revealing the momentum of a martial arts grandmaster!

At this time, in the White Rainbow Martial Arts Hall, Li Yutang stroked his beard and commented with a smile: “Its Xu is like water, not moving like a mountain, this bear apprentice’s martial arts attainments may be beyond your imagination.” ”

On the competition field, Lin Feng’s face was not indifferent, as if he had foreseen the attack of the fierce fire monkey, he said lightly: “Hold on.” ”

Immediately afterwards, the bear apprentice condensed energy, and an emerald green barrier instantly rose, shrouding it in it.

The fire monkey’s clenched fists hit the barrier, making a thumping collision sound, and as the barrier slowly shattered, the high-five surprise attack was declared a failure!

“It’s hold! Player Lin Feng was actually ready to read Xie Ran’s command! ”

The docent exclaimed, the cheers hit like a tide, Lin Feng did his homework before the battle, reviewed the skills that the fierce fire monkey may master, and at the same time simulated the battle high-five surprise attack in his mind as the egg move of the fierce fire monkey, which was naturally in Lin Feng’s consideration.

After all, this is not a game, but a real real world, even if he is confident in the strength of the bear apprentice, he still can’t be careless.

Any slight detail can affect the fighting situation.

“Fire Monkey, Sonic Fist!”

Seeing that the high-five surprise attack failed, Xie Ran’s face did not wave, and he continued. At this time, the two elves were close at hand, and their warlike eyes were staring at each other tightly.

After hearing the trainer’s order, the fierce fire monkey swooped forward, holding his fists in both hands, and his fists swung towards the bear apprentice like a violent storm


Lin Feng spoke.

The bear apprentice also swung his fists, intertwining afterimages like a storm, constantly colliding with the sonic fist!

On the big screen, the fierce fire monkey’s face was hideous, the fist wind was roaring, and the bear apprentice was indifferent, taking all the attacks of the fierce fire monkey!

“What an amazing collision! Both elves have fighting attributes, and they interpret the charm of fighting with their fists on the most adrenaline-pumping field! ”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Fire Monkey, back off!”

Looking at the fierce fire monkey who was struggling to parry, Xie Ran’s brows frowned slightly, and he suddenly realized that he had made a very serious mistake. The fierce fire monkey with the fire plus fighting attribute was obviously unable to face the bear apprentice with a single attribute of fighting.

It was originally an offensive initiated by the fierce fire monkey, but now it has gradually evolved into a bear apprentice clenching his fists and suppressing the fierce fire monkey. Several fists had already smashed heavily on the body of the fierce fire monkey.

“Remote pulling is the best way to face the bear apprentice!”

His eyes flickered under his lenses and he whispered. Hearing the trainer’s shout, the Fierce Fire Monkey slammed backwards, trying to escape the attack range of the bear apprentice.

“Grab it!”

Lin Feng naturally wouldn’t let Xie Ran get his wish, and he immediately ordered.

Apprentice Xiong took a step forward, turned his figure, and ran towards the fierce fire monkey who wanted to pull away!

Although the fierce fire monkey has a strong body, the physique of the bear apprentice who has suffered from lightning forging body day and night has long exceeded the same level, and it has suddenly attacked the fierce fire monkey in the next second!

“Grab it!”

Lin Feng said with a huh. Little monkey, still want to run!

The bear apprentice quickly exerted his strength, and under the panicked gaze of the fierce fire monkey, his fist and arm surged with energy, dragging the body of the fierce fire monkey backwards!

“Iron Tail!”

The fierce fire monkey was restrained all of a sudden, and his eyes became more and more flustered, but at this time, Xie Ran’s voice sounded in his ears!

The fierce fire monkey’s gaze froze, and its tail emitted white light, carrying huge power, and suddenly its tail turned into an afterimage and shot towards the body of the bear apprentice!

“Drop it!”

Lin Feng’s face remained unchanged and commanded.

The bear apprentice slammed the fierce fire monkey to the ground with great force, avoiding the iron tail and stirring up a puff of dust, and the latter screamed in pain.

“The attack of the bear apprentice has an excellent effect on the fierce fire monkey, can the fierce fire monkey still stand up!!”

A few seconds later, the fierce fire monkey with a blue nose and swollen eyes stood up in the shouts of the audience, the flames in its eyes burned like a scorching sun, and the fire ball on its tail burned even more violently!

“Fierce fire…”

Lin Feng sighed secretly, the one who should come will come eventually.

“Fire Monkey, Flame Wheel!”

Xie Ran looked at the fierce fire monkey who stood up again, breathing heavily, and shouted!

In front of everyone’s eyes, the fierce fire monkey roared up to the sky, as if in the flames, the roaring flames wrapped around the whole body, bent over and rotated at high speed, and slammed into the direction of the bear apprentice!

“The fierce fire monkey that stimulates the characteristics of fierce fire, its body, its will, blends with the flames!”

The docents are worthy of being professionals who have commented on many events, and under the passionate commentary, the atmosphere in the venue is once again mobilized.

This is the most exciting and addictive game of the day so far! The two elves fist to the flesh, refusing to dodge!

“Gather gas! Stop it! ”

Apprentice Xiong clasped his hands together, then opened them, his center of gravity sank, and he gathered his qi and stared closely at the blazing flame! Its breathing flaccided, and the fierce fire monkey that turned into a flame wheel slowed down in its eyes, and its trajectory was clearly visible.

“Does Apprentice Xiong plan to take over the Flame Wheel with Endless Rage!!”

The docent exclaimed.

In the audience, countless people widened their eyes and leaned forward, wanting to see every movement of the bear apprentice. The flames are near.

At the moment when the flame wheel wrapped in vigorous anger was about to hit the bear apprentice, the bear apprentice suddenly closed his hands and squeezed it with force, actually stopping the flame wheel!

“Oh my God!! Audience friends, what happened!!! ”

“Apprentice Xiong actually stopped the fierce fire monkey covered in flames with both hands, what is this unfolding, what kind of insight and reaction is this!!”

The docent’s eyes were full of disbelief, he didn’t expect that in this kind of lowest-level event, he actually saw a wonderful scene now!

The fierce fire monkey that turned into a flame wheel, its speed and damage have been multiplied, and its momentum is like a thin volcano, once it erupts, it is unstoppable!

In the live broadcast room of the Eagle Cup, only this wave instantly exploded.

“Maa What do I see?? ”

“My evaluation is: Apprentice Bear is invincible!”

“Did the big guy comment on how to intercept the flame wheel?”

“It’s over when you open the swing, why intercept it!!”

“Apprentice Xiong’s movements are too fast, and when the game video comes out, there will be professionals to analyze it.”

In the cheers, the bear’s apprentice’s eyes were bright, the black palm was like an iron palm, and the endless amount of energy gushed out of his body, firmly holding the fierce fire monkey. The flames burning on the fierce fire monkey’s body moved with the wind, and the scorching hot breath rushed towards him, and the face of the bear apprentice did not change at all.

“Spew flames!”

Seeing this, Xie Ran shouted anxiously.

The two elves were almost facing each other, looking at each other, and if they used a jet of flame at this distance, it would cause extremely considerable damage to the bear apprentice.

“Fix it!”

Lin Feng quickly ordered.

The fierce fire monkey’s mouth has opened, and the flames in its mouth are jumping, ready to strike.

However, at this time, the bear apprentice suddenly left the fierce fire monkey with both hands, and the latter stumbled, his center of gravity was unstable, and he was about to fall to the ground, and the flames that were about to spew out of his mouth jerked.

Immediately afterwards, the bear apprentice swung out his right fist, brought a fist wind gust, tore through the air resistance, and smashed firmly on the abdomen of the fierce fire monkey.

“Fire Monkey!”

Xie Ran’s eyes were anxious, and he shouted loudly.

Under the accurate capture of the camera, the body of the fierce fire monkey that was hit hard in the abdomen bent into a bow shape, and was instantly repelled by more than ten meters, and the dust along the way was thick, obscuring the line of sight.

“The fire monkey was hit hard, and at this time it was covered in dust and disappeared.”

The docent said. On the screen, the director divides the screen into two parts.

The bear apprentice on the left stood in place, quietly looking at the dust in front of him, his eyes were like ancient wells, allowing it to smoke, and he looked like a martial arts grandmaster who did not move.

In the picture on the right, dust blocks the view, and the fire monkey is hit hard, I don’t know what the situation is. Time passed minute by minute, and the dust slowly dissipated under everyone’s nervous gaze. The screen is combined into one,

When the dust disappeared completely, the fire monkey lying on the ground appeared in the picture. It fell weakly to the ground, and its eyes had become circles.

“I announce that the fierce fire monkey will lose its combat effectiveness, and the Lin Feng player will win!”

Seeing this, the referee flew the flag and sounded the whistle.

“Win!! The fierce fire monkey did not resist this blow after all, and the bear apprentice won! It won the end!! ”

“Let’s give our applause to the two trainers who brought us a wonderful battle, and congratulations to Lin Feng for successfully advancing to the top eight!”

The docent said quickly, looking at Lin Feng’s figure in the field, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This contestant and his elves have brought too many surprises to the docent.

The audience in the gymnasium did not hesitate to give their own applause, and suddenly the applause was thunderous and cheered.

“Finally, I am here to remind the following players that the bear apprentice who defeated the fierce fire monkey is still wearing weight-bearing equipment.”

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience, in the live broadcast room, and in the waiting room of the contestants.

They all looked up at the indifferent bear apprentice on the screen, who was still wearing weight-bearing equipment of unknown weight on its limbs. For a while, everyone was talking about it.

“So, isn’t this the true strength of Apprentice Xiong??”

“I said earlier that Lin Feng pretended to get out of here, and he apologized to me!”

“Guy Lin is invincible in the world!!”

“Hey, this strength is really a little terrifying, in the face of the fierce fire monkey, the bear apprentice is relaxed throughout the whole process, and he can’t see a little pressure, this is still a heavy burden on the body.”

“Woohoo!!! The fighting elves have finally turned over!! ”

Baihong Martial Arts Hall, looking at the disciples in the heated discussion, Li Yutang brushed his beard and said lightly: “Actually, this is not the most terrifying place for Xiong Apprentice. ”

Well?? And that’s not yet???

Seeing the master speak, the disciples quickly leaned over and stared at Li Yutang carefully.

“You all overlooked a detail, from the beginning to the end of the battle, did Apprentice Bear use attack skills in addition to using Hold and Gather Qi?”

As soon as the words fell, they were thunderous to many disciples, their eyes widened and they looked at each other.

Someone frowned, carefully recalled the battle just now, suddenly slapped his thigh hard, and said excitedly: “Lying groove, really useless attack skills!!” ”


Li Yutang cast a dangerous gaze. The man suddenly realized that he had said something he shouldn’t, and immediately closed his mouth and sat in silence, only his twinkling eyes revealing his excitement.

The other disciples also recalled the battle scene, and their complicated expressions were overflowing.

Oh, yes!!

Except for the defense against the surprise attack of the high-five, and the gathering of qi used to intercept the flame wheel, Lin Feng did not command the bear apprentice to use a single attack skill from beginning to end.

From beginning to end, it was the bear apprentice who punched and slapped the fierce fire monkey with his physical strength, causing damage.

However, even so, the bear apprentice still suppressed the fierce fire monkey and easily defeated the fierce fire monkey with a suffocating combat rhythm.

“In this way, Apprentice Xiong simply relied on his strong physical strength and fighting skills to crush the fierce fire monkey.”

An extremely senior disciple commented.

“Is this bear apprentice really so powerful?”

“Maybe it’s a little more powerful than we thought.”

It was the senior brother of the White Rainbow Martial Arts Pavilion who spoke, and after he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Li Yutang, and couldn’t wait to speak: “Master, such a genius should be pulled to our White Rainbow Martial Arts Hall!” One day, you may be able to become a martial arts king!! ”

Fighting King!!

Hearing the words of the senior brother, all the disciples were yearning, and their eyes were full of longing. That’s the king of martial arts, a palace-level figure in their eyes!

They never expected that just one game, the master brother could give such a high evaluation.

When Li Yutang heard this, he didn’t say anything, but just asked, “What about Xiang Rong?” Didn’t he always intend to pull Lin Feng into our martial arts hall? ”

“Back to the teacher, just after the competition, he ran out to show off his wisdom to the senior brother, and found a genius like Lin Feng, and there was a disciple who was familiar with Xiang Rong and replied.”

Li Yutang: “…..”

Elf Battle Center. Office of the Superintendent.

“The champion has it.”

Watching the fierce fire monkey fall to the ground, Zhang Yao spoke flatly.

“Supervisor, Apprentice Xiong’s strength has improved too fast.”

Secretary Zhang recalled the battle that had just been destroyed, and he said with a sense of emotion.

Zhang Yao smiled and said, “Otherwise, how can you be considered a genius.” ”

“After watching this one, I think Lin Feng’s future is really limitless.”

Secretary Zhang understood that the degree of infiniteness in Zhang Yao’s mouth was at least the beginning of the Heavenly King.

However, Zhang Yao turned his words again, and his eyes flashed: “Arrange it, we will go to the scene to watch the game from tomorrow.” ”


“So early?”

Secretary Zhang wondered that with Zhang Yao’s identity, he should wait until the final four battle to go to the scene. Zhang Yao smiled: “After this battle, I am not the only one who can see Lin Feng’s potential.” ”

“There will definitely be a few old friends going to the scene tomorrow, if I don’t go, Lin Feng will be snatched away by them.”

Hearing this, Secretary Zhang thought thoughtfully.

In an old neighborhood, Lao Wang is watching the game with his wife.

“How? That’s my student. ”

Lao Wang smiled.

“Look at your virtue, what have you done besides giving him a few leave?”

The wife rolled her eyes.

“Hey, he’s my student anyway!”

Lao Wang was not convinced.

“In other words, with Lin Feng’s performance, after the end of the competition, it is estimated that he will be vigorously cultivated by Principal Chen.”

The wife said.

Lao Wang nodded and agreed: “That’s natural, Principal Chen is already determined to reform, and he will naturally care extremely about this kind of student with unlimited potential, and spend a lot of money to cultivate.” ”

“I really don’t know how many surprises you can bring as a student.”

The wife was full of emotion.

In the distant Sinnoh region, a blonde woman held her mobile phone and looked at Lin Feng’s victorious back, with a faint smile on her face.

“Hirona, what are you doing! Come here! ”

Not far away, a woman with long yellow hair that fell to her waist shouted.

“Here it is.”

Hirona answered, but the back was deeply imprinted in her mind.

On the field, Xie Ran took off his glasses and was stunned for a long time, until the referee’s whistle sounded again, he came back to his senses, hurriedly ran to the field, and hugged the fierce fire monkey.

“You’re already doing great.”

“Thank you, Fire Monkey.”

He said with a slight smile and withdrew the Fire Monkey into the Spirit Ball. Immediately, he walked straight through the field and came to Lin Feng’s side.

“You are very strong, I am convinced.”

Xie Ran’s eyes were sincere, and he looked at Lin Feng who had a calm face and said.

“You’re not bad either, it’s a good fight.”

Lin Feng said with a smile.

The two stretched out their hands and clasped their hands together under the camera.

The cameraman outside the venue holds the camera in his hand, presses the shutter, and a photo that does not need any retouching is baked. In the photo, cheering spectators in the stands serve as the background, and in the center is Lin Feng shaking hands with Xie Ran standing hand, with Xiong Apprentice in black martial arts uniforms standing aside.

A moment later, under the guidance of the staff, Lin Feng returned to the lounge.

He is ready to watch all the games of the day right here, so he has a basic understanding of the next opponents. Only by knowing oneself and knowing the other can you win a hundred battles.

After reading the message in the class group for a while, he almost opened Hirona’s chat box.

“Forget it, she should be very busy during this time.”

Seeing that the last news was still two days ago, Lin Feng contained his joy of wanting to share the victory.

“After I win the championship, I’ll surprise Hirona.”

Lin Feng secretly said in his heart.

Soon, the game continued to begin. This time it was Jiang Fang vs Lu Ying.

Even with Lin Feng’s advice, there is still a gap between wrist strength and Kami Turtle’s hard power, but Jiang Fang’s ability to break into here is already precious, surpassing the vast majority of students.

Seeing the Kami turtle trigger the torrent and defeat the wrist force with a water gun, Lin Feng felt sorry for his good buddy.

The game was played one after another until dusk, when the whole game was over.

Eight contestants stood last.

After reading the sponsorship list of the event, the host began to announce the list of tomorrow’s matches.

“The first game tomorrow, starting at ten o’clock in the morning, Lin Feng against Lu Ying.”

As the host’s voice sounded, a smile appeared on Lin Feng’s face. The aquatic Kami turtle is a good spoon.

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