Dream looked at these Pokémon eggs, it can more or less sense the qualifications of Pokémon, these are a group of good children!

This kind of World Origin Tree can also be a little more lively.

"Dream, please send me back, and get some medicine by the way!" Then Li Yichen did not choose to stay in the Initial Tree of the World for a long time, there are also a lot of Pokémon here that need to be treated, if it is just to lose the ability to fight, or to lose physical strength or something, let the dream come to a wave of large-scale life droplets, and it can be recovered.

But the kind of truly fatal injuries are not something that these skills can do.

At this time, human medicine has also become the key to the treatment of these Pokémon.

Immediately after that, Li Yichen looked at Mewtwo again and asked if it wanted to go out to have a look.

In this regard, Mewtwo just shook his head and said, "Go ahead, when Dream is not there, I will guard the Tree of the Beginning of the World!" After a pause, Mewtwo continued, "By the way, bring me a phone when you come back, so you can contact me at any time!" "

Mewtwo will not stay in the World Initial Tree for a long time, it needs to fight all over the world, it is true that the World Initial Tree is important, but Mewtwo chooses to strike hard!

There are still a lot of dark elves in this world to destroy.

Moreover, now Mewtwo is more powerful than Dark Mewtwo, when he broke through the strength before, he found some of the back hands left by Dark Mewtwo, there are still many people in this world who are controlled by Dark Mewtwo, this is not a trivial matter, at a critical time, this will happen, Mewtwo decided to solve all these things first.

In the same way, Mewtwo can't use the ability of the World Origin Tree to directly lock on to Li Yichen like Dream, so that the connection between the two can communicate almost anytime and anywhere.

Then a mobile phone is necessary!

"No problem!" Li Yichen chuckled, and then looked at Dream again, and Dream took Li Yichen out of the Initial Tree of the World with a comprehension.

Leaving Mewtwo to look at the scenery inside the Tree of the Beginning of the World and the Pokémon, this war is over, they are victorious, but they also make great sacrifices, countless Pokémon have died in battle, and countless Pokémon have lost their families.

War!! I'm coming!

I am the god of war, and I should suppress all enemies!


Dream directly locks on Illya's superpowers and brings him to Illya's side.

When Rin Tosaka and Illya saw Li Yichen, they were also relieved, they knew that Li Yichen was going to participate in the "God War", such a battle, they not only did not even have the qualifications to participate, but they also did not even have the qualifications to watch, now seeing Li Yichen return safely, how can they not be happy?

"Where's Yingyin?" Li Yichen looked around and asked the two women.

This made Illya and Rin Tosaka a little uncomfortable, after all, they were still here? Why don't you ask us how we are?

Scold! Scumbag!

However, Rin Tosaka still said even if he was unhappy: "She went to arrange the treatment work, this time, Xijing was invaded by a large number of dark elves, and there was a lot of loss, and it was related to Hu Hai, Yingyin Yan felt that it was their family's responsibility." "

Li Yichen nodded slightly, took out a few Pokémon balls, and handed them over: "My Pokémon are injured, you give them medicine first, and I'll go to Yingyin first, there's a big deal!" "

After speaking, Li Yichen also directly teleported and left, even the dream was left here.

"Huh!" Li Yichen's behavior made Illya and Rin Tosaka look at each other involuntarily, is there a big deal? Looking at Li Yichen's anxious appearance, could it be that there is really something wrong with the Initial Tree of the World?

However, looking at Li Yichen's Pokémon, they sighed lightly, and hurriedly released the Pokémon inside, and then took out the medicine and gave them preliminary treatment, but fortunately, most of the Pokémon were not particularly seriously injured.


"Yingyin, is there any medicine?" When he teleported to Yingyin's side, he was also startled, Yingyinyan just wanted to ask about the situation of the Initial Tree of the World, but he didn't expect Li Yichen to come up with this sentence coldly.

This made Ying Yinyan's heart sink even more, is something wrong? Could it be that some important Pokémon is seriously injured and even has to die?

"I need a lot of drugs now, including injury medicine and hemostatic drugs as the main body, and then give me a lot of supplements to buy, and I will pay the money, by the way, just give the method of use in the way of instructions, there are a lot of losses on the side of the World Initial Tree!" Li Yichen continued.

Yingyin Yan just realized, it turned out that the Pokémon on the side of the World Initial Tree had been lost!!

At the moment, he was not ambiguous, and said directly: "If it is general wound medicine, burn medicine, I have a lot of this kind at home, and I can also allocate half of the inventory in the Pokémon Center in Xijing, I have already arranged for other cities to drop resources, and some of them have been reached before, you can take them all!" As for the money or something, don't care, after all, this matter is also related to our family, and we will be responsible! What's more, they are also sacrificed for the sake of the world! "

(Anything can happen when people are unlucky, hey, when you go to the toilet, the cabinet for paper has collapsed!) MMP! )

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