Fortunately, what worried Li Yichen did not happen, Reshiram's appearance did not change much, but the originally white wings had some black and gray stripes, and a pair of wings became white, gray, and black, and their appearance became quite good.

"Roar!" With a roar, Reshram's momentum was once again displayed, and the engine at the tail also spewed out three kinds of energy, which were generally flames, but there seemed to be black lightning and cold air lingering on it.

This special meow is not scientific, if there are some thunder and lightning, it is still within the scope of Li Yichen's understanding of biology, but what about the cold?

Minato, is there a Pokémon in this world that has both ice and fire attributes? Except for those special hanging walls, Li Yichen can't think of such a Pokémon for the time being.

Even Dream and Mewtwo are also confused at the moment, they feel the breath of Reshiram at this moment, it seems to be a little messy, but it seems to be very unified, just a very contradictory situation, it has the breath of Zekrom and Kyurem, and the overall breath is not the same as before. However, it seems that Reshiram seems to be really good.

Pokémon: Reshiram

Height: 4.6m

Weight: 450kg

Sex: Female

Attributes: Dragon, Fire, Ice, Thunder

Characteristics: Super Turbo

Skills: Flame Fang, Dragon's Fury, Seal, Primordial Power... Blue Flame, Staggered Lightning Strike, Frozen World, Extreme Cold Flame, Frozen Volt...

Qualification: Golden

Level: 117

Systematic Evaluation: Reshiram, whose bloodline has been improved, is in a contradictory and stable state of genes, which is the most suitable state for Reshiram, and its strength seems to have been greatly improved.

Looking at Reshiram, whose data has changed beyond recognition, Li Yichen couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, big upgrade, big upgrade, if you only talk about level, Reshiram at this moment even surpasses the dream, eh, when did the dream reach level 117?

Li Yichen is not sure how strong Reshiram is at this moment, it is impossible to let Reshiram fight with Dream, right?

However, Li Yichen guessed that even the current Reshiram was not a fantastic opponent with the blessing of the World Primordial Tree, but an enemy of the world!

However, Reshram's improvement is really big, not to mention that the original Vortex Flame has become the current Super Turbo, no matter how you look at it, it looks like an upgraded version of the Turbo Flame.

The attributes have also been improved, and the attributes of fire, thunder, ice, and dragons are all available! has become the Pokémon with the most attributes that Li Yichen has seen so far.

The most important thing is that Reshiram can use the two big skills of Extreme Cold Flame and Frozen Volt!

Li Yichen had a delusion at the moment that Reshiram was about to be invincible.

Of course, this is just an illusion, at least the fantasy on the side, Li Yichen does not have the confidence to deal with.

However, the battle with Zekrom, funny, does such a battle still need to be fought?

The power of Zekrom, Reshiram already has it, okay!?

"Congratulations, Reshiram!" Li Yichen said to Reshiram from the bottom of his heart.

Reshram only nodded slightly, maintaining his cold image, and said one thing, it was already happy that it didn't know what to say about its current situation.

Why did Reshram, Kyurem and Zekrom separate from the original Kyurem in the first place, and not because their forces were so contradictory that they needed to be separated?

But Li Yichen's thing is that Reshiram has obtained the power of Zekrom and Kyurem, there are contradictions between everyone, but there is no conflict, maintaining a balance, and Reshiram's power is dominant, which will not affect Reshiram's subsequent battles in the slightest.

After calling at Li Yichen again, Reshiram went directly into the Bright Stone.

and Li Yichen, there is no need for too much hypocrisy, he has already sold himself to Li Yichen and become Li Yichen's gold medal fighter, isn't this enough?

Isn't it possible that you still need to transform into a dragon maid from time to time like Latias?

"By the way, these Pokémon eggs, let's put them here for the time being!" After thinking about it, Li Yichen took out hundreds of Pokémon eggs, these elf eggs were all brushed from the dark elf copy before, Li Yichen has seen them, they are all very ordinary Pokémon, but the qualifications are very good, starting from blue, and purple is also available.

It's just that Li Yichen doesn't like it, and now Li Yichen doesn't need so many Pokémon eggs, even if he cultivates his subordinates.

It's better to put these Pokémon in the World Initial Tree, just in the previous battle, the World Initial Tree also sacrificed a lot of powerful Pokémon, and it just so happens that these Pokémon can play a role in some supplements, even if these supplements may take a lot of time to form combat power.

Of course, Li Yichen can also subdue them, and then brush their level to a certain level, and then put them in the World Initial Tree, but there is no need for that, Li Yichen's Pokémon is enough to use.

Even the legendary Pokémon eggs, Li Yichen still has three in his hands, but he has also figured out where they belong. None of them just wanted to take it themselves!

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