The strong wind generated by the huge mushroom cloud continued to spread in all directions, and even the Pokémon and Dark Elves who were far away from the main battlefield were caught off guard and were also blown away by this strong wind!

Even the Primordial Tree of the World swayed in the wind because of the aftermath of this attack.

You know, in normal times, except for the occasional swaying of leaves, there is almost no major movement, and even the attack of the legendary Pokémon falls on the World Initial Tree, and the World Initial Tree will not suffer any injuries, unless it is like a fantasy-level existence, and it can be bombarded.

However, the symbiotes and guardians of the Primordial Tree of the Dream World eat rice?

Therefore, unless the Dark Elves invade the Tree of Beginning, the Tree of Origin is safe.

But this time, the leaves and branches of the Initial World Tree were all blown by the aftermath of the attack of the three Pokémon.

"This?" Artoria never thought that the cooperation of the three Pokémon could burst out with such strength, especially the power of Kyurem, which could contain the power of Zekrom and Reshiram, so that the power of the three was in the most coordinated state.

This is unscientific, breaking Artoria's common sense, to be honest, even the dreamy deity is also confused at the moment, just now, it can already be compared to Arceus's big move.

This is not a fantasy in Black Arceus, but the current Arceus is not the Arceus in its heyday, since the creation of the world, Arceus has divided his power, but in the same way, Arceus is also invincible to the legendary Pokémon.

Although the Kyurem transformed by Dream only has the Kyurem who is like Yingzheng, but in terms of real strength, Dream must be above Kyurem, so that the full blow just now is even stronger than the original Kyurem's attack.

So, Dark Guratunsan, are you okay?

There is no doubt that Dark Guraton is definitely a small strong that cannot be killed, if it is an ordinary legendary Pokémon, it would have died in the previous bombardment, but Dark Guraton has rough skin and thick flesh, and the Dark Lokia that was destroyed by Li Yichen before the fight is not as good as Dark Guraton.

So what will happen to the Dark Guraton under this blow?

As the mushroom cloud gradually dispersed, the huge figure of the dark Guraton gradually appeared as the prototype, and the dark Guradon at this moment was not embarrassed?

The scale armor, which had already been destroyed a lot, was even more damaged under the previous attack, and a blood hole appeared in the chest, and I don't know if it was bleeding or magma.

Even one of the little short hands of the Dark Guraton was blown out.

This scene, Li Yichen who watched it was also stunned, worthy of the dark Gulaton, under such a blow, he was not even dead, and then Li Yichen thought of the monster that he had bombarded for a long time before, isn't it possible to rely on extracting the vitality of the ground to resurrect indefinitely?

Fortunately, the Dark Guraton doesn't seem to have such an ability, otherwise, it would be really a big trouble, and the World Initial Tree is on the side, let the Dark Guraton extract the vitality of the World Initial Tree, emmmmmmm, to be honest, it's not that Li Yichen looks down on the Dark Guraton, although the Dark Guraton is very powerful, and even the creator of the earth, but if you want to extract the energy of the World Initial Tree, I'm afraid you're not dying?

Seeing this scene, Dream continued to change Kyurem to entangle the Dark Guradun, and Reshiram and Zekrom on the side also took advantage of his illness to kill him, not giving the Dark Guradon the slightest chance to turn the tables.

During this period, Dark Guraton did not want to resist, even the Sword of the Cliff was used by Dark Guraton, directly hitting the Dream and Reshram, which were close at hand.

But they were still forced to endure it, and with the opportunity provided by Dream and Reshram, Artoria also commanded Zekrom to launch a further bombardment of the Dark Guradun, and the black thunder and lightning continued to fall on the Dark Guradun's body, even the Pokémon of the Dark Guradon who is not particularly afraid of thunder and lightning is wailing at this moment.

Immediately after that, Dream and Reshiram continued to launch their own attacks, and even Dream used a wave of missiles.

In the end, under this bombardment, no matter how unwilling the dark Guraton was, he completely lost his vitality.

After all, at the moment, it is facing three legendary Pokémon of the same level, and one is a dream!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the essence blood of the Flood Desolate Dragon Clan (which can make the legendary dragon replenish the bloodline, break the limit, and further improve its strength), the Flame Bird Elf Egg, and a Master Ball!"

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, even Li Yichen was shocked,, the system is going to make trouble!!

(Seriously, if even the legendary Pokémon attacks can be completely immune, then the gods of the Pokémon world are inevitably a little too wasteful.) )

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