For the death of Dark Mewtwo, Dream has nothing to be sad about, although Dark Mewtwo does have something to do with Dream, it is also related to the dream of that world, not with himself, and even with that Dream is an endless relationship.

Don't look at the dream heartless, but in many principled issues, the dream is very serious, and this time, if it weren't for Artoria and Zekrom appearing here, I'm afraid that the World Origin Tree and Mewtwo would be in danger.

However, Dark Guraton secretly scolded a dark Mewtwo waste, a knock-off is a copycat, and there is no comparison with the original product at all, if the Dark Dream Deity is here, even if it is Zekrom and Reshiram together, it is not an opponent.

Now the dark Guraton is already planning to run away, and it can hold back the dream, and that is also because people don't fight seriously at all, and if they really fight, they may not really be opponents.

Soon, however, the dark Guraton fell silent, and Dream was eyeing him on the sidelines, while Zekrom and Reshram stood in the way of its departure, clearly trying to keep it here entirely.

This special meow, is it really dark Guraton easy to bully? Dark Guraton said that although he can't fly, his combat power is still very strong, and Dark Guraton decided to fight his way out.

"Dreamy, transform into Kyurem!" Li Yichen followed and shouted at the dream again.

Zekrom, Reshiram: "..."

Young man, I'm afraid you're not doing something, Kyurem, it's really a familiar name!

To be honest, Zekrom and Reshiram are really not afraid of Kyurem, and Kherrem can't absorb them back to their original form, but when they see Kyurem, they are more or less weird, they are not the same as the gods of the sun and the moon!

Just seeing Dream obediently obeying Li Yichen's words, Zekrom and Reshiram's hearts still feel weird!

Even the dark Guraton also widened his eyes, this is a little difficult to deal with!

"Dreamy, freezing light!" The cold and biting gas continued to spew out from the mouth of the Kyurem, making the dark Guradon very uncomfortable.

Although the dark Guraton is not particularly afraid of ice light, at their level, to be honest, the suppression of attributes is not as exaggerated as imagined, otherwise, how could Guraton still fight with Gaioca for so long, relying on the flames of the sun?

And the Split Void Seat doesn't restrain them in terms of attributes!

But the attributes can still play a little bit of a role.

Zekrom and Reshiram no longer complain about Li Yichen, the master who is not afraid of big things, and let Dream transform into Khorem at this moment.

In fact, they themselves are also very curious, when the three dragons of the Dao are together, what will happen?

The cooperation between Zekrom and Reshiram was quite tacit before, and finally solved the dark Mewtwo, so what about adding a Kyurem transformed from a dream?

Of course, one plus one plus one is greater than three!

Not to mention that the strength of the fantasy is open to anyone except to fight Arceus, originally the fantasy can fight with the dark Guraton, but now with the addition of Zekrom and Reshiram, the dark Guraton directly wants to call the police.

Moreover, although the Kyurem transformed by Dream is only eighty percent similar to Kyurem, this is enough, it already has some characteristics of Kyurem.

In addition, Dream also believes in Li Yichen 100%, which is equivalent to making the three Pokémon have a heart-to-heart connection, this picture is so beautiful, even if it is a dark Guraton, in the face of the bombardment of the three dragons of the Dao, there is no chance to resist.

"Is this the strength of the Three Dragons of the Dao?" Artoria also watched all this in disbelief, originally she thought that it would be a very difficult battle to fight the Dark Guraton, and even one accidentally would be dragged into the water by the Dark Guraton and a fish would be killed.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Dark Guraton seems to be stronger than Zekrom and Reshiram, and even stronger than the Guradon she imagined before!

What Artoria didn't know was that this Dark Guradon was not an ordinary Dark Guradon, but a dark Guradon that had returned to the primordial and was powerful, wasn't it a matter of course?

It's just a pity that it encountered three hanging walls, and under Li Yichen's coordination, their cooperation was almost perfect, almost suppressing the dark Guraton fat beating.

"Fantastic!" Seeing that the injuries on Dark Guratun's body gradually increased, Li Yichen commanded Reshiram to interrupt Dark Guratun's Cliff Sword, and then reminded Dream.

Then I saw that the mouth of Kyurem began to gather a crystal white energy ball with a piercing breath, and Zekrom and Reshiram also came to its side and began to gather their energy on this energy ball.

Immediately afterwards, this energy ball was also spit out by the dream.

Seeing this scene, Dark Guraton hurriedly fought back, and a mouthful of Sunlight Flame was aimed at the energy ball, but there was almost no suspense that it crushed the Sunlight Flame, and then exploded on Dark Guraton's head.

"Boom!" A huge mushroom cloud rose around the dark Guraton, fortunately there were not many Pokémon on the battlefield on their side, otherwise these Pokémon, even if they were affected by the aftermath, might instantly become incapacitated.

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