Tyrannosaurus's mega evolution stone, in fact, Li Yichen has been given a lot of time, but he has never had the opportunity to use it, and even because Li Yichen has used the Tyrannosaurus to fight many times, but he has not carried out mega evolution, many people don't know that the Tyrannosaurus is still the only Pokémon in Li Yichen's hands that can evolve mega.

"Sure enough, I took it out!" Ying Yin Yan saw the mega evolved Tyrannosaurus, showing a look of interest, others didn't know that the Tyrannosaurus could evolve mega, but Ying Yin Yan knew, this Tyrannosaurus Mega evolution stone, or Ying Yin Yan helped Li Yichen exchange it from the alliance.

If Li Yichen hadn't really helped the Alliance, it wouldn't have been so easy to exchange for the Quasi-God's Mega Evolution Stone.

After all, this thing has no price, and if a champion or even a master-level Tyrannosaurus relies on this thing to carry out mega evolution, the devil knows what level it can be raised.

As the colorful light dissipated, the Tyrannosaurus also revealed its appearance after mega evolution, which also made its aura faintly higher than the three evil dragons opposite.

Li Yichen has long conducted research on mega evolution, take the Tyrannosaurus as an example, the improvement obtained by each mega evolution is not certain, in the game, the Pokémon after mega evolution has the same level, but the race value is increased by one hundred, thereby increasing the strength.

But in the real world, the race value is hidden, the level is the key, after the mega evolution, the level of the Pokémon will be temporarily reminded, Li Yichen also found that it is generally randomly improved from level three to eight, and the specific level of improvement depends on luck.

Li Yichen's luck is very good, this time, the Tyrannosaurus was temporarily upgraded by five levels, from LV72 to LV77, of course, the most important thing is to see the performance of the battle.

The two dragon quasi-gods felt each other's breath and began to confront each other.

They are all irascible dragon Pokémon, and they are quasi-gods, no one will be timid to anyone, and even have the taste of competition, dragon Pokémon are directly the brave who meet in a narrow way!

"Tyrannosaurus uses dragon's breath!"

"Three evil dragons, we also use dragon breath!"

Two terrifying bursts of energy were ejected by two Pokémon and four heads, colliding with each other in mid-air, and then exploding.

The strong wind of the explosion continued to spread in all directions, and the audience doors blocked it with their hands in front of them, and there was no doubt that it was a terrifying battle.

"Three dragons, use the Dragon's Wave!"

"Tyrannosaurus, avoid it and use it!" Li Yichen hurriedly said when he saw this.

In the face of the menacing dragon fluctuation, the Tyrannosaurus narrowly avoided the blow, and then the figure flashed again, soaring in mid-air, and then slammed into the three evil dragons.

"Three evil dragons, use electromagnetic waves!" It's just that Hu Hai didn't have the idea of letting the three evil dragons dodge, but ate the blow of the Tyrannosaurus raw, and at the same time, the current was launched by the three evil dragons and hit the Tyrannosaurus that was close at hand.

It made the Tyrannosaurus uncomfortable, and at the same time, his body was inadvertently flashing with the breath of thunder and lightning.

Apparently, the Tyrannosaurus was paralyzed!

It's just that this time makes Li Yichen feel helpless, if it is chaos and coma or something, he can still solve it, but if he is paralyzed, even Li Yichen feels a little headache.

"Tyrannosaurus, take this opportunity to use the dragon claw!"

"Three dragons dodge and use Dragon Waves!"

The speed of the three evil dragons is obviously faster than the current super wyvern, and after dodging the dragon claw attack of the tyrannosaurus, the three evil dragons also used the dragon wave again against the tyrannosaurus.

"Hold on!" Li Yichen sighed lightly, "Then use the dragon's breath!"

In his heart, he has already thought of some solutions, but it's so troublesome!

"Boom!" the dragon's wave fell on the Tyrannosaurus's body, and dust and smoke billowed in an instant.

"Roar!" Then I saw the Tyrannosaurus let out an unwilling roar, which directly dispersed all the dust, and then the dragon's breath was also ready to take advantage of the situation, and attacked towards the three evil dragons.

"Three evil dragons, we also use dragon breath!" Hu Hai hurriedly said, he thought that if he continued to drag on like this, he and the three evil dragons would definitely win the battle.

As for the other party's two Pokémon, Hu Hai doesn't have the energy to pay attention to those, Double Dragon War, he Hu Hai is sure to win!!

It's just that the dragon breath of the three evil dragons is still a little slower in the end, when the two forces collide, the collision field is already beside the three evil dragons, and the strong wind of the explosion blows the three evil dragons away, which also slows down the offensive momentum of the three evil dragons on the opposite side.

"Destroy the Death Light!" Li Yichen also began to attack regardless of it at this time, using the Tyrannosaurus as a turret!

Even if it was paralyzed, the attack speed of destroying the death light was still very fast, and shortly after using the dragon's breath, the golden pillar of light had already landed on the body of the three evil dragons and exploded, knocking it down to the ground.

(When I checked the skills today, I found that the Tyrannosaurus was really not as good as the Fast Dragon, the Three Evil Dragons and the Fierce Bite Land Shark, but it couldn't stand the fact that people could evolve mega! And the few tooth skills of the Tyrannosaurus were still very balanced!)

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