The aluminum steel dragon is a very special Pokémon, the attributes of the dragon and the steel system, and the face of the fairy system is also 0.5 times restrained, and the only attribute that restrains it is the fighting system, and its own special defense is not very strong.

If you encounter a wave missile, almost two bombs can solve one.

Li Yichen glanced at his own Pokkiss, although the previous battle with the double axe war dragon also consumed a lot of Pokkiss's physical strength, but it still had the power to fight.

"Pokkiss, use wave missiles!" Li Yichen was the first to start attacking.

"Aluminum steel dragon, cannon light cannon!" Hu Hai also said regardless of it, now he is very unhappy, and directly chose to be reckless!

"Boom!" When the wave missile met the cannon cannon, the two sides were deadlocked for a few seconds, and the wave missile also exploded directly, producing a large explosion, and then the cannon cannon shot through layers of smoke towards Pokkiss.

"Avoid!" Li Yichen hurriedly said, after all, Pokkiss is not a fighting Pokémon after all.

Pokkiss hurriedly avoided it, narrowly dodging the blow of the aluminum steel dragon, and at the same time, he was also glad in his heart, fortunately he didn't hit, otherwise, he might be very injured.

"Come back, Pokkiss!" After thinking about it, Li Yichen still chose to replace the Pokémon, and he had the best way to deal with the aluminum steel dragon: "Please, Sun Elf!"

Everyone can't help but be curious about Li Yichen's release of the Sun Elf, although the Sun Elf is Li Yichen's main Pokémon, but it doesn't seem to be particularly easy to deal with the aluminum steel dragon with superpowers, right?

What does he want to do?

"Moon Reading!" Li Yichen didn't let the others wait too long, and said directly.

I saw a blood-red moon phantom appear in the sky, and the eyes of the aluminum steel dragon on the opposite side fell into a daze.

This point seems a bit like an infinite monthly read!

"Aluminum Steel Dragon?" Hu Hai saw the appearance of the aluminum steel dragon, and hurriedly urged.

He still thinks that the so-called moon reading and hypnotism are the same, but Li Yichen is pretending to be a ghost and deliberately has a special name, as for the blood moon, it is just a special special effect.

"No, the Sun Elf is in a very wrong state, it seems to be tired. Fusu analyzed on the side.

"It's just hypnosis, you can't make the Sun Elf like this, you know, the Sun Elf is a real champion-level Pokémon!" Ying Yin Yan also said meaningfully at this time.

Speaking of those who know Li Yichen best, Yingyin Yan is definitely one of them, she knows something about Li Yichen's Pokémon, and the strength of the sun elf is very good.

Now he has just started fighting, and he has shown a tired look, which is obviously unscientific.

Soon, the results also came out, and the aluminum steel dragon suddenly opened his eyes, let out a cry of pain, and then knelt directly on the ground, losing his ability to fight.

This made Hu Hai and everyone stunned for a moment, is this a hybrid version of hypnosis and dream eating?

It seems to be a bit similar, but looking at the appearance of the sun elf, it doesn't seem to be like it, if it is a dream eater, it seems that Li Yichen has created some amazing skills.

Li Yichen looked at the mentally exhausted sun elf and sighed lightly, this skill is too much for the consumption of Pokémon itself, fortunately, the effect is good, it is specially used to restrain the physical defense is strong, but the special defense does not have much existence.

Of course, it would be nice if the Sun Elves could have some special items.

Hu Hai on the other side was about to explode when he saw this scene, how could his aluminum steel dragon become like this?

It's not scientific!

This is simply a great shame, the original unhappy attitude towards Li Yichen has now become worse, this guy is definitely deliberate!

At the moment, he didn't care, and directly threw out his next Pokémon: "Come out, three evil dragons, kill this guy for me!"

Three dragons LV75

"Roar!" With the domineering appearance of the three evil dragons, the atmosphere of the scene also became solemn all of a sudden, and it was obvious that Hu Hai was very serious at this moment.

The three dragons are Huhai's ace Pokémon.

The same three evil dragons are very restrained by the sun elves, not to mention that the evil system restrains superpowers, that is, the three evil dragons are blind, and they can't be used even if they read it monthly.

"In that case, you should come back first!" Li Yichen decisively took back the sun elf, which made Hu Hai on the other side about to curse, do you want to do this?

Let the Sun Elf appear and directly second my Aluminum Dragon?And then obediently go back?The legendary Pokémon trainer has become so despicable and shameless these years!

"Come out! Tyrannosaurus!" It's just that Li Yichen's next Pokémon surprised everyone, originally others thought that Li Yichen would use Pokkiss to consume a wave with the three dragons, but they didn't expect that Li Yichen would choose to use the Tyrannosaurus to fight the three dragons.

Even Hu Hai was stunned for a moment at first, could it be that he saw the wrong person?

However, he quickly thought of other reasons, Li Yichen was provoking!

"Mega evolution, Tyrannosaurus!" It's just that before others could react, Li Yichen started his long-prepared mega evolution journey.

(Recommend a fan,Hanamaru Kindergarten,Super healing,Xiao Xing super cute said!)

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