"Of course I want to!" Yingyin Yan's invitation, even Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, is this the rhythm of going to meet parents?

Yingyinyan's home is next to Xijing, but it is not very far from Rongcheng, which is also in Li Yichen's travel plan, and the badge of Xijing is also the object that Li Yichen decided to get.

After meeting the parents, is it still far from winning Yingyin?

Ying Yin Yan naturally understood what Li Yichen was thinking, but she didn't explain, she had already expected that the last time, her bet with Li Yichen was very likely to fail.

Although Li Yichen said that he would not use Reshiram in the national competition, he never said that he would not use other legendary Pokémon.

Xie Mi was cultivated well by Li Yichen, and that strange ability to manipulate trees seems to be beyond the control of other Xie Mi, but there is no doubt that Li Yichen's Xie Mi is very strong, at least it is also the strength of the king level, and even the champion may not be a champion, and with Li Yichen's other Pokémon, Ying Yin Yan feels that it is not a problem for Li Yichen to win the championship in the national competition of previous years.

Next year's national competition is bound to be different, and it may even be the most treacherous in years.

Among them, there may be many trainers with King-level Pokémon, and even those with champion Pokémon.

Yingyin Yan has never doubted that there is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger among the people, and there are many excellent trainers who do not want to join the alliance to work.

According to her age, she can also participate in the national competition! Starting at the age of thirty, Pokémon trainers have begun to enter the golden age, at this age, their Pokémon strength has been formed, and most of the Pokémon's strength has reached the peak after more than ten years of training, and it may be able to improve, but the progress will not be great, and even some Pokémon will begin to regress because of age.

And the physical fitness of trainers at this age is also a real golden age, and when you get old, you can't keep up with your reaction, and your physical strength is not good.

It's just that Yingyin Yan is more optimistic about Li Yichen, there is no doubt that this guy is a real genius in cultivating Pokémon, not just relying on Pokémon's outstanding talent, but Li Yichen's cultivation ability is really and excellent.

Yingyin Yan also discussed the issue of cultivating Pokémon with Li Yichen, and sometimes Li Yichen can always give his own unique opinions.

But Yingyin Yan also has to admit that Li Yichen's insights are very unique, maybe if Li Yichen is not a Pokémon trainer, he can become a Pokémon breeder second to none.

For example, the Pokémon of Illya and Rin Tosaka are usually taken care of and trained by Li Yichen, and their strength has also improved a lot, which is much better than taking care of them themselves, or finding some excellent Pokémon breeders to take care of.

This is all due to the Pokémon cultivation ability that Li Yichen had traded from Dr. Oki at the beginning.

Now there is still more than half a year before the start of the national competition, Yingyin Yan doesn't think that Li Yichen's strength will stop at the front, Li Yichen's progress speed, Yingyin Yan also sees it, this guy has reached the results of his life for more than ten years in just a few months.

After that, Li Yichen will only be stronger, and in Yingyinyan's heart, Li Yichen's hope of winning the national competition in the end is as high as 80%.

Any trainer who lives in the same era as him is tragic, and they are destined to be overshadowed by Li Yichen.

Even, Yingyin Yan had a hunch that even Artoria, a trainer recognized by Czerom, could not compare to Li Yichen.

Moreover, it is undeniable that Yingyin Yan does have a good impression of Li Yichen, a handsome, responsible to the world, outstanding strength, and a little boy younger than himself, is indeed very attractive.

Even if it is to bring Li Yichen into the right track, Yingyin Yan also intends to do this, and Li Yichen and Artoria's bet, Yingyin Yan also knows that she has to do it even more.

If Li Yichen was really abducted, what would happen to the Dragon Alliance?

In the past six months, it is precisely because of Li Yichen's help that the Dragon Alliance has been able to solve these crises.

Therefore, even if Li Yichen thought too much, Yingyin Yan let Li Yichen think about it.

The two chatted for a while, and Yingyin Yan glanced at Rin Tosaka on the side meaningfully and said, "I'll go back first, don't play too late!"

After speaking, he left directly, which made Li Yichen and Tosaka Rin also entangled for a while, not long before Yingyin Yan came, they did just fight, and it seemed that they were seen, which made the double ponytail tsundere very shy, and wanted to deny something, but he couldn't deny it.

For Li Yichen's behavior of many sisters, Yingyin Yan is not angry, this world is more men and fewer women, when the alliance was established, the social system was not reformed in this regard, and it is not that no one has ever said that they want to be monogamous, but in the end they were scolded very miserably, if they are monogamous, what should they do with so many women?

The ratio of men to women is three to seven!

For Yingyin Yan from a big family, for these things, it is even more commonplace, she remained single before, and it is not without this element, but since she chose Li Yichen, she still has to choose tolerance.

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