Li Yichen never jokes about these big things.

It is undeniable that Li Yichen is indeed short of manpower, and he needs to expand his power in the shortest possible time, while coordinating existing resources, so Yingyin Yan is the best choice.

Of course, more I still want Ying Yinyan to work for herself, if I can become a secretary or something, it would be great, if there is something to do as a secretary, it's okay...

"The purpose of the organization I founded is to protect this world, and anyone who destroys this world is our enemy!" Li Yichen then continued to strike while the iron was hot and said: "Our purpose is not for personal gain, we are just to protect this planet!"

Ying Yin Yan took a deep look at Li Yichen: "Your purpose has somewhat overlapped with the alliance, if you let the people of the alliance know your thoughts, they will be wary of you, and even many of your behaviors will be constrained by the alliance." "

Li Yichen chuckled: "So what? Maybe for other people, the dominance of the alliance is undoubted, but for us, the alliance can't manage us, just like Joan of Arc, can the alliance do anything to Joan of Arc? As long as she wants, Joan of Arc can destroy a country at any time." Even if it's the other people, they don't want too much turmoil, but so what? Yingzheng, Nero, can they really manage me?"

Ying Yin Yan smiled bitterly, it is undeniable that what Li Yichen said is right, Li Yichen is indeed very strong now, maybe in terms of strength, Li Yichen is already stronger than Ying Zheng, Nero and any of them, Ying Zheng They have just been recognized by a legendary Pokémon, at least only by a super divine beast.

But Li Yichen is different, his side is not only Reshram, but also Dream has a close relationship with Li Yichen, it seems that as long as Li Yichen goes to Dream for help, Dream will appear, and even in the battle with Dark Lokia, Dream is under Li Yichen's command to fight.

"Moreover, I am just to protect the world, anything can be corrupted, maybe the Chaldea will be like this one day, but I hope that someone can supervise me!" Li Yichen said in a serious tone: "Of course, this is not for the alliance to supervise me, they are not qualified yet, but you personally!"

Listening to Li Yichen's words, Yingyin Yan was stunned, and then she didn't know what to say, she knew what Li Yichen said.

Now in this world, because of the huge pressure of the dark elves, therefore, they are cooperating in various ways.

But even so, like the Bald Eagle Alliance, they also have their own ambitions, they want more resources and the right to speak, and they want to surpass the Dragon Alliance.

Even in many cases, they are openly and secretly dragging their feet for the Dragon Kingdom Alliance.

After all, this nouveau riche area is still a little lacking, otherwise, it would not have coveted Mewtwo's technology in the first place.

Once the Dark Elves are over, there is a good chance that the world will be turned upside down.

In fact, this is not Li Yichen's idea, he thought of the alliance of the Pokémon world, those big families, most of them were actually the same as ordinary people at the beginning, but they made a contribution when the alliance was established and gained the right to speak, and the original intention of the alliance was also good at the beginning, wanting to end the protracted war, but then the dragon slayer finally became an evil dragon.

Li Yichen's idea is very simple, that is, he wants to refuse such a thing to happen, as for whether he will be the enemy of the world, what else does Li Yichen have to be afraid of?

As long as he is given time, he is the strongest person in the world.

Reshram, Dreamy, Mewtwo, and even Zekrom are ready to help, as well as other legendary Pokémon, who else is he afraid of?

It's impossible for Arceus to appear and recognize a human, right?

"Maybe you're right, but I need to think about it!" Ying Yin Yan pondered for a moment before speaking, "If I really join your so-called Chaldeans, I will quit the league and resign as the champion!"

Although the current Chaldea does not have a conflict with the alliance, Yingyin vaguely feels that there will be contradictions between the two sides in the future.

Ying Yin Yan is a very principled person, and she will not use the resources of the alliance to do those things.

But it is undeniable that Yingyin Yan also heard an alternative meaning from Li Yichen's words, the existence of Chaldea is not without harm, and it can even be used as a guarantee plan in case of emergency, but it is necessary to maintain a certain amount of this, and it is not possible to provoke the bottom line of the alliance too much, which Li Yichen does not maintain well, but she Yingyin Yan can.

The existence of Ying Yin Yan can not only maintain the balance between the two sides, but also reassure the alliance, at least the people of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance.

Thinking of this, Ying Yin Yan was already moved, although this decision was very difficult, but it was necessary for her to do so.

It's just that this matter is not something that Yingyin Yan can decide alone, and she still needs to go home and discuss it with her family.

After thinking about it for a while, Ying Yin Yan spoke: "You haven't got the badge of Rongcheng yet, have you? "

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