Even Rin Tosaka and Illya, who had followed Li Yichen to participate in the previous battle with Dark Lokia, were shocked when they saw this scene, it was the legendary Pokémon Guraton? But it didn't seem to be quite like it, it seemed to be a little less charming.

And Guraton doesn't seem to have so many hideous tentacles on his body, right?

The appearance of "Guratun" quickly attracted everyone's attention, even the people in Rongcheng also noticed the situation outside, it is really the appearance of "Guratun" is too dazzling, and people also have their own special effects, do you dare to believe it?

"We need to hurry up!" Liu Wei's face also changed suddenly, and he said to the owner of the Rongcheng Dao Pavilion on the side.

"Well, I hope everything can be resolved as soon as possible, evacuate and evacuate the masses as soon as possible!" the hall master also nodded slightly.

Li Yichen didn't know what they were thinking, he just silently looked at the "Gulatun" in front of him, and unconsciously, the strength of the other party had reached the critical point of master-level and third-level gods.

It is believed that it will not be long before "Guraton" will reach the height of God.

"Reshiram, try using the Dragon Star Cluster!" Li Yichen said to Reshiram.

At the same time, it also turned on the live broadcast function, so that Dr. Ohki, Yulongdu, Shirona and Gardelia in another world can see this picture. This function was just discovered by Li Yichen some time ago, he can invite people to watch the live broadcast, and the people who watch it can also chat, but unfortunately, it is impossible to establish a group chat.

These four people, except for Gardelia, the other three are extremely good Pokémon trainers, that is, Gardelia, and her combat talent is also extremely good, otherwise, she would not be able to become the superpower king of the United Region after mastering her superpowers.

"This is Guratun?" In Li Yichen's live broadcast room, Dr. Oki showed a surprised look.

He knew that Li Yichen's world was very special, but he didn't expect that there would be a Guratun.

When the others saw Dr. Ohki's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then they realized for a while, they could appear here, why couldn't Dr. Ohki.

"But this is Reshiram?" Shirona and Ryudu focused on the Pokémon used by Li Yichen.

Especially the Dragon Crossing, Reshiram is the legendary white dragon and the Pokémon of his dreams.

didn't expect that Li Yichen would be recognized by Lei Shiram.

"This monster is very special, it is transformed from the scales of the dark Guradon and the magma, it is not the real Guraton! It is immortal in a way, and I hope you can help me analyze how to kill it thoroughly. As if to prove Li Yichen's words, Reshiram's dragon constellation had exploded, and then bombarded the body of "Guladon".

The powerful energy instantly smashed the body of "Guraton" with thousands of holes, but soon after, the magma under the feet of "Guraton" surged wildly, and the body of "Gulaton" was quickly restored.

Let Reshram's previous labor become in vain.

"Can it be recovered?" muttered Gardelia.

"It must have something to do with the magma under your feet, after all, Guraton is known as the creator of the earth!" Dr. Ohki began to explain to them.

"There is even a legend that as long as Guraton is standing on the ground, his physical strength is endless. When Guraton and Gaioca fought, they all started thousands of years!" said Sirona with a sigh.

The main theme of the Pokémon world has been opened, but the battle of the mythical beasts has not begun.

In the Pokémon world, the birth of Mewtwo kicks off the real leitmotive.

After that, all kinds of mythical beasts will appear in front of everyone.

Of course, the main thing is Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi is even more forced than Li Yichen.

On Li Yichen's side, there is at least one main theme, the dark elves have invaded the world, and the frequency of invasions has obviously accelerated a lot during this time.

But Ash is different, in their world, there are no dark elves, and more disputes between legendary Pokémon and humans.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the birth of Mewtwo that human beings are no longer as in awe of the legendary Pokémon as before, isn't it the legendary Pokémon?

We humans can also create.

Maybe Team Rocket itself doesn't think so, Sakaki is a smart person, and he knows that it is almost unrealistic to want to control that kind of real super divine beast, so Sakaki chose to create his own divine beast.

As for being called Mewtwo, in fact, Sakaki himself doesn't have much confidence, it's just an expectation, I hope Mewtwo can surpass the dream, as for whether it is, in fact, Sakaki himself doesn't have expectations, I hope it's not too much of a dream.

It's just that what Sakaki didn't expect was that Mewtwo was indeed very satisfied with him, and it was beyond the expectations of most people.

This also makes the legendary Pokémon no longer as high as before, and countless evil organizations are eager to have their own legendary Pokémon.

Even the alliance of the Pokémon world may not be a good person, and more than a hundred years ago, it also attacked the Phoenix King who had been helping them.

(Has anyone ever played City Skyline??? )

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