"Not good!" By the time Li Yichen reacted, the scales of the dark Guraton had already escaped the control of his superpowers and fell into the magma.

And those magma, which were already very active, seemed to be completely alive at this moment, and they began to roll wildly, enveloping the scales of the dark Guraton.

Immediately after, the scales of the dark Guraton emitted an even more brilliant red-black light, wrapping the surrounding magma around him, and then these magma gradually began to condense and form, and these magma gradually grew into the appearance of Guraton.

Even the breath is constantly improving, and in just a moment, it has surpassed the boundaries of the King Pokémon, and it is still improving.

"Hurry up and get out of here!" Reshiram hurriedly reminded Li Yichen.

"Okay!" Although Li Yichen was a little confused, he even wanted to attack this guy to try, but he still listened to Reshram's words, and used his superpower to control himself to leave, and at the same time locked the superpower on the monster's body, until Li Yichen left, the monster's aura was still improving.

King...... Champion......

And because of the birth of this monster, the environment at the scene seems to have changed drastically, and the weather that had already begun to cool down has obviously begun to heat up, and even the sun seems to be much more violent than usual.

The people in Rongcheng are going to scold their mothers directly, this is just the end of the earthquake, but the sun is also hot all of a sudden, and they don't give normal people a chance to play?

Is this a sign that the world is coming to an end?

And Liu Wei, who was directing the staff to treat the Pokémon, also looked at Li Yichen's location with a solemn expression, and his Pokémon told him that something amazing was being born.

That kid can't have an accident, right?

Li Yichen didn't know what Liu Wei was thinking, but he just teleported into the air, and said to Illya and Rin Tosaka: "You guys leave quickly, it's very dangerous here." "

"What's wrong?" The faces of the two girls changed slightly, you must know that even when dealing with Dark Lokia, Li Yichen took them to brush monsters.

Now Li Yichen is letting them leave, obviously something terrible has happened.

Before Li Yichen could answer, the earthquake that had stopped began to attack again, and the earth began to shake wildly, much more violent than the previous earthquake, and the canyon that appeared because of the earthquake before was also constantly opening at this moment.

The rift valley was like a big scar on the earth, constantly spreading in all directions, and at the same time, a lot of magma gushed out from the rift, and at the same time, the sun in the sky became more violent.

This apocalyptic scene also shocked Illya and Rin Tosaka, the arduous environment, they haven't seen it, and when they fought against Dark Lokia before, they felt very dangerous.

It's just that this scene really makes them feel too horrified.

"There's a monster coming out!" Li Yichen had already released Reshiram and sat on Reshiram's back, during this time, "Guradun" had grown to the master level, and was still improving.

"Ding, release a temporary mission: destroy "Guradun"!"

The prompt sound of the system also came as scheduled at this time. This made Li Yichen also helpless for a while, but this itself was the object that he needed to eliminate.

"Reshram!" Li Yichen whispered to Reshram: "Use the Dragon Wave!"

"Roar!" Reshiram naturally knew the extraordinary nature of this incident, and let out a dragon groan, followed by another ball of energy that sprayed towards the crack.

"Is it solved?" Rin Tosaka and Illya didn't leave directly, but instead sat on Pokkiss's back, quietly staring at everything in front of them.

If it was a general problem, Reshiram's blow would be fatal enough, and ordinary Pokémon would not be able to block it at all.

It's just to their disappointment that this is not the case.

Li Yichen waited quietly for the situation, and he could clearly see that the monster Guratun, after being hit by the dragon's fluctuations, even shattered a corner of its chest, but soon, the magma on the soles of its feet was surging towards the place where the "Guradun" was broken, and in just a moment, it repaired the injuries on Guraton's body.

"Did you fix it directly? Sure enough, it's a little troublesome!!" Li Yichen saw this scene, he just sighed softly, but he didn't mean to be disappointed, before attacking, he had already thought of such a situation, if "Gulaton" was so easy to solve, then the mission would not be activated.

Similarly, Li Yichen is not afraid, is it possible that Reshiram's body can't beat a single scale of Gulaton?

Even though the scales had a special meaning to Guraton, Reshiram was not made of mud.

"Roar!" Soon, a roar sounded from the crack, and a huge figure, along with the rise of the magma position, gradually walked out of the Great Rift Valley.

Seeing the behemoth, which was close to more than ten meters high, everyone's mood became not very good.

Guraton, it's coming?

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