"This is?" Li Yichen opened the door of the basement, and when he saw the things inside, he was also surprised, it was full of all kinds of high-precision instruments, and there was a huge cultivation warehouse in the center, but the thing inside was a fossil.

And there are many fragmented fossils in the special utensils on the side.

"Is this the Gainosekt fossil?" When Li Yichen saw the fossil in the center, he was also shocked in his heart, and sure enough, none of these guys were simple.

Even the most inconspicuous old bug has its eye on Gainocert.

Gainoseket is not a particularly weak Pokémon, and if he gets a Gaenosekt legion, I'm afraid it's hard to have anyone else who is his opponent except for the legendary Pokémon.

But the old bug, apparently gave up here. The fossil resurrection technology in this world is not very mature, and the old worm's Gainosect fossil is not very complete, and the possibility of resurrection is not very great.

There was no need for him to stay here for the fossils.

Of course, the situation here made Li Yichen even more convinced that Alice Fell was betrayed.

The old bug may have reached some ulterior secret with Einzbelen.

As for why isn't the old bug trying to threaten the Einzberen family through Alice Phil? It's possible, but it's not very likely.

And they want to catch Alice Phil, which may have something to do with Fiona, or it may have something to do with themselves. Maybe the old bug knows that he has a piece of the Genenosect fossil in his hand, and it is an extremely complete Genenoseket fossil!

There is too little information now, and Li Yichen can guess this step at most, of course, if others know that Li Yichen can reason to this step just through such a little bit of information, I am afraid they will be amazed.

"Didi!" At that moment, his Pokémon Pokédex also rang out.

Li Yichen fixed his eyes and saw that this was Yingyinyan's phone, Li Yichen hurriedly connected, and Yingyinyan over there quickly heard a voice: "How is the situation over there?"

"I found something interesting in the old bug's basement!" Li Yichen chuckled, "But I'm eighty percent confident that the old bug did it!"

"Something interesting?" Ying Yin Yan was stunned for a moment: "I have now arrived at the scene of the crime, and I am contacting the staff here to search for Alice Phil's traces, but I have not found their whereabouts for the time being." But don't worry, I suspect Alice Phil ran away. "

"Ran away?" Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly asked, "Are you sure?"

"The place of the incident is on the beach, we have investigated the nearby surveillance, and we did find the video of the Dirty Inkstone, but it is almost a thousand meters away from the place of the crime, which is not enough evidence to determine that the Dirty Inkstone is the suspect in this matter, of course, it can almost be determined that it is his behavior.

When she left, she didn't take Alice Fell with her, and I suspect she may have fled into the sea. Ying Yin quickly explained to Li Yichen.

"Is this a blessing in misfortune?" Li Yichen smiled bitterly: "But if you have a dirty inkstone, I will kill him directly!"

This frightened Yingyinyan: "You want to do it directly?"

"It's very likely that the other side is coming for me!" Li Yichen said slowly.

"Coming at you?" Ying Yin Yan was shocked, Jian Tong Dirty Yan didn't want to die? This is Li Yichen, Reshram's collaborator, isn't it death against him?

Isn't it that the Dirty Inkstone of Makiri is supported by some legendary Pokémon collaborators?

Li Yichen turned on the video call and showed the picture of the basement to Ying Yinyan, who was opposite and hurriedly asked, "Is this a fossil resurrection technology?"

"It's an imperfect fossil resurrection technique, at least the instruments here are not enough to resurrect fossils!" Li Yichen hurriedly corrected.

"Is this so? In fact, the alliance also had the idea of researching fossil resurrection technology, but in the end it was rejected!" Ying Yinyan said: "They think that these fossils have been eliminated by history, and since they have been eliminated, then let them completely disappear into history."

Moreover, the birth of fossil resurrection technology will have a great impact, and after the birth of fossil resurrection technology, will anyone want to study the technology of resurrecting people? This is difficult to guarantee, and it will inevitably cause great turmoil at that time.

Therefore, the plan for the resurrection of the fossil has been cancelled, and there may be organizations and forces working on this project, but this project is destined to be impossible to be led by the Alliance!"

Li Yichen showed a clear look, people's ambitions are endless, countless people want to live forever, this is a Pandora's box, once you come into contact, it is a hell, if once the technology reaches this step, then the human order will also collapse.

Now Li Yichen is very skeptical that the artificial human project of the Einzberen family will actually succeed, but the world does not allow it to continue, so that the artificial humans they made later will collapse.

In this world, there is a real God!

"Well, this fossil is called the Gainosect fossil, I have seen a lot of information about Gainosect here, maybe there are such fossils in other places, as for Gainosect, it is actually very strong!" Li Yichen said solemnly: "Once resurrected, it is indeed not comparable to ordinary Pokémon, this is the existence known as the World Exterminator in ancient times!"

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