"I know that Tong dirty inkstone!" After Li Yichen hung up the phone, Rin Tosaka also said directly.

"Huh?" Li Yichen looked at Rin Tosaka, the three royal families?

"Originally, my father planned to let Sakura marry the Maki family, but the eyes of the Maki Dirty Inkstone looking at Sakura were very strange, and I suspect that others are not old!"

In these days, there are not a lot of perverted people, such as the kind of elderly people who are interested in girls.

Although it is said that the grandson of the Kirichi Dirty Yan who married Tosaka Sakura, it is difficult to guarantee that the Kirichi Dirty Inkstone, who is in the Kiri's family, can't do anything, so Sakura won't have to live a miserable life?

The corners of Li Yichen's mouth twitched when he heard this, sure enough, the old worm or something, he must die!

"But what is he looking for Ellie's mother?If that's it, wouldn't Ellie's mother be dangerous?" Hearing Rin's words, Illya couldn't help but worry.

"No, although Alice Phil is good-looking, it's not worth the old bug doing this, with the ability of the old bug, it's not a problem to let Einzberen deliberately create a few artificial people!" Li Yichen chuckled and said, "Even if he doesn't know that Alice Phil is an artificial person, it won't be like this!"

After speaking, he touched Illya's head and said, "Don't worry, I will help you rescue Alice Phil!" And Alice Phil may not have been caught, you know, her strength is quite good, and she is a superpower. "

In fact, he had other speculations in his heart, maybe this time the action was not only as simple as Fiona and Manafei, but also related to the Einzberen family, maybe Alice Phil and Illya had been given up by the Einzberen family.

In the same way, he also has confidence in his own strength, and he rushes at himself, and the other party does not dare to treat Alice Phil at will, unless the other party does not want to live.

"Let's go!" Li Yichen took Illya and Rin Tosaka and hurried towards the position given by Yingyin, but unfortunately, the building was already empty.

"Not here!" a hint of gloom flashed in Illya's eyes, they had broken down the door before.

I didn't see the dirty inkstone of the house, and I thought that the other party had already left, or that I knew that they would find it, and I didn't return to this place.

Li Yichen was a little silent, he silently felt the scene, even underground, and was also perceived by Li Yichen with superpowers: "Alice Phil is indeed not here, but there is a situation in the basement, you wait here, I'll go down and take a look!" Li Yichen released the Nine-Tails outside to protect them, saving someone from attacking Rin Tosaka and Illya at this time, and making him throw a mouse trap.

"Okay, you have to be careful!" Illya told Li Yichen.

At the same time, she held her Pokémon Illustrated Book tightly in her hand, and after some hesitation, she still called Emiya Kiritsugu, no matter what the future holds, the former Emiya Kiritsugu is one of the people she respects the most.

"Is there something wrong?Illya?" On the other side of the phone, Emiya Kiritsugu quickly answered the phone, but his voice showed that he was very tired at the moment, but there was still a deep concern.

"Hello, Ellie, Ally, something happened to her!" said Illya, a little trembling in her tone.

She trusts Emiya Kiritsugu, who used to be a killer on the other side, and is definitely a master at analyzing the environment, and Illya wants Emiya Kiritsugu to help her analyze it.

"Ellie?" Enomiya Kiritsugu frowned, as a LYB, he felt that this matter was not simple.

At the same time, he is also deeply uneasy in his heart, over the years, he has been cooperating with Einzberen, and even pinned his hopes on the Einzberen family, but the old immortals of the Einzberen family, he can't believe it, but Alice Phil and Illya are different.

During these years, he did regard Alice Phil as his friend, and even Illya as his adopted daughter.

Unlike the rest of the Einzberen family, they don't have as many intrigues.

This time Alice Phil had an accident, which made Emiya Kiritsugu obviously feel that there was a huge conspiracy behind this matter.

He said to Illya in a serious tone: "Illya, you have to follow Li Yichen closely, if it is not necessary, don't take a step out of his sight, there may be new progress in the Mewtwo Project!"

At the same time, Emiya Kiritsugu himself began to pack up his things, as an insider of the Mewtwo Project, Emiya Kiritsugu didn't think that the Einz Bellen family would let him go easily.

Originally, he planned to seize control of Mewtwo at a critical moment, but he didn't expect the Einzberen family to act so quickly.

"What? But they just let me get the dream gene not long ago!" said Illya's face changed slightly, and she said quickly.

"It's hard to say about this matter, maybe Mewtwo has just had a new change, or maybe they are testing you and Alice Phil!" Emiya Kiritsugu said in a heavy tone: "As far as I know, the Einzberen family and the Makiri Dirty Inkstone seem to have a certain cooperation. "

"Is that so?" Illya said in a heavy tone, "Then you have to pay attention to safety!!"


And not long after he left, the house also exploded with a "bang", but Emiya Kiritsugu didn't react at all, just walked straight forward, not nostalgic for any style.

(Actually, many characters have their own charm, just like writing a comic, many people are black and green, but there are few people like the black teacher, even if many people are hungry for snow!Emiya Kiritsugu is also a man who the author thinks has personal charm.) As for the link of sending the girl, this is impossible, everyone can rest assured. After all, Emiya Kiritsugu saved Illya, and a little dependence is also doomed. )

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