Lamp volcano performs.

I didn't come in vain.

When I walked to the crater, I didn't meet the flame bird.

But there are also surprises.

"That's... That's Charizard X!?no, it's a black Charizard?!Is this a flash?"...

The black flash fire-breathing dragon, the appearance is even a little similar to the length of the X spray, and it has completely grown to the aesthetics of Xiaomao, and he is itching to see it...... I like it...... I really like ......

"It's so domineering!I like it, the black flash Charizard master announced, you are mine~"

People, often the next sentence I like will be what I want, sure enough, Xiao Mao over there has already picked up the Poke Ball and is ready to take in the black Charizard. Don't miss the opportunity, and never miss it.

After all, the best elf like the black Charizard may not be able to see it a few times in his life, even if he breaks his leg and walks shit luck, no, it may be like this once in his life~ Tianyu does not take it, but suffers from it.

Xiao Mao is not a good man and a woman, he is very greedy for excellent Pokémon, and now that he has seen this heterochromatic black flash fire-breathing dragon, how can he let it go.

He had been greedy for a long time before, and in the end he reluctantly cut his love, and he didn't cut off Hu Xiaozhi, and today he met a happy one again. That's really going to have to be accepted, all right.

"I'm sure I'm going to eat the black flash fire-breathing dragon today, and I can't keep Jesus when he comes, I said. "

What flame bird is not flame bird, is there a black flash fire-breathing dragon handsome? black spray is not fragrant? strong or not is temporary, handsome is a lifetime thing...... Of course, if you have the chance, the Flame Bird ...... too

Greedy Guy ...... Shameless yet.

"Electric shock demonic beast, go all out!" "

The environment here of the lamp volcano is too special to have the power of electric shock demonic beasts to attract thunder eruptions, and the black spray Xiaomao is going to be decided, and it must be subdued at one time, and it must be beaten until it is convinced.

"Rebu~(OK?aren't you afraid I'll kill it?)"

The electric shock monster was a little moved, after all, it was rare to be able to break the seal, and the firepower was fully opened, and the usual battle was a little constrained, but he was afraid that he would be able to fight smoothly, and the black spray would be gone.

"No, since it can build a nest next to the magma, it proves that he is very adaptable

to this kind of heat~" "At least there should still be resistance, and the physique exercised in this environment must be very strong, so

as to be able to" "Don't worry! As long as there is still a breath, I can save it~"

Xiao Mao has the Vision of God, and the Red Lotus Holy Ash, he doesn't care at all because of his wealth.

After listening to Xiao Mao's words, the electric shock monster's eyes lit up instantly, and the battle spirit exploded, and he was eager to fight, and my ultimate move was already and thirsty

, but it was not a heterochromatic black flash fire-breathing dragon, but the fire-breathing dragon activated the X gene but it was not fully activated, so the evolution was not complete, so it became what it is now.

"Isn't it better? Even the Super Evolution Stone and Yue Stone are saved. How good, self-reliant and updated, self-contained, permanent Charizard X,

X spray black flash, how domineering ~ "

Got, named Waste Xiaomao is online again ~

X spray black flash: .........

Have you asked my opinion?

Save me from the sea of

suffering, black sparkle, show your true posture, ...

"Ang~" -

a very majestic dragon groan, constantly echoing throughout the region, the powerful dragon power brought a huge sense of oppression and racial oppression, the Pokémon in the field.

Feeling the suppression of the bloodline from the high-end creatures, all of them fell into stiffness, even the quasi-heavenly king-level *** was no exception, all of them were like frightened rabbits, trembling.

Not to mention the battle

, at this time, the X sprayed black and flashed, and the wings were condescending, looking down indifferently, and the powerful aura even caused changes in the sky,

giving people a sense of oppression that covered the sky and the sun.

It has a grim countenance.

The breath began to swallow the power of destruction, and red flames erupted from his nose and mouth from time to time.

Staring at all the life below.

Cold and unforgiving.

"Smack~" snapped his fingers.

After getting the instructions.

X Spray Black Flash opened his mouth, and the endless flames of destruction began to gather, this is the fire attribute dragon breath he comprehended, the power brought by the dragon's blood, the dragon's breath ~

A fist-sized piece of coke from the scene of the [Deathwing] Dragon Flame incineration, was eaten by X Spray Black Flash, and comprehended a trace of power from the high dragon clan~

It also underwent a stable super evolution, mage evolved into Charizard X form, becoming the first known permanent mage evolution, Charizard X-form Pokémon.

Light's [Shattered Burst Wind

Bomb] Ground-based [Dragon King Annihilation Bomb

] Flame's [Destruction Flame Bomb]


After the power is full,

release ......

"Boom~" -

a huge flame, scorching, large flame sphere bloomed in the dark night, and then a mushroom cloud rose into the sky with a monstrous fire.

However, the explosions continued.


The flames continued to blast.

In an instant, it became a sea of flames.


The last afterglow, with an unwilling roar, the world of fire here disappeared.

Instead, there was a bottomless pitch-black pit, still emitting heat and black smoke.

And that's not even the scariest of all.

The most terrifying thing was that the fire bounced back into the sky, and a pillar of flames that soared into the sky was instantly formed.

Blazing flames.

The heat is blowing in your face.

Absolute destructive power.

Dr. Damu looked at Ah Xing, and then turned his head to look at Xiao Mao: "Grandson, I have a question for you, you tell me honestly!"

"Grandpa, you ask." Xiao Mao nodded very happily.

What he thinks in his heart, only he knows.

"Grandson, you are followed by Nazi, that female doll, and you have this Ah Xing, and you also hooked up with Xiao Ju'er, what do you mean!? Man, be single-minded, like your grandfather and me, I am very single-minded, and I only love your grandmother alone in my life. At

the same time, Dr. Oki added in his heart, although I have more than a dozen confidantes.

Cut, I don't know about you yet. Do you really want to be so single-minded, grandma will be separated from you for so many years?!Xiao

Mao slandered in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest on the surface, otherwise, it would definitely usher in the iron chestnut of grandpa's love.

"I love them. Xiao Mao blinked his big eyes and said with a smile.

Hear the words.

Dr. Oki was stunned, is this grandson so shameless? He even admitted it, and he loved it. I didn't do it, can you?!

So Dr. Oki was not angry, and asked with some disdain: "You like so many little girls at the same time, and there is no one who loves the most?!" In fact, he also gossiped in his heart.

Xiao Mao said of course: "Then you must love everything!" Dr

. Damu was speechless, and the grandson: "That...... Which one do you

don't love?"

Xiao Mao shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't love either."

Dr. Damu was stunned, what's interesting, are children talking so esoteric nowadays?adjusted

his emotions and continued to ask: "Which do you think is more important, that woman or your career?"

Xiao Mao smiled: "Of course it's me who matters."

Dr. Oki rolled his eyes: "Grandson, you are so shameless.

Xiao Mao hurriedly poured him a glass of water and coaxed him: "You are important, you are the most important!".

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