[Name: Electric Shock Warcraft]

[Nickname: Big Demon (Brother Muscle Bully) likes to convince people with virtue An honest man, his fist is called "De". [

Realm: Champion Initial Realm

(With elementalization, as well as the strong flesh tempered by thunder and lightning, it is called a god-level combat power.

[Origin: Found in the remains of the parents. [

Description: The absolute authority in the team, the well-deserved boss, is also Xiaomao's strongest trump card. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Xiao Mao, and from that moment on, the two were bound together. [

Name: Kuailong

] [Nickname: Longlong,

] [Realm: Heavenly King - Champion (under cultivation)]

[Origin: Birthday gift. The son of the old man's family, Kuailong. The surface is honest, but in fact it is a batch of black bellies. [

Description: The sense of existence is not high, once carried Xiao Mao everywhere to cause trouble, in the team temperament is gentle and does not fight or grab, but as a dragon who comprehends the power of "annihilation", the strength is absolutely strong, once the shot is a stone shock, is one of Xiao Mao's hidden hole cards. Now I am practicing with my parents in Zhenxin Town.

] [Name: Wind Speed Dog

] [Nickname: Brother Biao

] [Realm: Quasi-Heavenly King ~ Heavenly King (After the baptism, the body of the unicorn is awakened, and the strength is improving at a high speed~)]

[Origin: Birthday gift. [Description

: I have been carrying Xiao Mao around, working hard and complaining, and by mistake, I have become the baptism of the mysterious blood of the earth king in the mouth of the young man, and the potential is huge. The Cutty dog family is a loyal family, and they will only be loyal to one owner in their life. [

Name: Sun Elf

] [Nickname: Yangyang

] [Realm: Champion ~ Upper Limit ??? (Spiritual power has been transformed, but it has returned to the juvenile stage due to the blessing of misfortune and re-grows ~)

] [Origin: Birthday Gift]

[ Description: The well-deserved eldest sister in the old team, a legendary figure in the eyes of the new members, a person who has mastered the world of illusion, has transcended racial restrictions, and is a queen-level character. [

Name: Moon Elf

] [Nickname: Yueyue, Sister Yueyue.]


Realm: Heavenly King Level]

[Origin: Birthday gift, and the sun elf are twins. [Description

: The phantom in the night, silently guarding Xiao Mao in the dark, has a proud personality but does not lose her wit, the queen of the night, does not fall into her sister's prestige.

] [Name: Blastoise

] [Realm: Gym Level ~ (Favor of Water)

] [Origin: The Initial Pokémon of the Rookie Trainer]

[Description: A second goods who like to touch fish for health, after being intimidated by Xiao Mao and having a psychological shadow, honest people have a tendency to blacken, and it is called a "black". Caution.

] [Name: Eagle

] [Realm: Daoguan Level~]

[Origin: The deviant gangster of Tokiwa Forest. [

Description: A man who is full of inner drama and likes to make up for the brain, but he is indeed an outlier than the eagle family, with a tough personality and the ruthlessness and decisiveness of "carving". [

Name: Hot Monkey

] [Realm: Elite] [Origin:

Nameless Forest, who was subdued by Xiao Mao's real body fighting skills.]


Description: In the stage of ascension, a true ascetic with a tenacious and resolute personality and silent hard work. Name

: Stinger Jellyfish

Realm: Heavenly King Origin

: Lampurqi City

Description: Team Rocket Trio Domestic Three Cups of Vinegar Accidentally Activated the Ancient Gene of the Alien, the Guardian of the Race, and now lives with the Race in the Houshan Strait of Zhenxin Town.

Name: Geng Ghost Three Brothers Nickname: Silly Ghost Three Brothers

Realm: Elite Level ~ Daoguan Level ~

Origin: Ziyuan Town Abandoned

Elf Tower

Description: I don't like to fight, I like to play pranks, and now the night team led by the Moon Elf Heart helps Xiao Mao erase the malice from the shadows.

Name: Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus Realm

: Daoguan Level~

Origin: Yuejian Mountain


: Name: Electric Shock Beast Realm: Elite ~ Daoguan-level


Electric Shock

Demon Beast Son.

Description: Unruly personality, rich

name: Shakira

Realm: Elite level ~ Gym level

Origin: Gift

from the principal of the Elf Academy Description: Now the power of evolution is accumulating, and the strength is not one in ten, once the evolution is completed, it will be a shock.

Xiao Mao has always taken care of it with him, feeding all kinds of high-energy ores, as well as ores from outside the sky, and some of the minerals in it even bring a lot of special powers to Shakira.

At that time, he was shocked to see the mineral soil, it came from that kind of cosmic world, and a little mineral soil the size of a soybean gave him a palpitation.

In the end, Shakira was worthy of being the king's elf, and he resolutely decided to devour that mineral soil, even if it was broken bones, he could feel that the mineral soil could make him reborn and truly transcend the limits of the race.

Don't look at it small, but the pride in the bones can't be extinguished, and when you come to Xiaomao's team, excellent Pokémon and powerful partners abound.

It, the dignified quasi-god desert tyrant cub, has become a cute pet mascot-like existence, although he enjoys Xiao Mao's favor very much, but he also has his own pride.

He also wants to be stronger, he doesn't want to be an ornament, he also wants to be like other partners, to be a force that Xiao Mao can rely on, he also wants to fight, one day he wants to stand at the front, help Xiao Mao sweep away all injustices, destroy all enemies, destroy and fight is what he should do.

Name: Hot Monkey

Realm: Elite ~ Daoguan-level

Origin: Old City

Description: Experienced suffering and bullying, so he is extremely eager for strength, and has great martial arts talent, and is nicknamed "the future king of street fighting" by Xiao Mao , good at fighting, constantly training every day, venting his energy, driving Abby Lang to train together, the real king of involution.

The other Pokémon that have been subdued by Moonsee Mountain are all in the Big Wood Research Institute, and now the Pokémon on Xiao Maoming's face will shock the Warcraft Tyrannosaurus Iron Armor Tyrannosaurus, Wind Speed Dog, Sun Elf, Fire Monkey, Giant Gold Monster, Electric Shock Beast, What Ghost Three Brothers, Moon Elf.

Among them, the wind speed dog, the sun elf, and the fast dragon are all used as the finale because of their strong strength, and they don't appear much.

Xiao Mao took the lead in speaking: "Tonight, let's have a good chat! Just about everyone's future arrangements~" "

Let's talk about the big demon and Long Long first, you two have grown up with me and have been with me for the longest time." "

Now the little monkey of the year and"

"Later, Wangcai you came."

"I haven't forgotten you, Yueyue and Yangyang, you are a pair of miracle sisters, twins who are unique in ten thousand.

"Thank you all the time, I know you're not as cold and arrogant as you seem, you're just not good at expressing yourself. "

Always silently and secretly guarding my sister and guarding me from harm, just like you are now joining the Night Squad to protect everyone,"

the emotional moon elf Yueyue was even more direct, running to her sister's side, glaring at her cheeks with tears and expressing her gratitude.

Sun Elf Yang Yang unnaturally didn't look over, but the raised corners of her mouth still revealed the excitement in her heart.

This is another little tsundere.

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