Fierce battles at unmanned power plants.

In particular, the momentum of the unicorn has spread to dozens of kilometers.

inevitably attracted a lot of peeping eyes.

All forces have sent their own spies, all hoping to get first-hand information. Find out the truth about that thunder beast.



The city of Heiyun that was once unattended.

All of a sudden, it was lively.

There are also many old friends of Xiao Mao.

It's not. Ma Zhishi, who was doing a mission nearby, also came.

Far away.


If you don't see him, you can hear his voice first.

With this heroic laughter, Ma Zhishi from Withered Leaf City appeared on the cliff and said with a big grin: "Xiao Mao, labor and management have heard about the unmanned power plant, lightning bird, this legendary Pokémon has appeared." Is this true?"

"It's exciting, it's a fight with the legendary Pokémon! Brother, you're really a bull, it's exciting to think about, but it's a pity that I couldn't participate."

"It's a pity, it's a pity. Why don't I have this luck!

" "Tut-tut~" Ma Zhishi looked regretful.

"Well, it's true.

Listening to this old friend's inquiry, Xiao Mao nodded without concealment, after all, there was such a big movement caused by the battle between the two sides yesterday. Many people have seen it and can't hide it.

"That's true," he said calmly, "but the one I faced last night was just a member of that group.

"It's not really the God of Thunder, it's just a king-level Pokémon. "The breath of Versailles came to my face.

Ma Zhishi glanced at Xiao Mao when he heard this, but he didn't interrupt Xiao Mao's pretending to speak, you say yours, I listen to me.

"There's no rush, that's their first move, I'm just passively fighting back, don't button your hat indiscriminately!" "

Good guy, this is better than letting you pretend."

It's just an ordinary Heavenly King level, and now it's all so bullish! The Heavenly King level is not in his eyes, and they are still a family of divine birds. Ma Zhishi was speechless

~"Ah~ Is it?Isn't it the God of Thunder!" Ma Zhishi shook his head a little disappointed

, and then said excitedly: "It's good to touch it at the Heavenly King level, you can always see a little bit of God's posture!"

"Who do you think is stronger when I touch him, yes, yes,

how about my Leichu?"

Hmm~ I want to think about it!

" Xiao Mao Xiao Mao touched it and roughly assessed: "If it were your Lei Qiu, you would probably be hammered to death," "

Haven't you counted it in your own heart?"

Ma Zhishi was about to refute.

"The same attribute of the Divine Bird is too good for you, your thunder and lightning skills are useless and you can't fly, what else can you do?" Xiao Mao added.

Ma Zhishi was silent, really.

"However, if you press all six of them, you should be able to beat eight pounds and eight taels, don't be convinced, these legendary Pokémon are all durable and bloody.

Xiao Mao continued.

Ma Zhishi was unconvinced again: "How is it possible, six fights and one can be a draw, that is two Heavenly King levels, four quasi-Heavenly Kings."

"After all, this guy can't bear it in the face of my Heavenly King-level Electric Shock Demonic Beast, Wind Speed Dog, and Moon Elf three partners. "

Hey, hey

~" Xiao Mao said with a smile: "Dude, do you think your Pokémon can carry it down in the face of the

three of them~" "Uh~" The corners of Ma Zhishi's mouth twitched and complained: "

Fuck it~ Are you like words? Everyone is as perverted as you, three freaks are king-level beatings of lightning birds, and it is really eight lifetimes of blood mold, meet you."


" Xiao Mao smiled proudly: "

Brother, it was the war he started at that time, and the entire unmanned power plant came to attack us, since it was a war, of course don't blame me for the decapitation operation." "

Of course, the fastest is a group fight, otherwise it's a heads-up

?" "Isn't that stupid?"

"This is a war, do everything you can, as long as you win, what is a group fight!"

"Big brother, you were also a mercenary, hehe~"

Ma Zhishi always felt that Xiao Mao was scolding himself, but unfortunately there was no evidence. The last one made him quite unhappy.

"Phew~" "

Shameless rich second generation."

"It's like you're not.

"Labor and management are mercenaries. "

Despicable mercenaries.

", Xiaomao, labor and management are fighting with you. "

Come on~

" Dr. Damu looked at Ah Xing, and then turned his head to look at Xiao Mao: "Grandson, I have a question for you, you tell me honestly!"

"Grandpa, you ask." Xiao Mao nodded very happily.

What he thinks in his heart, only he knows.

"Grandson, you are followed by Nazi, that female doll, and you have this Ah Xing, and you also hooked up with Xiao Ju'er, what do you mean!? Man, be single-minded, like your grandfather and me, I am very single-minded, and I only love your grandmother alone in my life. At

the same time, Dr. Oki added in his heart, although I have more than a dozen confidantes.

Cut, I don't know about you yet. Do you really want to be so single-minded, grandma will be separated from you for so many years?!Xiao

Mao slandered in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest on the surface, otherwise, it would definitely usher in the iron chestnut of grandpa's love.

"I love them. Xiao Mao blinked his big eyes and said with a smile.

Hear the words.

Dr. Oki was stunned, is this grandson so shameless? He even admitted it, and he loved it. I didn't do it, can you?!

So Dr. Oki was not angry, and asked with some disdain: "You like so many little girls at the same time, and there is no one who loves the most?!" In fact, he also gossiped in his heart.

Xiao Mao said of course: "Then you must love everything!" Dr

. Damu was speechless, and the grandson: "That...... Which one do you

don't love?"

Xiao Mao shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't love either."

Dr. Damu was stunned, what's interesting, are children talking so esoteric nowadays?adjusted

his emotions and continued to ask: "Which do you think is more important, that woman or your career?"

Xiao Mao smiled: "Of course it's me who matters."

Dr. Oki rolled his eyes: "Grandson, you are a real Blastoise, this guy has a typical strong physical strength and high defense, but his speed is very stretched, he is the first in the team, his speed in the water is good, but under normal circumstances, how can there be so much water for you to swim."

Pokémon battles generally use physical attacks, and the battles can be stretched for a long time, and the time can last for a long time.

However, once you perform a release attribute attack, the battle time will be very small, and the Pokémon's physical strength will be exhausted.

It's like the internal force of the martial arts world, and the skill is used up when the internal force of the martial arts moves is used up, and the game is over.

[The Favor of Water: It can keep the body moist in a place where there is no water, and release skills to reduce the consumption of physical strength and water energy by 10%. This is a blessing of one percent.

The tyrannosaurus himself failed to comprehend the mystery of playing with water again through the skill of playing with water, and was favored by the water source.

In this regard, the tyrannosaurus was stunned, and looked at the blastoise with a wrong look, "Roar~ Obviously, I learned to play in the water first, and he took advantage of all the benefits, this king is not convinced, and his heart is uneasy."

Blastoise smiled: "Kamei~ (hehe~ Yes, yes, Brother Long, thanks to your help, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to learn." "

Kami~ (In the future, but there are orders, I must go all out in the future.) "The Blastoise posture is enough, and the benefits have been obtained, so you can't get cheap and sell well, and you won't die if you say good things."

"Roar~(Ahaha~ It's easy to say, it's easy to say, everyone is brothers, what to say and don't command, ahaha~)"

The good words are all said, and the tsundere ghost Tyrannosaurus said by "Brother Long" is really cool in his heart, and the Blastoise is in place.

Xiao Mao was also dumbfounded.

Blastoise is also too good at it, and he is more skilled than him in being played with his human feelings, one by one, worthy of being a belly.

"It's a pity. Yes, yes, this is fate!

" Xiao Mao's tyrannical carp dragon did not comprehend the meaning of the water source and also understood, "

The eyes of fate cannot always fall on oneself, but it is impossible to find it, and you can't be too greedy." "

Alas~ you shouldn't tell the story of the Bird-Feather Zutun Beast to the Blastoise. Now, this old turtle, holding an ice hammer in his hand every day, always shouting what kind of cock

hammer sparks, "You will be a dick hammer sparks, shouting a fart all day long, the fish are running wild,

have you practiced?

Old turtle, aren't you black-bellied? What are you doing with such blood now? Shigeru

also realized what it means to shoot yourself in the foot when you lift a rock, and what kind of Digimon story you are talking about.

[Name: Blastoise]

[Skill: Heavy Hammer Spark: Use the ice hammer as a medium to smash into the ground to generate shockwaves and sparks to attack opponents. [

Deadly Flying Hammer: It is to throw the ice hammer out and smash the enemy. This

Nima, a real cowhide, was really studied by the blastoise, and Xiao Mao was speechless =_=.

"The blessing of [the blessing of the water] is a real cowhide. The research and learning talent of the blastoise was instantly full. "

Xiao Mao is a little jealous, damn, who is the protagonist of the two of us. How do I feel that you, old turtle, are favored by fate more than me. Shameless.

Xiao Mao hurriedly poured him a glass of water and coaxed him: "You are important, you are the most important!".

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