Nazi's face was a little pale.

Look at Shigeru.

A faint smile weakly: "You...... It's okay, it's fine. "

As soon as it gets dark, I'm about to fall.

Pokémon Center rescues, Nazi's overdrawn superpower has not yet recovered, and she forcibly uses teleportation to rush over.

Let her superpower be overdrawn again, and the moment she saw that Xiao Mao was safe and sound, she was relieved and fainted.

"Faster than the eagle ~ !!"

Xiao Mao's face changed greatly, and when he saw that Nazi was about to fall, he yelled. At this moment, he was really a little panicked.

Nazi, if something really happens.

He will never forgive himself in this life, and he will not be redeemed for his death.

Nazi's weak smile.

Pierced into Xiao Mao's heart.

"Bi~" A low sound, the eagle has disappeared.

The tacit understanding between the two, now with one look, can comprehend it, only to see a leaf on the ground inexplicably fly up and fall again.

When you say goodbye.

Nazi was already lying on the back of the eagle.

In other words, the rescue was completed in an instant.

"Thank you. After

making sure that Nazi was fine, Xiao Mao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nazi~" -

Xiao Mao called anxiously, and then his body was like a cheetah, quickly crossing the distance of 100 meters and rushing to Nazi's side.

"Oh no, it's mental overdraft.

Xiao Mao looked at the unconscious Nazi frowning, with a faint painful look, and his heart was distressed.

It's all his fault.


princess hug. Jean Nazi leaned more comfortably into his arms.

Pick up Nazi and go back to the Pokémon Center. Nazi is not in a very good state at this time, so she still has to show Miss Joy.

"Bidiao ~ Pokémon Center, ...... quickly"

Xiao Mao was not in the mood to care about these at this time, and ran back with Nazi in his arms, and it was urgent to do it.

"Xiao ......"

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand, and wanted to call Xiao Mao, but he didn't have time to say it. didn't think about it, Xiao Mao left directly.

"Ah...... How did you go. "

Shigeru, am I just making you look down on you?"

Ash was struck by the previous battle scene, and he doubted himself a little. Repent and redress one's errors...... There are even some grievances.

Looking at Ash, who is a little decadent.

There is no longer the spirit of the past.

Xiao Gang knew that Xiao Zhi was hit harder today.

"Bang Bang~" Xiao Gang patted Xiao Zhi on the shoulder encouragingly.

"Ash, come on, we will always support you.

Xiaoxia also hurriedly comforted him.

"Don't think about it, it seems to be Miss Nazi just now, and Miss Nazi's situation doesn't seem right...... Xiao Mao is also anxious. "

Yes, yes, Ash, let's go back and have a look!Anyway, Miss Nazi is our friend!"

Ash: "yes, let's go back and have a look." "

Ash is still kind.

"Okay, let's talk about it later, let's go back and see Miss Nazi's physical condition first. The trio came to a consensus. Then they also carefully evacuated the unmanned power plant.

It's just that.

This scene tonight is destined to leave a deep impression on the trio of Ash, who are comparable to gods with mortal bodies.

What a dazzling person!


left behind the battlefield.

"Boom~" The footsteps of the blockbuster.

Filled with shocking Pokémon.

The battle area between the Electric Shock Demonic Beast and the Lightning Bird was several kilometers of scorched earth, with broken walls and countless potholes, and the residual thunder aura here became a holy place for cultivation.

The other side.

"Bi~" -

Shigeru has come to the Pokémon Center, and Miss Joy also treats trainers here, and there are specialized doctors.


There was a sound of eager footsteps.

"Miss Joy...... Miss Joy ......

" Xiao Mao was really impatient at this time: "Please save my companion, save her

!" "Huang eat~ Huang eat~

" "What's the matter? Miss Nazi?!"

Miss Joy came over with an emergency bed.

"That's ......," Shigeru told Nazi.

He forced himself to calm down.

Try to explain Nazi's situation word by word.

"Miss Nazi, this is an overdraft of mental power.

Miss Joy frowned.

"Gilly egg, use the healing bell quickly. "

A professional is a professional.

"Luckky~" - Lucky Egg smiled and used his skills.

"Dingdong~" A bell rang, and then the fluctuation of healing enveloped Nazi.


"Mmmm~" The sleepy Nazi's eyebrows gradually relaxed.

A relaxed look appeared on his face.

Xiao Mao thanked again and again: "Thank you, thank you, Miss Joy and Jili Egg, thank you very much."

Miss Joy waved her hand: "It's only temporarily stabilized, Miss Nazi's condition still needs to be in-depth treatment." "

Miss Joy, Nazi, please. Please be sure to heal her. Shigeru handed Nazi to Miss Joy with a pleading face.

"Okay, don't worry!" Miss

Joy reassured with a smile.

Shigeru is the hero who saved the Pokémon Center twice, and she will do her best.

"Luckky~" Jili Dan also smiled and waved.

Leave it to us

!! "Please!!"

and then they pushed Nazi into the treatment room.

Xiao Mao's mood has always been tense. As long as Nazi hasn't come out, her heart has not been calm.

Minutes and seconds passed.

While waiting, Xiao Mao really felt that life was like a year.

Why hasn't it come out yet, is Nazi very serious, I want to believe that Miss Joy and Gilly Egg will definitely cure Nazi.

Nazi will also be auspicious.

It's going to be fine.

Finally, almost two hours.

Ding Ding ...... Knock ......

Xiao Mao immediately stood up when he heard this voice.

Greeted him.

The door to the "Ka~" treatment room opened.

Miss Joy and Gilly Egg, who were a little tired, walked out.

"Fortunately, Miss Nazi is fine.

"But it's okay to be physically exhausted, but the overdraft of superpowers may still make Nazi weak for a few days, and her mental state is not good, and she wants to sleep." "

Thank you, Miss Joy, Gilly Egg.

Xiao Mao was truly grateful.

Because I saw Nazi sleeping peacefully.

The pain in the center of the brow is gone.

I have to admire Miss Joy's medical skills are really superb, not only proficient in Pokémon healing, but also not inferior in treating humans.

"Alright, Mr. Xiaomao, you can go back and rest first! Miss Nazi will be transferred to the ward in a moment.

"Don't disturb her rest.

Miss Joy nodded.

"Okay, I got it.

Xiao Mao breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day.

Ash shouted at Mao, "Mao."

"Oops~ I can hear you.

"What are you shouting so loudly for? Early in the morning, what the hell are you trying to say, and keep people from sleeping, Ash.

Xiao Mao plucked out his ears.

Good fellow, you sudden. Almost didn't send me away. The heart is still beating very fast

?!Alas~ Should I say that it is worthy of the super unexpected Sardoxie?!Well

, I forgive you.

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