it~ You're really playing! Are you really going to kill me?!

Looking at the pillar of light that came from the burst, he completely broke the defense, and he couldn't calm down.

I'll just say a few words, don't be so ruthless!"

"You're bad because of people's stinky reputation! She's still a girl. It's strange if I don't look for you desperately.

Xiao Mao twitched out of the corner of his eyes and complained, and then made a decisive move against Alijia and Stinky Flower.

People have already done it.

Xiao Mao can hide, but he doesn't want

to, "Are these women so explosive, they will magnify their moves when they come up, they are really strong, they deserve to be a famous strong woman!"

"Decisive, ruthless, I like it."

Xiao Mao is not surprised at all when he thinks about it, "Geng's ghost mouth is so cheap, if you don't beat you up, it's uncomfortable, I want to give you a stick when I step on a horse."

"Think about it, laugh about it, don't joke about the battle.

"It's time to get serious, and we can't capsize in the gutter like an eagle, and then we will lose face and lose our hair."

(Voiceover - Compare Eagles: "......" Can we not whip the corpse?)

This is also the cranky thoughts in Xiao Mao's mind for a moment. In the outside reality, his battle didn't stop for a moment.

Xiao Mao said lightly: "Geng ghost, spiral wheel Yu (secluded)." "Just try a new move, the Spiral Pill adds a revision of the ghost-based energy.

Spiral Wheel Yu is a mirror version of the Spiral Shuriken, and Xiao Mao guesses that it is probably dominated by Yin Dun Chakra.

Yin escape is related to spiritual power, so Xiao Mao considered the three systems of ghost system, evil system, and super energy system here.

Attribute-free Spiral Pill, in fact, what is attribute-free, in Xiaomao's view, converted to the Pokémon world, that is the general system.

Geng Ghost Society's general skills are really a lot, what kind of black sight, Song of Perdition, mirror attributes, megaton heavy punches, megaton flying legs, and destroying the light...... Too much.

So it's really simple to condense the energy of the general system.

Plus the Geng Ghost will shadow the ball.

So Spiral Pills are easy to learn.

[Spiral Pill (Pokémon Edition): A highly concentrated energy ball of general energy, compressed and exploded to form a small typhoon, which is powerful and has strong destructive and tearing properties. This


Xiao Mao's wash oh brothers will.

Compared with the eagle, the energy compression is biased towards cutting, the thickness of the blastoise, and the "big" basketball of the ironclad tyrannosaurus rex, because this fool is really not good at compressing this fine operation...

The others also have their own characteristics, and

the spiral wheel Yu practiced by Geng Ghost is a ghost version, that is, the ghost energy is injected into the spiral pill, and the poisonous energy Xiao Mao doesn't dare to play easily.

Ghost system

[Spiral Wheel Yu (Ghost): The mirror image of the spiral pill is advanced, the general attribute compression maintains the form, the ghost energy is injected, and the compression is in the core, so the skill is purple-black, once it is thrown, the core ghost energy will become unstable and explode, breaking the balance of the general attribute energy shell, and then bursting out with amazing destructive power. The

appearance is small, and it looks like a ball of an asteroid model, with a small black and purple ball surrounded by a white halo.

"Buzz~" The piercing roar is endless.

The little black ball just appeared.

There was a creepy feeling among all of those present.

It is the instinctive fear of danger.

"Hiss~" - all the staff of the gym gasped. looked at his eldest lady and the stinky flower with a worried face.


Natsu has superpowers, and her senses are even greater.

"What a strong energy fluctuation. She

could feel the terrifying aura of energy in that little purple-black black ball, which she hated, but it made her feel a deadly threat.

When observed, there was a faint tingling sensation in the center of the eyebrows.

Rao is genius Ru Nazi, and he couldn't help but gasp, "Xiao Mao, this monster, what kind of terrifying thing did he and Geng Ghost do." "

For Xiao Mao's deep hiding.


" "Hahaha~" Geng Ghost smiled. Then the skill was thrown out. Meet the flames of the sun against Aliga.

However, once this trick was used, it almost drained all of Geng's energy and exhausted all his physical strength.

"Whew...... Whoop...... "

Geng Ghost was sweating profusely, his expression was sluggish, and his face was a little weak and panting. This was the first time he had used this trick against the enemy, and he was a little unsure. The actual battle in the group almost lost himself.

Almost got raffled into a ghost skin.

I had palpitations, but then my eyes were full of excitement.

After all, who doesn't want to be stronger!!

"Woo ~ Woo Woo~"

As soon as the Spiral Wheel Yu (ghost) came into contact with the Sunlight Flame, it counterattacked very strongly, and then several black or white ghosts appeared, and then became larger.

"Ghosts~" The ghosts seem to have no entity.

A strange smile floated on the side of the spiral chakra. Then the spiral forwarded and swallowed up the flames of the sun, absorbing a large amount of energy, replenishing the Spiral Chakra and becoming extremely unstable.

"Buzz Buzz~" The purple-black ball ball, the breath has also become extremely oppressive and palpitating.

"~ I won't get away with it!" Xiao

Mao was also frightened into a cold sweat, the power and destructive power of the Spiral Wheel Yu exceeded his expectations, and it had only been experimented in the field before.

But he has never faced the enemy.

The properties of the spiral chakra (ghost) were not found, and there were even erosion and devouring properties.

This surprised and delighted him.

Joy is that this move is more powerful than he expected, and the thief is so strong.

The surprise is too strong, and it may hurt people.

"Escape, Elija, I can't grasp the trick of the stinky flower, if you are injured or die, don't blame me!!"

Xiao Mao reminded indifferently.

Believe it or not, it's up to Alijia to do it or not.

Those ghosts, can't they really be ghosts, are they? Stinky Flower is not afraid of ghost Pokémon, but ghosts ...... She's really scared......

As soon as my legs are weak, I want to run when I turn my face.

At this time, Elija's voice was like a heavenly sound, injecting her with a shot in the arm.

"Stinky flowers, protect.

Arijia is not a fool, looking at the menacing spiral wheel Yu, she knows that what Xiao Mao said is right, and the feeling of palpitations ......

Listen to the advice of others to eat well.

Not to mention, he saw that ghost thing and his legs were weak. It can't really be a ghost, can't it run, then you can only resist ......

"Stinky stink~"

Stinky Flower is also frightened, she is a Pokémon, and she can feel the power that makes people palpitate and fear.

Really, if you're not careful, you'll die.

"Flower~" protection skills are fully output.

And then.

"Boom~" - a shocking loud noise.

Then a strong wave of air spread out in all directions.

Dust and smoke billowed up.

The earth shook, the glass shattered in ping-pong, then the falling of items, and the exclamations of spectators.

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.


The dust cleared, and the arena was revealed.

"Hiss~" -

another inhalation sound.

Looking at the battlefield that has disappeared for most of the time, and the pit that is more than ten meters deep, the stinky mouth is emitting black smoke, and the eyes are circled.

Protection skills didn't protect her after all.

But it's not easy.

There are also scattered dojos with shell energy shock waves.

It is estimated that it will cost a lot of money to repair?!

Arija's face is dark.

"This dog man, you're here to demolish the house, right?!"

"Don't you want to be so careful."

"Didn't you just underestimate you before?

"There's no grace at all.

Arija began to output crazy about Xiao Mao in her heart, and she still had to maintain a noble and elegant posture on the surface.

"Stinky Flower loses the ability to fight, and Geng Ghost wins, so the winner is Shigeru, a challenger from True New Town. "

The referee's sister announced the result of the game. The voice is also trembling, and the shock in my heart is indispensable.

Shigeru is definitely the best rookie trainer she's ever seen, no, a young genius...... Young Tianjiao.

In this way, Xiao Mao successfully won the rainbow badge.

Alija's warm Ryunaz was a guest.

Xiao Mao did bad things because he lifted the gym of other people, where did he dare to express his opinion, shrinking his head and pretending to be a quail ......


That same evening.

"Miss, this is the challenger's profile. "

Okay, I see, you go down!" Arijia took the information, waved her hand and said lightly.

"Yes. The man bowed and retreated.


"Xiao Mao, I didn't expect you to be the grandson of Dr. Ohki, suppressing a super strong man who has been invincible for twenty years, interesting...... Boy Tianjiao...... 13...... Isn't it a little small......"

Arija looked at the file with some distraction.


Xiao Mao sneezed inexplicably, "Ha Qiu

~", "Suck~

", "Who scolded me?!", "

It won't be Ash!

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