
Geng Ghost let out a long full burp.

Then at the signal of Xiao Mao.

The cheap swished spoke: "Ji Ji ~ Geng Ghost ~ (Thank you for my sister's hospitality, but the taste is a little light, keep working hard~

)" and then leaned his face over: "Geng Ghost ~ (Big sister, is there anything else?Give my brother a little more, I didn't eat enough just now!)"

Murderous heart!!

stinky and stinky flower: "......" Who is your sister. Slut, you give me death, stay away from me.

Stinky Flower silently took two steps back, disgusted by a batch.

Geng Ghost followed suit, and smiled shamelessly: "Geng Ghost ~ (Don't be shy, sister, can we be less stingy, I'm not a bad person~)" Stinky Flower took a step back: "Stinky ~ (Stinky rascal, who is your sister, you go away!!)"

Geng Ghost still hippie smile: "Ji Ji ~ Geng Ghost ~ Geng Ghost ~ (Don't, I'm really not a bad

person.) The

stinky flower has escalated into disgust: "Stinky ~ (go away~)" You see I believe it or not, hooligans never say they are hooligans.


" is like this, Geng Ghost takes a step further, Stinky Flower takes a step back, and then plays a "chase game" on the field.

"Don't come here. The

stinky flower retreated in disgust.

"Haha~ Sister, let's get close.

Geng Ghost smiled evilly and followed.

"Go away. Get out of here~"

The entanglement of the Geng ghost turned the disgust of the stinky flower into disgust.

"Hey, hey~ You call, the more you call me, the more excited you become......"

Geng Ghost was obviously a little upset at this time.

"......: "

Look at the conversation between Geng Ghost and Stinky Flower." Absolutely. It's a hooligan bullying a little girl.

Hooligans, scum, scum.

looked at the farce scene in front of him, and the shameless appearance of Geng Ghost. There is also a stinky flower aggrieved look.

The corners of Alijia's mouth twitched.

"......" Sure enough, what kind of owner has what kind of pet, and the mouth is really cheap. It looks cheaper.

Nazi, who watched the battle, felt the same way.

"Hmph~" -

Nazi's face darkened, and this dog thing mocked me like this at the beginning. The mouth is still so owed, sooner or later it will be killed.

Nazi didn't realize that since she fought with Xiaomao, her emotions have become richer and richer, and she will complain.

"Huh~ It's really a human being who can't look good!" looked

at everyone with the same expression as if they were looking at scum. It is unanimously believed that it is a bad Geng ghost of Xiao Mao's religion, and it is not a good thing, a hooligan.

Otherwise, how could Geng Ghost be like this.

"Can I say it's all a misunderstanding? Xiao Mao was speechless at the moment. was also very aggrieved.

Oh, it's so wronged! I really didn't teach it.

It's really Geng, he's self-taught.

"Geng ghost, you guy, I let you have a mentality, you are a hooligan, and you dragged me into the water, you are really good.

"Yes, it looks like I still have to carry this pot. Sigh.

But Xiao Mao really suffered a dumb loss, after all, Geng Ghost did complete the task he assigned, and even played extraordinarily.

Arija couldn't look at it.

Snorted coldly: "Stinky flower, magic leaf."

Xiao Mao didn't care about her attitude, and immediately ordered a counterattack: "Geng ghost, shadow fist." Sortie.

"Stinky ~ (hum ~ stinky hooligan, you look for a !!)" Stinky

Flower has long been dissatisfied, and now the trainer's order is to immediately start fighting hooligans, and the power of the skill is stronger than usual.

"Geng Ghost ~ (Hitting is kissing, scolding is love, sister, you really have me in your heart.) Haha~)

Geng Ghost swished and laughed.

The work in his hands is not slow, he doesn't care about any pity and pity. I was hit by a little girl, thinking about something.

There's also some machismo.

Xiao Mao has no face to look at, damn, you're still addicted to acting.


The stinky flower shoots out green leaf darts one by one, with its own lock. Tracking Band Navigation, Magic Leaf, Must-Hit Skill.

"Ho ho ho~"

Geng Ghost also waved his fists alternately with both hands, only to see one purple-gray fist after another flying towards the stinky flower, which was the same, with its own lock.

Shadow Fist is also a must-hit skill.

This moment.

Green Leaf Throwing Knife and Ghost Fist fight.

Both, this can also be regarded as the tip of the needle against the wheat. Mutual disagreement.


A piece of green leaves fell to the ground, and one by one the shadow fists disappeared.

"Geng Ghost ~ Haha ~ " (I said, girl, I just said that you are reluctant to hurt me! After all, it hits me, and it hurts in your heart!)

Geng Ghost laughed even more proudly.

"Obediently, this kid is really shameless. How did you say these disgusting words?!"

Xiao Mao said secretly. It was a refreshing impression of myself.

Scum. It's really scum, but looking at the corners of his mouth up, it looks like he is very satisfied with Geng's performance.

The mouth is honest and honest.

In order to win, say something sassy and shudder.


Nazi glanced at the pair of masters and servants on the field with disgust.

So you're such a person, Shige.

Looking at the smile in her eyes, she should be very satisfied with the big drama that Xiaomao and they dedicated to her, anyway, it didn't disgust her.

glanced at Alijia playfully, "What will you do when you encounter such a hob meat master and servant?!It's really interesting~"

Nazi has also learned badly, and she doesn't think it's a big deal.

"Stink~ (Soul fade, shut up.) "The

stinky flower can't hold back anymore, and the image of a lady can't be maintained anymore. Looking at Geng Ghost, a damn and low-mouthed bastard, there was a flame of anger burning in his eyes.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, when did she suffer this grievance.

Usually everyone spoils her.

But Geng Ghost, this dog thing, ruined her reputation.

The more she thinks about it, the more angry she becomes, the more she thinks about it, the more angry she becomes, the more she thinks about ......it, the more angry she becomes

Finally, the anger of the stinky flower reached a critical point, and under the Geng ghost's mouth again, sister, don't go, hey, hey~

"Stinky~ (Bastard, the old lady slaughtered you. If

the eyes could kill, the Geng Ghost had already turned to ashes, and his body flashed white, and he began to gather sunlight.

"Stinky Flower, kill this rascal.

Alija also had a cold face. Seeing his own heart and liver baby being taken advantage of by Geng Ghost like this, he took advantage of it verbally again and again, no matter how good his temper was, he couldn't help it, and then glared at Xiao Mao fiercely.

"You're not a good thing either.

"What kind of people teach what kind of Pokémon. "

I ......" still wanted to explain, but I didn't expect Arijia to have turned her face and didn't give her a chance at all.

Xiao Mao was very aggrieved in his heart: "...... "I'll go, what are you staring at me for, although Geng Ghost is not a thing, but the soldiers are not tired of cheating!

"Huh~" -

After that, the sun flame is launched.

With this move, Stinky Flower shot angrily. It's powerful.


A white pillar of light the thickness of a bucket exuded a terrifying aura of energy, and where it passed, the ground hit a ravine, and then a crack like a spider's web spread to the surroundings.

~ You're really playing ~ You really want to kill me!

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