"It's a pity, I thought I could catch it this time. "

One of the trainers could have imagined that the lightning bird could run so fast, and suddenly returned to the original place with a little disappointment.

The other trainers could naturally see his disappointment, and it could be said that every trainer who came here basically came to catch the lightning bird.

If you are not disappointed, then it is called a ghost.

But they naturally knew that things couldn't go so smoothly, so they went back to where they came.

"Don't worry too much about it, that elf will reappear one day anyway, as long as we make sure that one elf does. "

This sentence is indeed very useful, and those people were still a little disappointed, but at this moment, when this sentence was said, they all smiled and nodded.

Just as they comforted themselves and began to carry out the next step of rectification, the elves they had released also came back one after another.

One by one, the returning elves brought some useful news.

However, these messages are very fragmented, and it is definitely impossible for these trainers to cooperate, after all, they all came here with the same goal, if they really cooperate, who should the lightning bird caught at that time belong?

So these small pieces of information have become an obstacle for them.

Compared to them, Xu Jing's side is better.

He didn't have long to rest on his side before the giant pincer mantis hurried back, 270 because the giant pincer mantis carried too many elves, and the giant pincer mantis was different from those elves who had been kept in captivity.

So this time the giant pincer mantis that came back quickly brought good news.

The giant pincer mantis knows where the lightning bird lives.

Xu Jing, who knew what the giant pincer mantis knew, instantly looked around with a serious expression.

At the same time, the people around me are actually watching the situation of the other trainers.

However, each trainer has a special communication skill with his or her own elves.

And the communication given by each elf is not only understood by the trainer, but it is really difficult for other people to understand, after all, it is not the existence of getting along day and night.

So although I saw the other elves talking to the trainers, none of the trainers got any useful information.

And Xu Jing's communication here was naturally watched by others, but still no one could explain some of the situation of the giant pincer mantis.

Xu Jing, who was sure that they couldn't explain, suddenly stood up and patted the giant pincer mantis.

The giant pincer mantis also looked at Xu Jing triumphantly at this moment, waiting for Xu Jing's next arrangement.

Xu Jing looked at the giant pincer mantis that was so obedient and smiled.

"I'm still not going to subdue you, after all, you don't need to be by my side all the time. "

Hearing this, the giant pincer mantis tilted its head towards Xu Jing in confusion.

Xu Jing also went in the direction that the giant pincer mantis said at this time, and at the same time reluctantly gave the giant pincer mantis a promise.

"Although I don't plan to take you into the Poké Ball and become my elf companion, you can become a supernumerary, and then as long as you are willing to follow me, then I will take care of your safety, but if you don't want to, I will let you go at any time. "

Not long after Xu Jing's words were finished, Lucario, who was following Xu Jing, began to translate for Xu Jing.

I have to say that it would be much better to have elves to help translate.

Xu Jing didn't understand the elven language at all, so it was naturally impossible to communicate with the elves.

I don't know how much the giant pincer mantis can understand about the words just said.

With Lucario's help, the giant pincer mantis obviously understood everything, and immediately put away the Poké Ball excitedly.

nodded happily at Xu Jing.

Sure that the giant pincer mantis did understand what he said and recognized it, Xu Jing smiled with satisfaction.

Then they also came to the place where the giant pincer mantis had spoken.

As soon as he came to this place, Xu Jing felt a strong breath of thunder and lightning.

Despite these breaths, the lightning bird is not here.

Except for the feathers of the lightning birds, there is no sign of the lightning birds here.

Xu Jing took the other elves to check around, and after making sure that the lightning bird could not appear here in the short term, he sat down casually.

Since the lightning bird lives in this place, it is naturally impossible not to come back for a period of time after that.

Instead of guarding outside, it is better to stay in this place and wait for the rabbit.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect you to discover this place too. "

A voice suddenly came from the side.

Xu Jing, who was originally going to wait for the rabbit next to him, opened his eyes and saw a trainer walking slowly with a poke ball at the moment.

Although Xu Jing, whose eyes were still looking up and down when he left, was a coincidence on the surface, it was actually not a coincidence at all, and when Xu Jing and the giant pincer mantis came here, this person should have seen it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This time it will be here, obviously deliberately tracked.

But it's a really bad track.

After all, if Xu Jing wanted to follow, he would definitely not appear so easily.

He will wait until his prey appears before he does it.

Although he felt that this kind of tracking was really clumsy, Xu Jing did not intend to expose the other party at this time, but smiled casually.

The man looked at Xu Jing and smiled casually, thinking that Xu Jing hadn't found it here, so he immediately sat down next to Xu Jing happily.

"But how did you find out that something was wrong with this place, you must know that the power plant is not very big, but it takes a little time to dig it down, and you immediately find that this place seems to know this place very well. "

At the same time as he asked this sentence, he was also looking at Xu Jing vigilantly, after all, Xu Jing's maverick appearance at the beginning was seen by everyone.

Therefore, most people think that Xu Jing does not know much about this place, so he behaves like that.

It is impossible for a person who does not know the place in particular to know all at once where the lightning bird lives.

But Xu Jing happened to find this place at this time, and he seemed to be really familiar with this place, which made him feel confused.

Xu Jing could see this person's confusion, and at this moment he watched him staring at himself nervously, obviously the thoughts had been displayed on his face but he didn't find it, and suddenly looked at him a little helplessly.

"Do you think your acting skills are good?"

That person was really silent for a while when Xu Jing said this.

"I naturally have my own way, but I'm not going to tell you those ways, after all, it's my own way, and if I do, it may become your way. "[]

The trainer didn't reply, just continued to look at Xu Jing quietly, and only snorted after a long time.

"In that case, then I won't ask, but since I came here with you through my skills this time, there will definitely be me among the people who capture the lightning bird, and it is impossible for me to leave. "。

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