Xu Jing, who couldn't understand why the giant pincer mantis wanted him to be subdued so much, finally reluctantly slapped away the action of the giant pincer mantis holding the poke ball.

"I'm not going to take you. "

The giant pincer mantis could clearly understand this.

The actions that were originally a little excited have become decadent because of this sentence.

Xu Jing touched his nose, having a feeling that he was bullying the weak elves.

If it weren't for the strength of the giant pincer mantis he had seen before, he would have almost thought that this elf was a weak and helpless elf.

However, Xu Jing has never been fooled by this kind of appearance.

So after being speechless for a while, Xu Jing finally continued to look ahead, thinking about what was next.

Since the lightning bird has appeared, he should naturally go and see it as well.

Xu Jing, who was clear, quickly searched for some things about the power plant.

It's a pity that the power plant has been abandoned for a long time now.

Most of the people who go there now don't know much about it, and naturally it is impossible to give any useful strategies.

Seeing that it was really useless, Xu Jing could only put the things back, and then began to rest.

While Xu Jing was resting, the car also arrived near the power plant slowly.

Because the power plant has long been abandoned, it is naturally impossible for the car to enter the power plant directly.

However, the place is very close to the power plant.

The other trainers didn't care if the car got in or not.

The moment the car stopped, they immediately rushed outside.

Looking at their dense appearance, Xu Jing walked out with a few elves.

The giant pincer mantis watched Xu Jing walk out, and hurriedly chased after the elf behind him.

A group of people quickly walked towards the power plant.

As soon as he arrived at that place, as soon as Jing's movements stopped, he saw that the group of trainers began to look for places where they could put their field tools.

Xu Jing, who didn't prepare anything, paused and found a place to sit down at random.

A trainer next to Xu Jing saw that Xu Jing hadn't prepared anything, and immediately laughed.

"You don't think that lightning birds are so easy to catch~. "

The other trainers also looked at Xu Jing with a little surprise when they heard this, and then spoke to Xu Jing helplessly.

"We've heard of lightning birds here, but the frequency of lightning birds and the location of their appearance are unclear, so the only thing we can do is wait here. "

As for who can catch the lightning bird in the end, it depends on fate.

After all, all of them came from the same starting line, and if someone really grabbed the lightning bird from the hands of so many trainers, it meant that that person did have his own ability, even if it was not just ability but luck that was unusual.

But no matter how unusual it is, they all have to have a foundation, that is, to wait in this place for a long time.

Xu Jing's current state really doesn't look like he can wait.

Xu Jing understood their thoughts, but after thinking for a while, he still found a random place and began to close his eyes and rest.

The others saw that although Xu Jing's preparations were not complete, his attitude had been very stable, and they all looked at each other for a while, and did not continue to say more.

After all, although they communicate quite well, in fact they are all competitors, and it is naturally a good thing for them to have one less competitor.

A group of trainers, who thought it was a good thing, soon began to lay out around.

At this moment, Xu Jing felt as if he had been poked by something.

He opened his eyes and looked over where he felt it, and saw the giant pincer mantis standing next to him at the moment.

Seeing that Xu Jing looked over, the giant pincer mantis turned its head proudly, and then pointed forward again.

It looks like he's going to take the initiative to help him find out the news.

You must know that compared to human trainers like them, wild elves have a little more advantage outside.

After all, wild elves are very knowledgeable about all kinds of things outside, and they can also reduce the vigilance of other elves.

If the giant pincer mantis was really willing, Xu Jing would naturally have no problems here.

He just looked at the giant pincer mantis curiously: "Why do you have to follow me?"

You must know that the giant pincer mantis did not show how loyal he was to him before, which is enough to prove that the giant pincer mantis did not take a fancy to him from the beginning.

It seems really strange to suddenly want to follow him so much now.

The giant pincer mantis naturally understood what Xu Jing was saying, and when he heard Xu Jing's question at this moment, he suddenly looked at the front and then at the group of elves behind him.

Then I saw the giant pincer mantis put on a fighting posture, looked at Xu Jing majestically for a long time, and then pointed to the group of elves behind.

Now Xu Jing understands.

This elf is actually a proper Muqiangism.

If Xu Jing's strength is not strong enough, then the giant pincer mantis will definitely hurt Xu Jing unscrupulously.

But because Xu Jing's strength is strong enough, the giant pincer mantis has long been impressed by Xu Jing and the elves around Xu Jing.

In addition, the giant pincer mantis also had to consider the situation of the group of elves he carried, so he chose to follow Xu Jing's side.

It's not so much that they want to hold Xu Jing in their hearts, but that they want to find a safe place for these elves.

After all, the group of elves who followed Team Rocket now want to return to the wild, which is obviously a bit difficult.

The wild is changing rapidly, and no one knows if this group of elves can survive well in the wild.

It just so happened that Xu Jing's strength was so unusual, if he could follow Xu Jing's side, it would be a good thing for this group of elves.

Xu Jing, who understood the situation, looked thoughtfully at the group of elves behind the giant pincer mantis back (Zhao Hao), and also smiled.

That's a pleasure to work with. "

Xu Jing's attitude was obvious, and the giant pincer mantis could naturally see Xu Jing's thoughts, and immediately screamed excitedly, and then suddenly rushed out with a group of elves.

As soon as the group of elves ran out, the other trainers immediately followed suit, and quickly released their own elves and went out to understand the situation.

The effect was indeed very good, and in the case of them doing so, a lightning bird was forced to appear in front of everyone at this moment.

The trainers were completely shocked when they saw the sudden appearance of the lightning bird, they actually just tried it, and they didn't expect it to be successful at all.

Despite this, the group of trainers jumped up and headed towards the lightning bird at the first moment.

It's a pity that the lightning bird just gave all the trainers a shocking glance, and just as the trainer rushed over, the lightning bird disappeared in front of everyone at a very fast speed.

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