Although the location of the Star Gate was far away, the trip was safe and sound, and the three of them quickly found the location of the Star Gate.

A ring-shaped metal star gate with a diameter of nearly ten meters stands above the ground. The frame of the star gate is a block of fist sized black cubes, which are stacked and linked together to form a ring-shaped star gate. .

In the center of the star gate is a light blue light curtain, shaking like water ripples.

Stargate is a unique teleportation technology of the Mechanical King Court. It can even teleport across planes. The Demon Race, a powerful race of the abyss, requires a powerhouse above the Saint level to use its own power. Forcibly tear open the plane channel to complete the shuttle between planes.

The King of Machinery relies on the power of its science and technology to use the Star Gate to transmit ordinary mechanical troops on a large scale.

As long as you go through it, you can leave the mechanical palace hidden in this crisis.

Before passing through the star gate, Ross suddenly asked: "Where is the other side of the star gate?"

Demon Davis laughed and said: "It should be The eternal mountain."

"The reason why the eternal mountain exists is largely to seal the mechanical palace."

Ross was taken aback for a moment, and soon he realized this. The meaning of the sentence.

The highest local battle strength of the eternal continent is just a silver rank. Even the elemental catastrophe Annabel, it is impossible to suppress the existence of the mechanical king, which is comparable to the top saint, and can seal the mechanical king’s , Only the plane will of eternal continent.

Thinking of the existence of the will of the eternal continent, Rose immediately licked silently in his heart.

"Eternal boss, I helped you beat Fiercely and beat the mechanical king court. Please send me back to Eternal continent safely. I will fight for your safety for the rest of my life!"

Whether it's useful or not, lick it first!

This big thick leg is stronger than Pandora, if the eternal continent is comfortable, then it should be there!

After licking, Rose stretched out his right hand and touched the star gate. After his finger disappeared from the star gate, the light curtain rippled like water.

Ross took a deep breath, took a step, and disappeared into the mechanical palace directly through the star gate.

As Pandora was about to cross the star gate, Davis suddenly called out.


Pandora stopped step one and looked at him calmly.

"Have you really gotten rid of the control of the Mechanical Royal Court?" Davis asked in a low voice.

He has been keenly aware of the impact of the mechanical royal court's modulation on Pandora. This modulation not only brings powerful power to Pandora, but also changes Pandora's body structure.

At this moment, Pandora seems to be flesh and blood, but it is no longer the flesh and blood of the ordinary person clan before.

Pandora hesitated for a while, nodded, and said: "The core energy matrix that Rose gave me has completely closed my control authority. I know your concerns. The Mechanical King can no longer affect my will. !"

"Then I can rest assured!"

The Demon Dark Thorn Davis sighed. There are some things Pandora doesn’t want to say, and he won’t continue to ask, as long as Pandora got rid of the control of the mechanical royal court and could live freely.

Pandora turned his head and glanced at the Mechanical King Court hidden in the darkness, and then stepped into the Star Gate without looking back.

Looking at the rippling light curtain, Davis is somewhat absent-minded.

"Why is there no picture of Rose in the future I see. Pandora's line of fate was originally entangled with Austin, why did she become Rose's soul guard?"

"Will the end really die in the hands of the King of Machines?"

With doubts, Davis, Demon Slayer, crossed the rippling star gate and disappeared In the mechanical palace.

In the central tower, Magmanda had already put away her pitiful appearance, and fought hard in the control center.

Unfortunately, every part here seems to be enchanted with a firm effect. Magmandasa has enjoyed it for a long time, but has not completed the achievement of demolition.

Magmanda sat down on the console and thought to herself.

Why should the shovel officer not release my summon?

Have I not destroyed enough?

It always feels dangerous to roar with destruction here.

In case it collapses, I am not over!

The shit shovel officer shouldn’t know that I’m lazy, right?

What Magmanda didn't know, Rose was gnashing teeth staring at the progress of the motionless task of [Destroying Machine King Court], and at the same time planned 108 ways of dog meat in his heart.

Magmanda flicked her tail and suddenly pressed on a red button. The surrounding light curtain suddenly disappeared, and the whole room plunged into darkness.


What happened?

How come there is a sudden power outage?

Could it be that the king of machinery has awakened!

Magmanda suddenly stood upright and rolled off the console in fright, shiver coldly curled up in the corner, two paws tightly covering her eyes.

Suddenly subtle rays of light appeared in the darkness.

Magmanda slowly moved away her paw, her eyes stunned.

In the faint dim light, Magmanda actually saw her future self!

Magmanda in the dark is walking aimlessly, seeming to be looking for something. After walking for a long time, the picture suddenly changes, and then Magmanda is here to fight the enemy fiercely. Picture.

In the screen, the enemy fighting Magmanda is a powerful insect race lord. The imposing manner of almost destroying heaven extinguishing earth between his waves makes Magmanda stunned. !

I will be so strong in the future?

One big lord?

The picture changed again. In the future that appeared this time, Magmanda saw that she was hit by a mechanical destroyer. Skeleton doesn't exist!

Magmanda chrysanthemum tightly in an instant


The shit is so miserable!

The picture is getting faster and faster, and Magmanda sees countless incredible pictures in it.

Pandora smashed a void battleship with a length of more than 10,000 meters!

An entire plane was destroyed by a stellar orbital gun!

The boundless abyss Demon Race bloodthirsty battle!

There are kingdoms of gods burning and falling in the void!

Also, it roared out a black hole and swallowed countless powerful monsters.


Countless pictures flickered, and many of them even Magmanda was dizzy with a self-contradictory future.

Until the end, the screen turned, and the same screen appeared for the first time.

Magmanda saw herself walking alone in the darkness of nothingness, boundless darkness, endless.

The changing picture slowly dissipated. At the last moment, Magmanda saw herself in the dark and raised her head, as if she had discovered something, she cried out in excitement, and then turned towards the depths of the darkness. Rushed away.

The picture of the future disappeared, a virtual light curtain appeared, and the room was illuminated again.

Magmanda stared blankly into the sky. Its brain capacity was unable to process such complex information, and it almost went down.

After a long time, Magmanda came back to his senses.

Why did I see myself, Pandora, even the Light of Hope Eunisa, and that many friends and enemies, but not Rose?

As a summon of Rose, Magmanda is very aware of her own existence. It is entirely because of Rose that she is impossible to leave Rose.

Why is there no Rose in the future?

Did my shit shoveler abandon me?


No one will abandon Magmanda!

Magmanda, you have to be optimistic!

The shit shovel officer might be shit!

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