"The worst result we guessed appeared." Cang Devil Lem sighed, slowly said:

"This mechanical king's court is a powerful invading civilization, and it may well be the ancient one. During the battle, Persecuting the Endless Abyss and Void Insect Clan gave up invading the existence of the eternal continent, but for some reason they were sealed under the ground by the plane will of the eternal continent."

"Now, Flesh Butcher· Both Vala and Demoness Pandora turned into mechanical apostles, which means that this terrifyingly powerful civilization is about to be revived."

"And that Ross, if he can leave the machine alive Wang Ting, it will be the next elemental catastrophe again!"

"We still have a little time." Matte Nightmare Byers rubbed his brows and said:

"Machinery Wang Ting’s subjective consciousness is still asleep. It’s impossible to wake up in a short time. We need to make early plans."

"It will take a while for us to digest and absorb the things we brought back this time. If we can’t let us After completely overwhelming insect race and Human Race, we need to think about other methods."

"I suggest that these images should be given to the lord of insect race and Human Race. Also see the current situation of the eternal continent, this kind of thing is not something that our Demon Race can solve independently."

"The mechanical king court is a mechanical civilization, and its highest battle strength is absolutely impossible. These are secretly controlled. The mechanical apostle, it must have a more powerful high-level mechanical battle strength. If we cannot unify the entire eternal continent and break through the power limit of the silver rank before it completely awakens, the mechanical royal court may overeign the entire eternal continent."

Everyone is silent, Brood of Blades, Mouth of Abyss, and Mountain of Eternity each represent a part of the broken will of the eternal continent. This is the shackles that limit their breakthrough to the stronger ranks of these lords.

Only the broken will is unified, and the upper limit of the power that can be accommodated by the eternal continent is increased, and they can quickly break through the suppression of the plane and step into the golden level.

After the end of the War of the Ancients, the three tribes have fought for thousands of years, so that all ordinary Demon Races only know that the hatred of the races is driving the battle to continue.

Only the high lord who has touched the plane's will to suppress will know that the nature of this war that has lasted for thousands of years has quietly changed.

What they seek is only that part of the eternal will represented by each race. If the nine fortresses of Insect Race and Human Race can be destroyed at the same time, the broken will of the eternal continent will be in the abyss. The mouth is unified.

Under the blessing of eternal will, when Demon Race is crowned as king, the shackles that imprison the powerhouse of the three clans will also be completely broken.

All the high lords of the three clans, and even most of the Legendary Grade powerhouse, will instantly break through to the golden level. This is a leap in the power level of the entire plane, or recovery.

If it can further defeat the Mechanical Kingdom, the upper limit of the power of the eternal continent will even rise to the level of the former saint.

The top powerhouses of the three races have already felt the shackles of the plane, but the fetters of the race, the dignity of the powerhouse, and the split trust make it difficult for them to achieve the unity of eternal will in a peaceful way.

Only war!

Only the final victor of the war, at the moment of being crowned king, can declare the true unity of eternal will as a victor.

The lord of Demon Race has felt the pressure from the mechanical royal court, and at the same time decided to transfer this pressure to the lord of Human Race and insect race.

And Rose is still in the middle of the tower paws a mouse.

"Did Tyrant Tonick sneak away?" Rose was a little surprised.

In the interior of the central tower, there is a circular staircase adhering to the inner wall, straight up, and at intervals, there will be a closed room. Although the room is dark and dark, it cannot be blocked. Stay in Rose's sight.

While walking along the stairs for a few magics, I don’t know how many rooms I passed, but I still didn’t see the silhouette of Tyrant Tonick.

Pandora and Magmanda walked behind them.

The circular ladder seems to have no end, and Rose walked until he began to doubt life, almost thinking that he had stepped into the trap of the circular space.

Just as Rose became more and more confused, Davis's voice came from above.

"The control center for opening the star door is in the room above your head, hurry up!"

Ross walked up following the sound, and finally saw a slightly bright room.

Demon Demon Spur Davis stood in the middle of the room, the Perpetual Core·Guardian floating on the base, slowly rotating,

"Where is this? "Ross asked.

Looking at the virtual screen projections, Ross vaguely guessed that this should be the control hall of the entire Mechanical King Court.

"This is the control hall of the entire Mechanical King Court." Davis, Demon Slayer, confirmed Rose's guess.

"I feel the breath of Tyrant Tonik here. He should be the mechanical apostle and mechanical destroyer controlled here, but he should have dispersed the Avatar and left here, just in Perpetual Motion. Core·Disaster was taken away by you."

"He is also a great lord at any rate, how could he give up so easily, resist it anyway!"

Ross was a little unwilling Now, a Legendary Grade Silver Treasure Chest that you have gotten slipped away. A treasure chest like the Highlord Avatar is definitely not better than the main body, but because of the light of the Highlord, there is a certain probability that good goods will be produced. It is possible to use Tyrant Tonick's expert skills, and the real value is much higher than other Legendary Grade Silver Treasure Chest.

Although one's own lucky value is not very good, people always have to have dreams, if it bursts, then make a lot of money!

Dammon Darkthorn Davis glanced at Rose.

"If you let Morales die more dignified, he might try to negotiate with you."

Ross glared at Magmanda.

It's all good things you did!

Magmanda: (O_o)??

Why are you staring at me?

"Which direction is the star gate?" Rose asked.

The Dark Spear Davis clicked on the virtual projection of the Mechanical King's Court, and there was a light spot shining in a corner of the edge.

"The star gate is here." Davis said, pointing to the flashing light.

"Keeping the star gate open requires a lot of energy, so a perpetual core must be left here."

The perpetual core·Guardian is the collection of the ice crystal forest, Ross Originally, he was going to let the Dark Spear Davis take away the Perpetual Core Guardian and leave the Perpetual Core·Cause here as the energy core, but the Dark Spear Davis shook his head and refused.

"I have controlled some of the permissions of the Perpetual Core·Guardian. It is safer to use it to maintain the Stargate. If there are other people lurking in the dark, it will take some time to take the opportunity to control it. , It was delayed enough for us to leave smoothly."

Ross was nodded and stopped insisting.

"The Star Gate has been opened, so leave quickly. Although the subject consciousness of this mechanical king's court is in a deep sleep, it is not safe." Said Demon Darkthorn Davis.

Ross was nodded, and finally succeeded in reaching this step. It is important to go home quickly and not stay here.

When the three were about to leave, Rose suddenly touched Magmanda's dog's head and said: "You stay here first. After we all leave, you are here for a ruinous roar!"

Ross still had the mission in mind, but he dared to continue destroying before leaving. If it caused the star gate to close or activate more mechanical apostles and mechanical destroyers, it would be finished.

Thinking about it, only Magmanda is best suited to complete this task.


Magmanda looked at Rose with tears in her eyes.

You can't be so cheating!

Those robots are too bad, I'm still a baby! I am afraid!


Ross knocked on Magmanda’s forehead with a crash, fiercely said:

"Fear of a fart, after you complete the task, I will immediately release summon, you It’s not safe, don’t think about being lazy!"


Magmanda turned aggrieved, lowered her head, not to watch the three of them leave Back view.

I have never seen such a cheating!

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