The doomsday train stopped quietly at the bridge of the sky.

Ross stood on the roof of the car and looked down at the deep bottomless abyss, letting the wind roar.

"I don't know how deep this bottomless abyss is, whether it really has no bottom."

While Ross muttered to himself, a flame suddenly burned in his hand. Then transformed into pure white rays of light.

"Light burst!"

A group of white rays of light slid towards the bottomless abyss like the sun fell!

White's ball of light was slowly swallowed by the darkness of nothingness, without causing a ripple.

The Demon Race trialist hiding in the cliff cave, staring blankly at the ball of light falling from the sky, his mouth grew.

"What's the matter with this ball of light?" a trialist asked in a low voice.

Vick looked at the direction in which the light ball disappeared, the darkness was as deep as an abyss, slowly said:

"Maybe the trialist of the holy light fortress is on it."

"Then shall we go up and kill them?"

Vick seems to be a little excited. A trialist is a heart core, but after thinking for a while, he still shook the head:

"Don't act rashly. The Doomsday Train will appear again at some point. Let them live for a while. The high-risk ruins of the Doomsday Ruins are not so easy to deal with."

A Demon Race trialist chuckled. Said: "It's a pity, let these heart cores slip away!"

In the chuckle, there is another light blue ball of lightning and a white ball of light, once again Falling from the sky, crossing the cliffs where the wind is whistling, and falling into the deep bottomless abyss.

"Are the people in the holy light fortress crazy? How do you like to throw magic at the bottomless abyss!"

"Will they find us?"

"Our cave is thousands of meters below the cliff, and even the doomsday train can escape. How could the people of the holy light fortress find us!"


Soundless During the dispute, a Demon Race trialist found something wrong.

"You carefully observe whether the ball of lightning and the ball of light that fell just now are not simple. These two magics are not simple. Our cave is close to two kilometers from the ground. The attack distance of ordinary magic is basically impossible. Far away."

"Even if we are below, most of the formidable power of these two magics should have been dissipated, but the lightning ball and the light ball that just fell gave me a very dangerous feeling. , I think I might not be able to stop it!"

After being reminded, all the Demon Race trialists suddenly woke up like a dream, and began to realize that things were not as simple as they thought.

If the ball of light is the handwriting of the trialist of the holy light fortress, whose magic is the ball of lightning behind?

Vick browses slightly wrinkle, said solemnly: "In the data of the trialist of Human Race, there are only four Lightning Wizards. The one in the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress is dead, and the remaining three do not have this. This kind of strength."

"The mage who can make magic fall two kilometers and still has such a lethal power..."

Vick pondered for a while, and suddenly the complexion changed, he thought of one Name, a name he didn't want to mention.


Only this human race mage who is so powerful that it is so perverted that even the Avatar under the crown of Blue Demon Lem bows his head, can he have this kind of strength!

Other people also thought of Rose, and they shivered suddenly.

Ross is strong enough to leave a shadow in their hearts.

Someone said in a low voice:

"Isn't Rose a wizard who specializes in flames? The ones that went down just now were the balls of light and the balls of lightning, it shouldn't be him!"


"If it weren't for him, it means that someone in the Human Race trialist has hidden their strength, which is even worse for us!"

"Stop talking, there is magic coming down again!"


"Fuck! Three this time!"

"A ball of lightning, a ball of light, and a fireball of lava!"

"Lava Fireball! Rose is really on it!"

"Shut up, don’t let Rose discover our existence!"

"Our current position, even if Rose is strong Can't find us!"

A violent gust of wind blew, the blazing lava Fireball swayed, and suddenly floated towards the cave where the Demon Race trialist was hiding!

"Be careful!" Vic grumbled, "Protect Formation with magic!"

A Demon Race mage ripped a scroll, and an invisible wave of magic spread out , Instantly condensed into a small magical protective Formation, blocking the entrance of the cave.

The formidable power weakened most of the lava bursts, drifting and hitting the protective Formation.


A blazing firelight rose up, illuminating the bottomless abyss of nothingness and darkness.

The melted lava slides into the darkness, like one after another scarlet wound.

Upon the rays of light of light, the bottomless abyss once again restored darkness and calm. In the cave, the shiver coldly Demon Race trialist looked at the almost broken magic protection Formation in horror.

A distance of two kilometers, a lava Fireball can also break the magical protective Formation of Legendary Grade. Is Rose a devil?

The Demon Race mage who released the magical Formation, holding the scroll nervously, swallowed saliva and said, "He probably didn't find us!"

"It should be just an accident!"

"Under the face of Blue Demon Lemu, quickly drive the doomsday train and take him!"


the doomsday train.

Ross has been observing the battle information panel, trying to cheat to detect the bottomless abyss. The first two magics did not receive any feedback until the last lava burst was blown away by the wind and detonated in advance. But unexpectedly, a battle message appeared.

"Magic Protection Formation?"

Ross rubbed his chin.

"Why is there a magical protection Formation under this? Is there someone hiding underneath?"

Associated with the blue demon. Lem summon out of the doomsday train, the Demon Race trialist all Without a trace, Rose felt that he had vaguely guessed the truth.

Cangma Lemu summon doomsday train is to strangle the trialist of Human Race and Insect Race, and the Demon Race trialist has obviously made arrangements.

"It turned out to be hiding here, no wonder the Doomsday Train can't be found!"

The corner of Ross's mouth slightly raised, "It's a pity you met me!"

Rose entered the Doomsday Train from the open window, touched Magmanda's dog's head, pointed to the place where the lava Fireball exploded just now, and said:

"Go down here and turn on the cleaning mode!"



Magmanda exclaimed in excitement, and patted her paw heavily.

The doomsday train started slowly, and the invisible railroad tracks spread.

Under Magmanda's control, the railroad tracks crossed the bridge of the sky, drew a huge circle, and then extended towards the bottomless abyss.


The whistle sounded!

The Demon Race trialist hidden in the cave was instantly excited.

"The Blue Demon Lemu is driving the Doomsday Train to chase and kill him, Rose is dead!"

Vick also clenched his fists tightly, and Rose’s presence came to them. Said that it is a huge threat. If Ross can be removed in this way, it is obviously the best result!


Vick's face changed slightly with the sound of the siren.

The whistle sounds too close, and it's getting closer and closer, like a doomsday train falling from the bridge.

A strange idea came to mind.

"Is the Blue Demon Ram driving the Doomsday Train crashing under his face?"

As soon as this idea emerged, Vic found his body suddenly stiffened, and then involuntarily Through the rock wall of the cave, he flew out of the abyss!

"What's going on?"

Vick was horrified to find that it was not just himself, all the Demon Race trialist flew up at the same time, he looked forward blankly, I only saw rolling wheels rolling over me.

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