The opening of a ridiculous farce.

In order to keep these precious moments, Libra of Destiny. Aix even used his abilities to engrave these pictures of streaking into the photo crystal.

Under the twitching eyes of several high lords, Libra of Destiny Aix said: "After the trial is over, I will give you a copy of these shadow crystals."

"Next time these people dare to appear on the battlefield, remember to release the projection and let them miss this precious memory!"

"Aix, don't be too much Excessive!" Adjudicator. Kirk said in a deep voice.

"Also dare to say this in front of me?" Libra of Destiny. Aix complexion changed, staring at Adjudicator. Kirk coldly: "You colluded with the Insect Devil clan and attacked our trialist. , I haven’t settled accounts with you yet!"

"If it weren’t for the sake of the same Human Race, do you think they can walk out of the eternal temple alive today?"

"Ke K, you have no bottom line in your actions. Don’t forget the future that Slar sees, your final ending, but in the hands of the King of Fear, Skeleton doesn’t exist!"

"hmph!" Adjudicator. Kirk coldly snorted, "There are countless kinds in the future, and how many Slar can see. The ending of your Dawn Fortress is worse than mine!"

"Then I also died for Human Race!" Libra of Destiny. Aix was not afraid of it, "Even if that day does come, I won't regret it!"

"We are also for Human Race! "Adjudicator. Kirk roared, "Fighting with Insect Devil in the Northern Domain will only let them join forces against our Human Race. We use the power of one family to fight the attacks of Insect Devil at the same time. How much is the chance of winning? Your persistence is the culprit that pushed Human Race into the abyss!"

"As long as you let go of the Starfall Canyon and let the Insect Devil race south, even if they will join forces for a short time, they will eventually fall into civil war. , We rely on the power of the fortress, and we can definitely suppress their offensive."

"If the Insect Devil races go south, how many ordinary persons will die in their hands!" Libra of Destiny. Aix was also furious.

"Once the Iron-Blooded Banner fortress falls, the civilians of Human Race will die in a short period of time. With only our fortresses, we can shelter as many people as possible, less than one-tenth of the population!"

"Clansman will go out of ten and nine out of ten. Even if you win, what's the point!"

Adjudicator. Kirk roared: "That's better than the loss of all high-end battle strength In the Northern Domain, the Insect Devil will destroy the city and destroy the clan!"

"The strength of the Insect Devil clan is not below us. Blocking them in the Northern Domain will only force them to join forces against us. In recent years, the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress has been facing more and more pressures. More and more Legendary Grade powerhouses have died in the Northern Domain. Our troops will even encounter the raid by the opposing lord. They didn't have to die in the Northern Domain! "

"These Legendary Grade powerhouses are the backbone of Human Race, and your persistence is their death—"

Elemental Catastrophe. Annabel suddenly opened her eyes. The extremely powerful energy fluctuations instantly suppressed the audience, even if it was as strong as Adjudicator. Kirk, it was interrupted in an instant, unable to say the rest.

"They sacrificed for the Human Race! They sacrificed for the faith!"

Annabelle's words came to the ground and instantly overwhelmed Adjudicator. Kirk's imposing manner.

Adjudicator .Kirk Battle Qi surging, a burst of red rays of light flashed past, barely offsetting Annabel’s coercion, and was about to refute, but only saw a pair of black eyes that were still like a deep pool Suddenly, his breathing was stagnant, and he swallowed back when he was about to reach his mouth.

Elemental Catastrophe. Annabel looked at Judgment Kirk calmly. The depths of those calm eyes contained volcano-like power, which made Adjudicator. Kirk dare not look directly.

"In order to protect the Human Race of the eternal continent, the warriors of my Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress who died in the Northern Domain have exceeded tens of millions. Whoever dares to deny them is our enemy!"

"For these years, I have been fighting the Insect Devil clan and I have never paid attention to the disputes behind the Human Race, but this time, you have colluded with the Insect Devil clan to attack and kill the Human Race trialist. The bottom line I can tolerate, someone must pay for it."

Elemental catastrophe. Annabel's eyes swept away, and calmly said:

"After the end of the eternal meeting , I will fight the tyrant Tonick, and the three of you can also take action together. I can kill the Insect Devil and I can kill you to regret what you did today!"

Tyrant Tonick, Adjudicator Kirk, Sunstrider Yoggsa, and King Tyne, the four lords whose faces were swept by Annabel's eyes were all on one side.

Tyrant. Tonick almost squirted out a mouthful of blood.

Originally, he was already injured in the duel with Hope Eunice Eunice. Didn’t expect he was asked to fight with the elemental catastrophe. Although he didn’t talk about it, he was very nervous in his heart. .

Having finally waited until Sarin came back alive, thinking that the elemental catastrophe. Annabel would not continue to engage in battle, did not expect to be turned out by Adjudicator. Kirk after a lot of guns...

Adjudicator. Kirk's own mouth is cheap, why don't you go find him, don't involve us!

Tyrant. Tonick is bitter, but he can't tell!

No one wants to confront the elemental catastrophe. Annabel head-on!

The lord of the insect race is unwilling!

Lord Demon Race is not willing!

Lord Human Race is even more reluctant!

The name of the supreme powerhouse of the element catastrophe was not blown out out of thin air, but Annabel personally killed it.

The nine lords of the insect race are all defeated, and the nine lords of the Demon Race, except for the lord of the mist who has never played against, the other eight lords are also her defeated!

Elemental Catastrophe. What makes Annabel really scary is not just her strength, but her strength, which is almost crushed by other fortress lords when she encounters them alone.

Although there are differences in the strength of other high lords, it is easy to distinguish the victory and defeat, but it is difficult to divide the birth and death. Generally, the battle between the high lords can easily retreat even if they are lost.

But Annabel has a record of killing the lord head-on. Since Annabel took charge of the Iron-Blooded Banner fortress, there has been an insect race lord and two Demon Race lords died in her This is also the reason why the Insect Devil clan will smell Annabel's discoloration.

Except for the most powerhouse known as Demon Race, King of Fear. Dekred, there is no one big lord of Insect Devil. After encountering the elemental catastrophe alone. Annabel, he is sure Retreat all over.

Insect Devil is the case for the two clans, and the same is true for the Human Race. It’s just elemental catastrophe. After Annabel took charge of the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress, all opponents were the Insect Devil clans, all The battle takes place in the Northern Domain, so Adjudicator. Kirk and the others have subconsciously believed that the elemental catastrophe. Annabel will never attack them, so here is so unscrupulous.

As for the four teamed up to fight the elemental catastrophe. Annabel, not to mention that there are four other high lords glare like a tiger watching his prey, even if they are really just watching his prey, they have not won information.

After all, Annabel is a supreme powerhouse recognized by Human Race, insect race, and Demon Race!

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