The trialist of Dawn and Warsong Fortress also walked down. They already knew what Ed and the others were doing, and they were equally glaring at this group of people.

Looking at the group of people coming off the doomsday train, Ed opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but under the gaze of Sarin and the others, he finally did not say anything.

Since Rose can control the doomsday train, it seems not difficult to take a few trialists.

"Don't get excited." Rose soothed his emotions, "They naturally can't get in the car, but now Human Race is weak. If you kill them all, the two clan Insect Devil are really happy. "

Salin did not speak. Since these people are Rose’s captives, only Rose has the right to deal with them.

"Although people can not kill, but they must always be punished. Go and take off all their equipment. If anyone dares to resist, throw them into the bottomless abyss." Rose said.

Ed looked at Rose in amazement, it seemed that he didn’t expect Rose actually stared at their equipment. Although their family property was lost in the fortress, they could wear the equipment for trials. All of them are selected from the best of the best, if they are raided, their strength will at least drop by one third.

Don't even talk about going to the ruins of the doomsday, even hunting in the ruins of war will be dangerous.

However, in the face of Rose's strength, Ed and the others did not dare to resist, and could only stand still and be stripped silently.

The trialists who were originally to Ed and the others full of resentment, after hearing Rose's order, grinned and walked towards the shiver coldly crowd.

"You put your weapon on the ground first!"

"Take me the ring and necklace too!"

"What else are you wearing in Battle Armor? Waiting for me to throw you down?"


Although you can’t kill, but you can just and honorable, this kind of thing seems pretty cool, this It's much better than licking a bag!

Faced with a group of quails who did not dare to resist, the trialists were extremely ruthless. Not only did they take off their attribute equipment, but they also did not let go of their personal clothing!

"I have these pants all over my body, please can you keep it!" A trialist shiver from Storm Fortress coldly begged for mercy.

"You want pants, or you want to die, you choose yourself!"


"My pants are really worthless!"

"What are you wearing for nothing! Take it off for me!"


"I really can’t take it off anymore, I’ll be naked if I take it off again!"


"All you want is to be stripped off! You will jump down on your own again!"


A few minutes later, a group of shiver coldly stripped pigs They huddled together and didn't even dare to lift their heads.

There isn't even a mosaic! Is this the benefit of NPC!

A new continent was discovered when Roston.

The NPC can be stripped off, what about the player?

I don’t know if the bug that players can’t take off their pants can be fixed now!

Looking at the silver equipment piled up together, Rose jumped off the roof with a beaming smile and put all the equipment in his bag.

"Well, since you are so sensible, today I will spare your life and go back and tell your lord, if they dare to collude with the Insect Devil clan, be careful I will strip them too!"

Salin and the others pretended not to hear it, so Rose has the courage to speak boldly to take the high lord off...

"Okay. , Brothers, it's time to get in the car!" Rose said contentedly.

Salin Fiercely glanced at Shiver Coldly's trialist, and said bitterly: "Luck you guys!"

A group of people boarded the train again!


The loud whistle sounded, and the doomsday train crossed the bridge of the sky and galloped towards the ruins of the doomsday.

Leave only a group of naked trialist standing by the bridge, letting the chilly wind blow under the crotch, one by one, subconsciously clamped his legs, not daring to look at other people.

How can such a large group of bachelors gather together without a piece of cover?

In the carriage, the people with their tight faces fell into a brief silence after the carriage door was closed!

"pu 呲!" A trialist from Warsong Fortress couldn't help but laughed!




Everyone stopped being patient and all laughed out loud .

"Today is really enjoyable!"

"They didn't expect them to be stripped naked, and they didn't dare to resist. I still want to take the opportunity to kill a few, There is no chance."

"Forget it, even if these people go out, they should have no face to be enemies with us in the future."

"Yes! Really want to be on the battlefield. When we met, they were probably ashamed to be shaken out by us face to face!"

"Ross's this move is absolutely absent, and they thought of using this method to deal with them!"

"This wave of searches has taken a lot of good things. The value of these equipment is almost enough for us to fight for a lifetime!"

A trialist from Warsong Fortress suddenly said: "You said Rose did this. Is it to teach them a lesson, or for these equipment?"

"It should be to teach them a lesson!"

"What does he want so much equipment for, he is a Mage, there are that many Battle Armor, leather armor, and daggers, and he doesn't use it himself."

"What if it is given to other people in Hope Fortress?" A voice faintly said.

In the cab, Rose's expression suddenly became cheerful!

Since Magmanda initially took control of the Doomsday Train, the movement in the vehicle had been hidden from him, and the conversations of the trialist were clearly transmitted to Rose's ears.

What a talking guy! If you can talk, just talk more!

There are so many of you who are taking a ride, so it's not too much to pay for gas!

Ross secretly gave the speaker a thumbs-up!

You are the first sacrifice in the back!

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became weird!


Although Ross doesn't need it, he still has companions!

I hope that although the alchemy strength of the fortress is second to none among all fortresses, no one will have too many top silver equipment of this kind!

Since Rose has taken a fancy to their equipment, will he also see us?

Ross took so many of us to the Altar of Doomsday to sacrifice, and it was a one-stop service, delivered directly to the altar for sacrifice!

He even contracted the heart core. Although he doesn't talk about remuneration, we can't help but give it!

Moreover, it is the first time for Ross and us to meet. Although the relationship between the fortresses is good, it shouldn't be so cheap!

After piercing the window paper, weird thoughts came and made everyone feel ashamed of their prostitutes!

"Ross can be said to have saved my life, I...I left my equipment to Rose!" A trialist whispered.

Ross who listened silently, nodded, remembered this voice.

Great guy! Conscious!

Sacrifice your ranked second!

Someone started, and the next thing is where water flows, a canal is formed. Although each trialist is reluctant to exchange the equipment for most of his family, but before Rose’s life-saving grace, these The equipment seems so insignificant.

"What a good group of people!" Rose sighed and touched Magmanda's dog's head.

"Because your driving skills are not good enough, I completely missed the trialist of Holy Light Fortress and Demon Race, and lost hundreds of pieces of silver equipment. This account can only be credited to you! "


Can the account be calculated like this?

Magmanda is depressed.

The beam of the doomsday altar appeared soon, and the Magmanda driver Doomsday train stopped directly beside the altar.

A few soul-splitters just came up, and before they found the enemy, they saw a ball of lightning destroying heaven extinguishing earth descending from the sky.

A dazzling lightning flashed by, and all the Soul Breakers were instantly annihilated.

Kang Dang!

The compartment door opens.

"I'm at the station, it's time to sacrifice!"

"Aiya, how did you take off all your equipment? Is this all ready to be given to me? How embarrassing is this? !"

A group of trialists watched Rose with a big wave of their mouths, and took away all the equipment. They suddenly realized that Rose was really eyeing his own equipment!

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