The Doomsday Train continued to run. With Mahel's lighting technique, a group of trialists only saw the corpses of insect race trialist appearing continuously, and then the heart core was deposited.

At the beginning, everyone was a little surprised, but as time passed, more and more insect races died, and several people became numb.

Mals silently calculated the appearance of the insect race corpse. From the time he boarded the train to the present, the Doomsday Train was under Ross’s control and killed a total of thirty-nine insect race trialists, except Those trialists who have completed trials and accidental deaths, and the entire Land of Trial's insect race trialist, have already been killed.

When faced with the insect race, Rose’s methods were so fierce that it was enough to make all trialist fearless!

After some time, the speeding doomsday train slowed down again, and the closed doors slowly opened.

Then Sarin saw a group of dumbfounded Trialist fortress of Dawn.


Salin said calmly: "Don't say anything, get in the car!"

There are six trialists. After getting in the car, the carriage finally became a bit crowded. After Sarin briefly explained it, with the cooperation of the trialist of Warsong Fortress, the trialist of Dawn Fortress barely accepted this weird fact.

As the number of people increased, the atmosphere in the carriage became lively.

"How powerful is Ross, he can control the Doomsday Train!" a trialist sighed.

"It shouldn't be worse than our Corps Head." said a trialist in Warsong Fortress.

"I once heard Elder, the oldest druid in our fortress, said that the Doomsday Train is a product of the rules of Land of Trial and is not invincible. As long as the strength can reach the level of Corps Head, then cooperate With a certain secret technique, there should be a chance to fight or even control the doomsday train."

"Isn't Ross an ordinary trialist? No matter how strong he is, he should not be able to reach the level of Corps Head!"

Several trialists turned their attention to Sarin. Except for Ross, whose strength is unknown, Sarin is recognized as the most powerhouse among all Human Race trialists. Even Storm Fortress’s Ed is worse. A little bit.

In the face of other people's eyes, Sarin gave a wry smile.

"If I can fight the doomsday train, I won't sit here."

"How did Rose do it?"

"This Question, you can only ask Rose."

"What did Rose want to do when we got all of us in the car?"

"This question, you can only ask Rose."


The doomsday train roars, although Magmanda can control some of the functions of the doomsday train, but it is driving without a license after all, and it is no better than the autopilot system of the doomsday train, Ross After walking around the ruins of the war, I didn't find the trialist of the holy light fortress.

"Since I can't find it, forget it, just drag people to the ruins of the doomsday and let them complete their sacrifices, and then we will go to the bottomless abyss."



Although Magmanda still had some meaning, she still didn't dare to disobey Rose's order. She could only drift with a tail and drove the doomsday train to the bridge of the sky.

"I didn’t find the people from Holy Light Fortress, nor did the people from Demon Race, nor did I find the group of twenty-five boys in Storm Fortress. Your driving skills are not good!" Rose touched Maggot Manda's dog head.


Magmanda yelled aggrievedly for fear of being abused.

The train sprinted, and when it was approaching the bridge of the sky, Magmanda, who was driving with ease, suddenly exclaimed in excitement.

woof! 汪woof!

The group of twenty-five boys who found the storm fortress, ask for instructions, whether they are killed!

Ross is also happy.

"I ran into it here!"

"Don't kill them, stop them!"




Magmanda sounded the whistle with excitement,

After Ed and the others came back to his senses from the fear of the train of doom, he immediately decided to leave the ruins of the war and go to In the ruins of the doomsday, the trialist of the three fortresses of Judgment, Dusk and Blue Sky hidden in the ruins was also found along the way. Although the trialist of Judgment and the Twilight Fortress did not witness the emergence of the doomsday train, there is some doubt about the doomsday train entering the war ruins, but Now that the people in the storm and the blue sky fortress had seen them, they didn't dare to take risks.

A group of people walked in groups, just as they were about to cross the bridge of the sky, the sound of dirty siren suddenly echoed from far to near.

With Ed's powerful mind, Rao was trembling at this moment. He turned his head and saw that the dark train of doom was approaching quickly.

"The last...the train of the doomsday!"

The bridge of the sky is ahead, but Ed has no courage to cross the past, the train of the doomsday is too fast, it is almost too fast for him. Too late to escape.

Just as Ed’s desperate prayer for Rose to Divine Weapon, and once again drove the doomsday train away, the galloping doomsday train unexpectedly slowed down, and then slowly stopped at the bridge of the sky. beside.

Through the transparent glass, Ed suddenly finds that there is someone in the cab of the Doomsday Train!

Isn’t the doomsday train a product of the rules of Land of Trial?

Why are there drivers?

Ed took a closer look and found that the actual person sitting in the driving seat was not a person, but a dog!

A dog is driving the doomsday train?

And, how does this dog look familiar?

Ed's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly remembered the scene of Magman Dasao's operation.

This...this is not Rose’s battle companion!

An absurd idea suddenly appeared in Ed's mind.

Ross’ battle companion is driving the Doomsday Train! So the doomsday train has been controlled by Ross?

Just when Ed was trying to get into trouble, Ross suddenly opened the door and stood on the roof of the Doomsday Train.

"Several people, long time no see!" Rose greeted with a smile.

The trialists who had been desperate looked at Rose in surprise.

"How could it be you!"

Ross laughed and said: "This is not important. The important thing is that you are now in my hands."


"At the beginning, you joined the Insect Devil two races to chase me down. This account has never been able to be calculated with you. Now it is time to forget it!"

"What do you want? How?" Ed's heart sank, but there was not much fear. Since Rose did not choose to do it immediately, it meant that there was still room for return.

Ross smiled slightly, "It's not what I want, but how you should be!"

"You should be thankful that I am not a bloodthirsty person, otherwise you are dead now It’s up!"

"Let’s talk about what price you are willing to pay for your life. If the bid is satisfactory to me, I can consider letting you go. If it makes me unsatisfied, you will start from here. Jump down, or I will help you jump down."

Ed's eyes were cold: "Do you want to blackmail us?"

Ross shrugged, "I never blackmail anyone. "

Rather than waiting for Ed to speak, Rose went on to say: "This is a robbery!"

"Robbery! Understand! If you don't want to die, just behave!"

In order to set off the atmosphere of the robbery, Magmanda once again sounded the siren!

The dirty whistle made Ed and the others flustered, lest Rose suddenly turn his face.

The courage Eddy finally muster up, under the pressure of the whistle, suddenly collapsed!

Ed lowered his head and said: "I...we don't have much valuable things on our bodies. Our family property is in the fortress."

"A bunch of poor ghosts!" Ross He spit out, and then tapped his finger on the roof of the car.

Magmanda understood and opened the door of the carriage behind.

Salin and the others squinted, waiting to adapt to the light outside, suddenly found Ed and the others like a quail!

Salin rushed out of the car, loudly said: "Rose, they and Insect Devil joined forces to strangle the Human Race trialist. They are traitors to the Human Race! They are not worthy to board the doomsday train alive "

The appearance of professional support made Ed become nervous again.

Salin’s murderous intentions for the betrayers are much heavier than Ross!

You can’t get on the car alive, so naturally you can only get on the car like those insect race trialists.

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