Rose’s eyes flashed. From the difficulty of the task, the [powerhouse pass] might indeed appear, but this thing is too rare, even rarer than the wish crystal. For Rose at this moment, [powerhouse pass] The value of is simply inestimable.

"Silver-level [powerhouse pass], after using it, you can directly complete the advanced silver missions directly, but I don’t know what mode of difficulty will be used to settle the missions!"

"My task completion evaluation, if it is perfect, this [powerhouse pass] must be a difficult mode to settle the task, but I am only excellent, although the task completion rate has reached 80%, there are still some risks, simple mode The task settlement should be impossible, it is likely to be the normal mode."

"Now if you want to trigger the advanced task, you can only wait until the [Fortress War] is over and the [Insect Devil invasion] version starts. flows, a canal is formed. If you want to trigger the task in advance, you can only go to the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress, which is possible."

"My current strength is enough to crush ordinary silver. It is still very dangerous for the Legendary Grade powerhouse. If I use the [powerhouse pass] to force settlement and step into the silver level, even if it is a task of ordinary difficulty, my strength will be improved by a large amount, enough to fight the Legendary Grade powerhouse, and Pandora also I will fully control the power of [Disaster] and officially become the Legendary Grade powerhouse. Only in this way can I truly take my destiny in my own hands."

"Even if I miss some advanced rewards, I will I can find ways to make up for it from other places, similar to the Divine Grade abilities of [Wushuang] and [Elemental Fusion]. If I can add a few more, I can stand on the Peak of strength even if it is simple and difficult task settlement."

Soon, Rose made up his mind and used the [Powerhouse Pass] to advance to Silver as soon as possible.


[Powerhouse Pass] turned into a white light, submerged in Rose's body.

Pandora looked at Rose in surprise. As Rose’s [Soul Guard], Pandora could vaguely perceive a trace of Rose’s difference. This is the secret she hides in her heart.

At the moment the white light fell into Rose’s body, Pandora keenly noticed that Rose’s breath suddenly changed slightly. Although there was no substantial leap, it was like removing a layer of shackles, which could change at any time. More powerful.

At the same time, Pandora felt that within him, the power of [Disaster] suddenly became active, just as [Feast of Fury] was opened at that time, there was a vague feeling of being about to break through the shackles.

[You have used [Powerhouse Pass] (Silver), the upper limit of the level is raised to Silver 30]

[Advanced reward calculation, please wait]

"Difficult mode! Difficult mode! Difficult mode!"

Ross whispered to himself, Pandora listened for a while, and found that Rose was just repeating the same sentence. Suddenly chuckled, and became more and more curious about Rose. In this world, the person who likes to talk to himself most is the stranger. In addition to his powerful strength far surpassing the stranger, even some small habits are different. People are similar.

[Reward calculation completed]

[Please select five rewards from the following rewards as the final advanced reward! ]

[Reward 1: Advanced Strength Endurance: 50% enhanced endurance base]

[Reward 2: Advanced Strength Intellect: Percent improved base intelligence Fifty]

[Reward 3: Elemental Cell: Incorporate elemental power into each of your cells to improve your various secondary attributes]

[Reward 4: Blood of Destruction : Every time you attack, you will get an extra magic damage bonus, the bonus strength is equivalent to 10% of your HP]

[Reward 5: spell Energy saving: use all your mana 50% reduction]

[Reward 6: spell overload: by increasing mana consumption, greatly increase your spell damage. For every 100% increase in mana consumption, spell damage increases by 20%, and up to 50% increase in spell Damage]

[Reward 7: Fatal element: Your element spell has a 50% probability of causing a fatal blow, and the damage of the fatal blow is increased by 200%]

[Reward 8: Race bloodline: Randomly let you get a kind of Bloodline Power]

Seeing the information that is constantly being picked, Rose’s heart is instantly happy, choose five from eight, and the color of the reward. This is definitely the task settlement in Hard Mode!

Ross glanced at the eight rewards, thinking of abandoning three of them, and it suddenly became difficult to breathe.

"How can this be done! It's almost three times in my heart!"

After a few deep breaths, Rose suppressed the ups and downs with difficulty and began to choose award.

"The two advanced powers are things that must be finalized. This is a principled option."

"[Elemental Cell] is also a good thing, I remember it can be improved in all directions The secondary attribute, although the improvement is not large, this skill can be advanced. High Rank’s [Elemental Cell], combined with my powerful basic attribute, is definitely not as simple as one plus one, this needs to be left."

"[Blood of Destruction] But for those tank classes that lack the means of damage, it is definitely a magical skill. For other mages, the effect can only be considered average. For me, the improvement is also very powerful. This After this upgrade, my full equipment HP has exceeded 20,000 points. It can be calculated that each attack can increase more than 2000 damage, this can also be left!"

"[spell energy saving] this skill It’s a magical skill for other spells, but it’s a bit tasteless for me. My current mana value has exceeded 20,000, and it will definitely increase. With the addition of [Devil Blood Diversion], I will not lack magic at all. Value, this skill can be considered to give up."

"[Spell Overload] Needless to say, with my magic value, 50% damage increase, it can be used as a permanent state, but it costs an extra 250 % Mana, we are rich and imposing, we can afford it! This skill can stay!"

"[Fatal Element] The output increase is more obvious than spell overload, a fatal blow It is triple damage. The only drawback is that it is not stable. With my lucky value, I am afraid that the probability of a battle triggered will not exceed 30%, but even if it is only 30%, it is enough. When activating [Overload] and [Cold Blood] Next, as long as the [Fatal Element] is triggered, even the Legendary Grade powerhouse will be knocked down by a tube of blood, and this skill can also stay."

"[Race bloodline] This reward, the upper limit It’s very high. Which types of Bloodline Power you got the highest can improve your strength no less than [Elemental Fusion], but its lower limit is also very low. If you get the garbage bloodline, this reward will be wasted."

" If my lucky value is high enough, I will definitely use this reward to gamble. If I win the bet, my bike becomes a motorcycle, but as far as my face is, the top bloodline is impossible. It’s also hanging, it’s very possible to randomly get to those garbage bloodlines."

"Forget it, this reward, I can only reluctantly give up!"

After removing the two rewards, Rose suffered There are still six options reserved for the discovery, and one more must be abandoned.

After hesitating for a long time, Rose finally made up his mind and gave up the [Blood of Destruction].

Although the damage bonus of [Blood of Destruction] is not low, it is still a little bit worse than other skills. Both [Spell Overload] and [Fatal Element] are all based on percentage damage. Bonus, the bonus to damage is higher.

After the selection, Rose chose five reward options-[Advanced Power Endurance], [Advanced Power Intelligence], [Elemental Cells], [spell Overload], [Deadly Elements ].

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