Chapter 160 The Rich Harvest

Ross holds a little fellow in one hand and feeds it with blood in the other. The time has lasted for nearly an hour, and the backup [recovery potion] in Rose is almost consumed. When it was empty, the little fellow who almost broke his belly loosened his mouth and fell asleep in Rose's hands.

After the little fellow ate, Rose's long-awaited panel information finally popped out.

[The blood contract is completed, you have taken over a juvenile insect race pet]

[The pet is not named, please name the pet]

Ross will Naagh casually The name of La Rose's favorite pet was entered-Magmanda.

[The naming is successful, you get a pet-Magmanda]

Ross clicks to the attribute panel of Magmanda.


[Race: insect race]

[Level: 1]

[attribute: Strength: 20; Agility: 15; Stamina: 18; Intelligence: 10]

[Skill 1——Battle Roar (upgradeable): Increase the probability of a 10% critical strike to friendly units within ten yards. Duration: 1 magic hour]

[Skill 2-Flesh Swallowing: By swallowing high-energy flesh, it quickly restores health and growth, and the growth rate matches the energy in the flesh]


[Skill 3-Blood Contract (upgradeable): 20% of the damage suffered by the contract owner will be borne by Magmanda. When Magmanda's blood volume is less than 20%, stop sharing the damage]

【Skill 4-Poisonous Bite (upgradeable): When Magman's poisonous head bites an enemy, it bursts out with poisonous power. If the target power is lower than Magmanda, it will Fall into a toxic paralysis, the duration of the paralysis is 2-10 seconds]

[Skill 5-Lava Breath (upgradeable): Magmanda uses the lava head to up ahead a wide range of lava, skill damage Depends on your fire skill level]

[Skill 6-Rage: When your HP is less than 50%, Magmanda will enter a rage state, increasing its strength by% Thirty, the attack speed is increased by 30%]

[Explanation: Magmanda hatches in the insect nest mother body. It has great potential. At the same time, it is extremely eager for the flesh and blood of powerful creatures. Flesh and flesh will make it stronger]

"Fuck! Level 1 has an initial attribute of 63 points."

When Roston was stared wide-eyed, I thought of myself pitifully With only a fraction of the four-point initial attribute, Rose almost couldn't help simmering Magmanda in a pot!

True. People are not as good as dogs series!

In addition to the initial attributes that are completely crushed, Magmanda’s six skills are also extremely powerful. Needless to say, the battle roar, 10% crit, is simply synonymous with violence, and it is also a group Crit, whether it is Rose or Pandora, battle roar can raise the output to a level.

You don’t need to go into details when swallowing flesh and blood, and you’re done!

The blood contract shares 20% of the damage, which is comparable to the affix effect of [Doomsday Battle Armor], and it can also be upgraded. This powerful defensive skill is matched with Rothgog to the extreme plus point. Ross's battlefield survivability is comparable to a heavy armored warrior.

The poisonous bite seems to have a mediocre effect, but don’t forget that Magmanda also has a rage skill, such a high base strength, coupled with the increase of rage power, when it enters the mature period , Even Legendary Grade powerhouse, it is difficult to pass the judgment of toxic paralysis, this is a very powerful control skill.

With Rose’s violent flame magic, once controlled, it means a devastating blow.

The attack of Lava Breath is no better than Rose's lava burst, but it is a unit attack. At least Magmanda will not be afraid of a large-scale low-level battle strength siege. After the maturity period, a lava breath will continue. I'm afraid it's enough to kill a large bronze or even silver target in seconds.

As for the final rage, with Ross's fighting habit, rage during the battle will inevitably become the permanent effect of Magmanda.

Ross glanced at his information panel, the original skill [Elemental Summon. Lava Fire Wolf] has disappeared, replaced by a new skill-summon: Magmanda.

Although Magmanda is recognized as an insect race, its essence is recognized as a summon creature, and it occupies a skill position independently.

Ross tried to dissipate the magic power of sustaining summon, Magmanda instantly disappeared from his hand and entered the summon space.

After handling Magmanda, Rose glanced at the task panel, and both [Destroy the insect nest] and [Suppress the insect nest] have been shown as complete.

These two are difficult silver missions. Although [destroying insect race] only rewards some attribute points, in this battle Rose destroyed 24 sub-insect nests and 1 insect nest. The main body, although the more than ten sub-insect nests behind the pass are not included in the task, this task also brings a full 440 points of free attribute, the task income is almost bursting, but Rose also knows that with his current strength, in the future Even if there are similar tasks, the rewards will not be so generous.

The task reward of this game is intelligently floating. The lower the strength, the higher the reward for completing difficult tasks. Even if the player triggers the task, it is basically impossible to complete, speaking from a certain perspective. It is tempting players to die.

[Destroy the insect nest completed]

[Task evaluation: Silver]

[Mission settlement, you destroy 24 sub-insect nests, an insect race The maternal body received a total of 440 free attribute rewards]

Seeing the free attribute points on the panel, Roston became more interested.

"It's worth my hard work for half a year!"

Ross decisively added 200 attributes to endurance, and the remaining 240 attributes, all I ordered stamina.

After the attribute was clicked, Rose's naked endurance instantly reached 263 points. The naked intelligence exceeded endurance for the first time, approaching 300, reaching an astonishing 294 points.

"A piece of equipment of the golden level can only add 300 attributes at most, excluding the affix effect. This task is comparable to a piece and a half of golden preparation. If you can come a few more, my The attribute value is probably approaching the threshold of 1000 points!"

Ross glanced at his equipment and realized that although he had not completed the advanced level yet, after putting on the equipment, his endurance was almost touched. The ceiling is up.

1000 points attribute is the upper limit of attributes for all characters in the current version, even if it is elemental catastrophe. Annabel, the default supreme powerhouse, the attribute value does not have a breakthrough 1000 points, which is the limit of the silver rank , Even wearing equipment can’t break through.

"[Destroy insect nest] all provided me with 440 points of attribute value, [Exterminate the wormhole] is more difficult, and what surprise can it give me!"

[ Eliminate the wormhole, it can be completed]

"Submission is complete!"

[Suppress the wormhole, complete]

[Task evaluation: Silver]

[Task Settlement: You have achieved 80% of the task completion degree in total, and the completion evaluation is excellent]

[Reward drawing...]

"If you can remove the blood shadow .Amis and Scarlet Insect Adept. Kullin’s kills, I am afraid it will be perfect to complete the evaluation. This difficulty is too high. Even if the Seventh Army comes out to do this task, I am afraid that it will not get a perfect evaluation. Scarlet Insect Adept. Kurinna is too wily old fox, it is almost impossible to kill him."

Suddenly, a burst of silver rays of light flashed by, and the information prompt arrived as scheduled.

[The reward draw is complete, you have the powerhouse pass (silver)]

Looking at the silver pass lying quietly in the package, Rose was stunned for an instant .

"Am I a transfer? This thing will appear!"

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